Music: Canelita 

Choreography: Ms. Molina

Editorial – Ms. Wilson

Within the past several weeks, the dancers have explored the Flamenco style, working in rhythms of 4, mastering coordination with the upper and lower body, isolations of their wrist and arms (Flores and braceo), and finding their “aire” also known as “character” when performing this style. This piece shows an upbeat, vibrant, and flavorful side to Spanish Dance and is enjoyed by many. 


Zihomara Mercado – Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School

Laila Lumas-Sanchez – Ogden International High School

Ravion Stevens – Phillips Academy High School

Alexsia Portillo – John F. Kennedy High School

Kwon Boyd – Chicago Vocational High School

Alexsia Portillo – John F. Kennedy High School

Briana Samano – Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School

Teaching Artists: Wilfredo Rivera, Ethan Kirschbaum, Nalanie Molina

CPS Teacher: Melinda Wilson, Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School

es_MXEspañol de México