3D Ferris Wheel

Anonymous: Ferris Wheel

Anonymous: Devilman

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

animal in cage

Tyson Madison: Day 16, Trap

Anonymous: Mushy the mushroom

Sofia Ramirez: Stay as You Are

Black knight drawn on lined paper

Anonymous: Untitled

Map of Chicago made out of words and letters

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of streets of Mexico

Bryan Dominguez: Untitled

Illustration with text thanking grocery store workers, on a white background with pattern edge.

Maximilian Bardy: Untitled

A zentangle drawing of the letter C with different patterns and colors

Anonymous: Zentangle

Colorful drawing of a bird

Edward Vickman: Untitled

Drawing with many squares of different objects. Squares in a diagnol line read "THI."

Thi Nguyen: Untitled

person whose face is in shadow, with a patterned yellow shirt

Francesca Jolly: Two Toned Portrait

Anonymous: Organic Shapes

Watercolor Panda

Aurora Christensen: Untitled

Anonymous: Chili snake

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling

Mized media drawing of facial features with squiggly lines. Large face on the bottom left with three eyes

Aya Holloway: Fish Tank

side view of crocodile head

Carmelo Munoz: Crocodile & Mosquito

Two figures holding hands in front of a blue background

Anika Copeland-Richards: City Skies

A metal necklace with a round shape

Anonymous: Parzenica Necklace

Self portrait of person in red and blue. Half of picture is red, half is blue.

Montserrat Brizuela: Self-Portrait

Pants sewn together using a floral patterned fabric. The flowers are red and pink and the background is tan.

Anonymous: Floral Blanket Pants

Colored pencil illustration

Matthew Hernandez: Solo Creadores

Mia Van Praag: Beautiful Black Tulip

Anonymous: Untitled

person with ice cream cone on sidewalk in front of her

Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream

Abstract painting of sky at night

Naomi Makapedua: Starry Galaxy

Drawing of buildings and hearts

Bruno Salinas: The City of Faces

Lucas Gazdziak: African Animals

Embroidery of two hands touching

Anonymous: Unraveled progression

Red pipe cleaner is wrapped around two purple pom poms which make feet. Above, the red pipe cleaner wraps around an orange and pink pom pom which makes a head that has two googly eyes.

Anonymous: The Figures 2

Anonymous: What You See

3 Pink flowers with purple and blue watercolor painted edges.

Anonymous: Growing

Abstract black and white linework and patterns with features of colors and lettering stating Poetic Rockstar

Mia B: The Definition of Poetic Rockstar

Jala Dowd: Stunt

White masks with mosaic mirror

Dominique Moran: Untitled

A digital drawing of a wolf with one eye

Anonymous: The Lone Star

Jordyn Washington: Sisters

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins: Madam Pearl

monochromatic acrylic painting from Picasso's Blue Period

Anonymous: Blue

Sculpture of a silver hand

Adrian Lemus: Untitled

Audrey Hancock: Am I ‘other?’

A Raisin In The Sun By Annika Alfaro - Mama Monologue

Annika Alfaro: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

Red sculpture with tongue-like limbs coming out from the base

Anonymous: Tongue

Watercolor painting of an eye

Bella Ramos: Eye

portrait of person with curly hair looking at viewer

Esmeralda Avila-Marquez: Charcoal Portrait

Taliah Thompson: Night Lights

Portrait of a Marvel character done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Eyes of Blue Steele

person with long hair and fangs

Veronica Gipson: Day 5, Fangs

Clay pinch pot

Anonymous: Pinch Pot

Drawing of a girl looking at a mermaid in a pond with sea creatures and dolphins around them, and birds on the shore.

Anonymous: The Mermaid

Series of 9 escalating images of a cartoon character.

Anissa Aguilar: Untitled

Digital artwork of the character Baraka from Mortal Combat. A figure with arms crossed over chest, spears attached to arms. Figure is smiling with sharply pointed teeth.

Ann Duong: Baraka

Painting of a sunflower

Ruby Zavala: Sunflower

digital drawing of cat eyes and nose on black background

Anonymous: Blact Cat

Circles, triangles, and squares colored in multiple colors

Anonymous: Shaped Freedom

A black woman surrounded by shards of color.

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Jewel of Congo

Watercolor study of various colors.

Vianney Torres: Colors

Malina Joyce: Summer Swings

Drawing of a girl with black hair with a heart next to her

Anonymous: Untitled

person jumping through portal holes

Henry De Luca: Day 10, Doors

Scratchboard drawing of a cat laying on its side.

Anonymous: In Focus

crazy sonic

Chauncey Kennedy Jr.: Crazy Sonic

Sculpture of metal pins with blue paint

Anonymous: Untitled

A collage of a landscape view of a cemetery at night.

Zora Alleyne: Landscape Collage

Black and white drawing of a person with a bag on a background that evokes outer space

Nia Langley: Time Traveler

Green Frankenstein on Purple Background

Delilah Whitlock: Untitled

Illustration of cartoon characters.

Anonymous: Goddess of Life and death

Alondra Morales: The Painting

Christine Meinders: Niña de oro

Sculpture of pinecones and leaves in the shape of a bat

Anonymous: Bat Hanging From a Tree

Nia Bakari: A Piece

B/w Abstract shapes with eyes inside.

Anonymous: Eye Plants

Digital drawing of natural elements.

Huiyun Jiang: Journey through living

Dark center figure with white background

Nicole Rouse: Drowning

Anonymous: Graceful Arcs

Black and white painting of a night with silhouette images: Barren landscape with some trees, upon which a child is singing. Dog, birds and moon in background.

Jennifer Rojas: Untitled

Digital drawing of a room with pink carpet. There is a wooden desk and chair, pictures on the wall, and a skateboard and guitar next to the desk.

Anonymous: Quarantine

self portrait

Rae Jones: Self Portrait #3

Jayla Pittman: Mind Overload

Haily Roman: End Human Trafficking

Lorenzo Beasley: Spongebob

Three brown ceramic containers

Kiana Pan: Untitled

Blue and purple toned digital artwork of backlit person surrounded by squiggly lines

Anonymous: Mocha Final choice project

A smiley face with rainbows and a checker pattern

Ashley Loera: Smile

Child in teal shirt wearing a hat of white paper with fronds and cut strips covering their face

Atul Shiwakoti: Crazy Jester Hat

Cat graphic

Jaden Williams: Untitled

A person looking into a broken mirror

Sam Meece-Potowski: Fractured Portrait

Drawing of shop interior with 3 shoppers and a store cat.

Max Mikunas: Downtown Market

A Raisin In The Sun By Laylah Freeman - Ruth Monologue

Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

Ebunoluwa Adesida: Dis_tor_tion

person with fangs and cut on cheek on red circle

Eliya Torres: Day 5, Fangs

Anonymous: Lost Lake

Painting of a body on a multicolored, abstract background

Evelyn Mindel: Faces

Haneen Abed Al Qader: Pumpkins

electric guitar

Itzel Saenz: Day 12, Rock

An oil pastel and marker drawing of a hand holding a love letter from a secret admirer addressed to Pearl.

Anonymous: Unknown Love Letter

Drawing of a boy's face with flag patches on it

Anonymous: Dhruvinator

Monochromatic orange photograph at a dramatic angle mainly of the subject's jawline and right ear.

Karen Hernandez: Untitled

Anime character with pink hair

Bahgh Muthana: Untitled

Photography of a dragonfly under dramatic lighting.

Anonymous: DRAGONFLY

Colorful abstract drawing

Chloe Liow: Untitled

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

Dot painting of rabbit

Anonymous: Jackrabbit

Collage with anatomy and book scraps.

Anahi Alcala: Physically Unharmed

person in dinosaur cloak

Jordan Allen: Day 15, Dinosaur

Drawing of planets, faces, and all kinds of colorful things

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

Paper cut out of pink and blue girl

Galia Quezada: Untitled

Irish and British flag merged on top of each other

Andrew Irving: Untitled

A digital drawing of a bulldog with spots of color on its face

Daniel Alvarez: Bulldog

Page is split into squares through black lines that make rows and columns. There is a green clover painted in the middle of the page and other colors surround it.

Anonymous: Stained Glass Four Leaf Clover

Auttum Thomas: Sound Poem

Picture of a person in a white sweater in front of a brick wall

Carlos Alanis Savila: About Me

Charlesa Thompson: Parallel Opposites

sunset with tree

Generson Blanco Vidal: Tree Silhouette at Sunset

robot and person talking

Raylen Reed: Robot-Human

Illustration of 2 flowers in blues and whites

Anonymous: Dark Side of Flowers

Metal sculpture with pencils

Anonymous: Pencil Test

Drawing of shapes, lines, and colors

Anonymous: Patterns

A digital portrait of a person in long hair. They are looking back at the viewer. The background is a geometric blue and green pattern.

Anonymous: Vector Portrait

Jaquelin Rios: Untitled

Collage of multicolored flowers on background that reads "We Are Machines."

Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human

Painting of person with brown hair facing forward

Amesyah Flowers: In the Style Of…


Abisai Luis: The Grave

Anonymous: Feelings on Creatures

Colored pencil drawing. Still life of bananas, avocado, and apples on a brownish red surface with a red background.

Hong Nguyen: Untitled

Red and green paint over a book page to reveal a poem

Alyssa Jones: Pink

A painting of a boy wearing a mask surrounded by among us characters

Bradley Horn: The Boy Around the Among Us

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Alison Vargas: Antonio + Asim

An abstract photograph with hot pink colors and bright light.

DaJanae Hester: Untitled

purple lotus flower made of geometric shapes

Matilda Mulder: Lotus Flower

Silhouette of a black boy/man with a yellow crown and a purple background.

Tyrience Bell: Black Kind

Drawing of a girl standing in front of the words "Drama Queen."

Ian David Mendieta: Drama Queens Be Like

blob monster with eyes

Henry De Luca: Day 9, Eyes

Abstract painting with light colors

Fatima Choudhry: Was I your home?

Jasmine Cline: Peace of Mind

Drawing of a family of owls

Sophia Klinger: Untitled

Alex Magill: Mountain Lake

A photo of a person.

Anonymous: Untitled

b&w dog

Rosaura Moreno: Untitled

Jack Ekeberg: Untitled

Digital Artwork of woman holding a candle

Vivian S: Growth

Drawing of a green dragon standing on the mountain. Its tail wraps around the whole mountain as it breathes out a bit of red fire.

Anonymous: Dragon Mountain

Drawing of frogs at a diner and planets in the background.

Anonymous: Sprigs Diner

A drawing of a bird with colorful feathers and a yellow background

Johanna Wood: The Golden Phoenix

People holding Ukrainian flags in front of "Cloud Gate"

Christina Poprych: Support Ukraine

Photograph of orange fall leaf on tree.

Flavio Martin: Fall

Daniela Salgado: Falling

Black paper with multi-colored pencil drawing featuring road with trees in background, and person behind camera taking a photo of a person sitting on a bench under a street light

Gabriela M: Untitled

Drawing of a girl eating

Anonymous: Elena

Fatima Marquez: Árbol colorido

A painting of an avocado cut in half with a green background

Yuv Parmar: Untitled

Anonymous: Lavender Willow

Anonymous: Pattern Portrait

Meadow Meza: Soiled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Smila Gaulkin: Molly

food being picked over

Rachel DeVeyra: Picky Eater

Colored pencil illustration

Darlene Guzman: A Reason

A shield with nature-inspired designs and a feather detail

Sophia Migliore: Native Americans Shield

Clay sculpture of tribal mask.

Anonymous: Princess Mononoke Mask

A painting of a girl with short hair and a question mark next to her head

Untitled: Self Portrait

Kijah Woods: Untitled

still life of plant

Caroline Mpinganjira: Family Members

Anonymous: Self-Portrait showing movement and Light

Splatter paint yellow, pink and green

Juliette Wheatley: Splatter

Pearl Conlon: Conlon Pearl

person looking up at crown saying "It's okay... it's over."

Jordan Allen: Day 19, Over

Painting of a still life with various objects including a piggy bank and deck of cards

Anonymous: Still Life


Anthony Aguilar: Untitled

Edana Lynch: Lysol

Re-interpretation of Picasso's The Old Guitarist

Maasiah Madison: The Old Guitarist

Anonymous: Snake

Two photos of grayscale sides of buildings, framed with blue tiles in an abstract pattern linked between the two.

Kate Gallagher: Window to the City

Three abstract shapes: blue, green, and red

Anonymous: Untitled

Rainbow watercolor splatter

Nessa Hockin: Watercolor

Gael Zamudio: Found Environment, Reja

Drawing of a forest with mushrooms

Ruby Drexler: Untitled

Surreal landscape with red river, Chicago skyline, transparent face, and shoreline.

Joshua Aco: Still Lying Down

painting baby flowers smiling

Esmeralda Hinojosa-Daniel: The Beauty of Life

Genevieve Teplitz: Untitled

Abstract drawing in blue marker

Anonymous: Untitled

Reagan Simpson: Circles


Yashvi Mundhra: Untitled

Three dogs left is brown and laying down middle is laying down and has a splotchy black and white coat right is sitting up and has completely white fur

Eve Oppenheim: Felted Dogs

Leaf drawing print in ink

Anonymous: Untitled

Diamond Cross: The Ocean and the Sky

Person with fire above their fingertip

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire

animation of black converse high tops walking

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: Not the Time

Abstract colorful drawing with a lot of random shapes

Leo Gonzalez: Star Knight

Digital drawing of a kitchen

Anonymous: Kitchen

Graphite drawing of a person's face with short hair

Lilliane Shen: Sunshine in My Eyes

Painting of a bear with trees in the background

Emma Kohberger: Playful

Black and white drawing of fabric

Isabela Torres: Entwine

Anime character creation

Yariancis Acosta: Untitled

fox in a cage

Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap

pencil portrait

Nayan Sunilkumar: Megan Fox

Drawing of outdoor scene with mountains

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo of an interior room with a multicolored light on the wall.

Tristen Molina: Lights in the Night

torso in gray, red, green, and purple

Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure

Philipp Ulyanov: The Kraken and The Boat Mug

Photo of someone glassblowing.

Anonymous: Pearl

Stop motion animation of green person playing basketball

Lucila Cerna: Jugando Basquetbol (Playing Basketball)

Daniela Salgado: Autumn Sky

A painting with a purple sky and a large moon with its reflection on the water.

Jameela Kahleen Sanchez: Purple

Anonymous: Lost In Time

Fernanda Lemus: Still Life

Black and white collage of squid and eyes on a watercolor wash background of pinks and yellows

Alicia Figueroa: White Surface

Kaitlyn Huante: Still Life

red, black, and white collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of two overlapping hills with a tree on one.

Ezekiel Bizarro: Untitled

color scheme

Trevon Jones: Color Theory (pic 2)

Alex Chitnis: Bubble Bath

Carielis Granera: Grey

face made of twisted fabric

Conner Rhaburn: Squareface Man

Detailed black paper cut outs layered over white paper.

Madeline Trinh: Untitled

Painting of white skyscraper

Amesyah Flowers: Perspective

3 story building

Ashley Calderon: Untitled

Drawing of people at the farm portion at the zoo

Matthew Chung: Thankful for Lincoln Park Zoo

Anonymous: Pink Punk


Benjamin Lopez: Night Eagle

A white mask of a Catrina figure with a blue paper crown

Gabriela Murcia: La Catrina

Digital drawing of fox.

Cristian Ramos-Perez: Untitled

A woman crying blood

Aaliyah Borges: Saint’s Wrath

Two trees lit up from within in a white box

Aidan Rodriguez: Simple Village

red dragon in baseball hat

Leonard Pochel: What?!?

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

Watercolor painting of a dark colored fish.

Anonymous: Black, Blue, Grey Fish

colorful sloth made in acrylic paint

Anonymous: Amigo

red panda

Hailey Rodden: Red Panda

Anonymous: Untitled

on a island

Anonymous: Untitled

Female wearing a red scrunched up dress standing in a body of water

Charlotte Ochstein: Reef Bleaching Garment

Daniel Koval: A Prompt

Crayon drawing of a butterfly

Anonymous: The Hungry, Hungry Butterfly

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Gyaru

watercolor pencil colorful orbs circles

Rachel Sick: I Won’t Make You Wait

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Christian Whitehead – Noble/DRW HS

A drawing of a peacock on a pastel pink background

Sattery Tum: Peacock

Cut paper collage of purple people throwing ball back and forth with blue people

Jaelin Williams-Presley: Snow Fight (Tell Me A Story)

A wearable sculpture made of rainbow party beads and a white feather boa

Anonymous: IDENTITY

ink image of a door

Javier Rojas: Untitled

Noemi Lopez: Reflections

Sculpture of a skateboarder on a ramp.

Will Bubness: Blaze

A drawing of colorful shapes and forms including purple and blue spheres and yellow rectangles.

Olivia Lynn Gomez: Untitled

Drawing of a green creature

Aidan Sanchez: Untitled

Two faces, one purple and the other red with yellow eyes and black hair

Anonymous: ??? (Aka to murasaki)

Javier Rojas: Untitled

bloody person in a black and white dress holding a knife

Kaitlyn Huante: Halloween

Patrianna Scales: Sliding Out Of Silence

Anonymous: Mom

Anonymous: Souls Stuck in Suds

Portrait of person with a ponytail and glasses looking to the left.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Black and white drawing of a boy in front of a house

Katelyn Martinez: Self Portrait

Pencil drawing of frogs on leaves with a flower.

Iris Lei: 3 Little Speckled Frogs

portrait of person using purples and greens on black background

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Naileyah Moran: Untitled

Anonymous: Color of Emotion

we rise

Sinead Talty: 7th grade Maya Angelou collaboration

A group of axolotls swimming in a pool of bright blue water

Kim Balbuena: Swimming Away

Colorful abstract drawing.

Anonymous: World of Colour

Painting of a cake with fruit on top and a slice cut out

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a suspension bridge entering into a mountain.

Saul Ambriz: Untitled

Anonymous: Soulen

still life of American flag, hands, and other objects

Jessica Milagros Salinas Rodriguez: El Sueño Americano

Charcoal drawing of black figure's face floating in black liquid

Anonymous: Untitled

person drinking from a cup, rainbow background

Yadeliz Rosario: Jae-boem

investigating the corruption of governments

Norma Calderon: Accountant by Day, Bringer of Justice by Night

Louis Swingley: Broken Plate Pete

Ceramic sculpture of cinnamon swirls.

Anonymous: Cinnamon Swirls


Sujei Vasquez: Untitled

Jaylen Reed: New Social Order

image featuring hands holding a white mask repeating

Celia F: Many Faces

Illustration of two people on purple background surrounded by gender pronouns.

Nathalia Vaquero: Double Tap

Drawing of strawberry pocky

Brooklyn Marchi: Red Strawberries

Croc shoe with black and yellow background

Mikayla Glenn : Untitled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Veronica Ortiz: Untitled

Digital artpiece with many characters and objects like a ukulele and a melting pizza layered over each other in bright colors.

Anonymous: Stuck

painting mixed media bird tarot color

Julia Zhuravel: Untitled

Photo with a person in between trees.

Anonymous: Untitled

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Anonymous: Untitled

Series of self-portraits and lots of eyes in the background

Emma Alvarado: Growth

Figure drawing

Marlo Clutcher: Out of This World

sketch of person with their arm over their head

Amesyah Flowers: In the Style

Sculpture of two women with lines standing on either side of a rainbow flag

Anonymous: Community

Isabella Hernandez: Nativity

Drawing of a t-shirt. Front depicting a doctor holding money outside a hospital while a potential patient calls for help out of frame. The back shows this patient in a red hoodie under a rain cloud asking for help and looking at a huge hospital bill.

Lizbeth Botello: Calling out America!

Abstract paper collage

Amos Yu: Portuguese Sunset

Black person sitting on the roof of a white car, with another Black person leaning against the driver side door.

William Midgett: Undecided

clothing top with cats on it

Anonymous: Cat Hug

A woman's face with her bones showing in her neck.

Emaan Khan: Alternate Self Portrait

Drawing of a cozy, empty coffee shop.

Nectaria Nedelea: Coffee House

owl with blue sky and stars

Kaylee Zhang: Untitled

Gabriel Cajamarca: Box

Blue hand reaches up, boy in beaning, eyeballs, and purple half face all overlay eachother.

Anonymous: Composition

Close up photo of an orchid

Julia Stuenkel: Ghost Orchid

two people holding hands walking towards heaven with a locket on the ground behind them

Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket

b/w portrait and a face with paint drips

Maria Byers: Portraits

Face in a bubble with hands below

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich

Sculpture of 3 people sitting in 3 different position

Anonymous: Untitled

Ocieann Davis: Smile

perspective landscape on brown paper

Anonymous: Perspective

Anonymous: En mi Finca Hay Cosas Raras

Digital drawing of recording studio

Jaidyn Barnes: My Cozy Comfy Place

Hilde Shapiro Braddy: Hamantashen for Purim

Drawing of dragon in front of fire.

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital illustration of a person with audio editing imagery within their head against an abstract pink background.

YosiYah YisraEL: Music in my mind

Dinosaurs in suits

Alessandra Montero: Day 15, Dinosaur

photograph of mcdonalds packaging floating in puddle with leaves

Anh H: Polluted Puddle

Andrew Cox: Red Dragon

Painting of a woman with brown hair and a mustard background

Anonymous: Feeling A Bit Tired

Drawing of children at the playground.

Anonymous: When Coronavirus Is Over

Collage with hand, heart, flowers, and people

Anonymous: Untitled

Lake and blue sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing faces green blue

Peyton Warren: Untitled

Purple, pink, and aqua painting of a rocket.

Katelyn Rodriguez: The Rocket!

sketch of person with their arm over their head

Edana Lynch: Halloween 2

Sculpture of protest with Black Lives Matter sign at the top

Anonymous: Untitled

heartbeat illustration

Chloe Hill: Heartbeat

Graphite still-life of a succulent in a pot, a bluetooth speaker, and several drawing implements scattered around.

Romina Greco: Self Object Portrait

Body with fire around it and on it.

Jordan Allen: Weekend 3, Fire

Sureelaist image of octopi, frying pans, eggs, and clouds

Taylor Quach: Untitled

self portrait blue orange girl

Fallon Latin: Untitled

pink, purple, yellow, red, blue stripes with stick figure family

Annaliah Garcia: A Rainbow House for my Family

Paper mache mask with symbols, patterns, and colors on it.

Anonymous: Gema

Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway

Photograph of hands holding up flowers with tan and orange background

Anonymous: The Offering

Anonymous: Untitled

An illustration of four girls riding a shopping cart

Anonymous: Jen and Friends at the Supermarket

A blue sky with black silhouette of trees and a moon.

Ines Vinsel: Moonlight

Henry Pyskacek: End It at Home

Drawing of a girl in ap ink shirt with lemons in the background

Martha Dunfee: Untitled

Colored portrait of a person.

Anabel Perez: Self-Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful portrait of half of a person's face.

Anonymous: Strength

A polaroid of a painting of apples.

Anonymous: Market Apples

chalice and purple cloth

Jocelyn Delgado: Study

Drawing of a flower. The inner petals are pink and purple and the other petals are a greyish green. Each petal is textured with horizontal or vertical lines.

Charlotte Preusser: The Flower of Colors

Nayali Guzman: HOME SWEET HOME!

mixed media piece

Julia Baran: Set on Nature

Nora McDermott: Changes

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

painting of young girl

Anizee Willis: Herself

Keith Haring figures

Santino Cantore: Untitled

Black and white pencil drawing of three nurses wearing face masks.

Leilah Flores: Heroes

Sara Gitner: Crumbling Skyscraper

Clare Krippner: Eye

An acrylic painting of a moon over a blue and red night sky. There are tree silhouettes at the bottom of the piece.

Anonymous: Coming Night

Illustration of cats as humans riding the train.

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

Painting of a man in a trench coat under the phrase Porco Rosso

Eve Oppenheim: Porco Rosso Cover

photograph of red and yellow bird sculpture

Yasmyn S: Sunset Serenade

Pencil drawing of a shoe

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a top-down view of a person crying. On their head is a red pattern that spills onto the persons hands.

Anonymous: Break In

Lola Dale: Yoshimi

Two sided image. On one side, a woman in a pink hijab cries with her head in her hands, a war scene behind her. On the other side she looks determined with a serene, natural background behind her.

Tayler Brooks: Untitled

Illustration of a person wearing sunglasses holding a taco and the words "Taco Bryan"

August Betke: It’s Taco Bryan

Photograph of woman with webbed hands and acrylic nails covering her face.

Anonymous: Hidden

person with horns and sword in fire

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 3, Fire

Circles, triangles, and squares in multiple colors

Anonymous: Sculpted Happiness

Painting of a person with two long dark braids and clear eye glasses. They are seated with their arms raised to face. A milkshake is next to them.

Madinah Rush: Madinah – self portrait

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Danielle Mitchell: Noble Superior

Abstract painting of a dinosaur

Nico Borovicka: Dianosaur

A collage of a little girl in a yellow dress with trees in the background

Laura Perez: Random Dream

Hannah Boegen-Stork: Rainbows

Section faces of color

Jonathan Licea: Cubist Portrait

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Anyah Thompson, Carielis Granera, Emily Forrest: Corpse 15

Drawing in red ink of a hibiscus flower, an arm crushing a pomegranate in its wrist, and a anatomical heart.

Karen Aleman: Nectar of the Gods

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

Anonymous: Peace of Mind

Anonymous: Time is Fading

Umm... in a green bubble

Esperanza Martinez-Zellars: Umm…

Various images of faces screaming on a blue and purple tinted outdoor background

Anonymous: The Scream

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

Photo of trees in the snow

Sadia Marshall: Snow in black and white

A young woman wearing a grey hoodie and white glasses is illustrated in front of a brown background with white polka dots. She wears a blue badge on her sweater.

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Anonymous: Untitled

Samantha Franco: Sleeping Cat with Hand

digital photography

Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid

Charlesa Thompson: Finding Something to Love

Vase painting

Anonymous: Untitled

Nancy Rodriguez: Ivory Print

Toy ram with green eyes

James Uphues: Stop Motion

spooky character

Serenity Smith: Jive talking

Two illustrations of girls in dresses

Anonymous: Twins from far away…

An abstract artwork with parts of a face showing including eyes and a mouth with leaves and purple detail

Chloe Hatcher: THIS IS ME

Drawing of a heart in the middle of a green park

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white collage of a skeleton standing next to a person on train tracks

Mia Roldan: Untitled

iPad drawing, Print

Xavier Zuniga: Xavier

pencil illustration

Sara Gitner: Untitled

A drawing of a girl holding a puppy

Enisa Khan: My true friend and a priceless treasure

Graphite drawing of a street with buildings on the side and a person walking down the middle

Anonymous: New York

A large dinosaur walks behind a much smaller person.

Anonymous: Weight and Height

A drawing of a big pink dinosaur on green grass

David Martinez: Dinosaur

Pink illuminated hazy image of a room.

Grace Woodson: Haze

Charlesa Thompson: Charlesa

Alejandro Giron: Family Portrait After Death

"2021" with images inside each number

Alan Ruiz: 2021 Goals

Heidi Wier: The Outfit I was Wearing for Valentine’s Day

A line drawing of a girl with short hair under some clouds

AubrieAnna Talbott: Untitled

Jaeden Fields: Photo Mar 22 2024, 2 10 53 PM

Jordyn Washington: Waters

drawing of people drinking on the left, collage of found images on the right

America Valencia-Alvarez: Collage and Reframe

Anonymous: Todoro Rainbow

Drawing of a woman in a red dress

Anonymous: Hamilton

Photograph of swing with sun and trees in background

Nida L: Beginning

person holding a green doll in a can and a sword

Jocelyn Delgado: Halloween Figure

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a character sitting over a city.

Anonymous: Robata

A Latin Jazz style dance number.

Dance: In The Rhythm

Yellow and orange Flowers in vase

Marcela Sanchez: A Happy Bouquet

Self Portrait with complementary colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Jennifer Lopez: Significant Objects

Surrealist colorful key hole

Elizabeth Aguilar: Camping

Drawing of a boy with patterned hair

Anonymous: Muhammad Yousuf Arbi Jr.

A smiling cat is drawing with many bright colors. Purple and orange line exude from the cat.

Anonymous: A Cat of Many Colors

Sheena Camat: Untitled


Annabelle Liang: Untitled Notan Design

Painting of a bridge with a boat inside a circle

Henry Bao: The Bridge, Cottage, and the Stream

Brooke Darland: Brainstorm

Colored pencil drawing of driver with rainbow and birds in the sky.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a hand that says "Be you, the world will adjust"

Chhaya Sharma : Spiraling Circles

Drawing of a knight.

Aidan Olson: Untitled


Anonymous: Space Ceramics

Anonymous: Beast

A Found Footage Video.

Alexis Thomas: Image & Sound

bear on a unicycle

Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap

Colorful abstract drawing of a face

Reed Baldwin: Untitled

Maya Avila: Lion With a Big Mane

Collage of a window view of a vespa outside, with indoor elements of a helmet on a table.

Elena Gerick: Bedroom View

A pencil drawing of stair cases going nowhere

Solome Abebe: Stairs

digital illustration

Lilian Gragert: Lilys Comfy Cozy Place

mask decorated with gold grown, red wings, and fish scales

Angelo Velazquez : Poseidon


Sofia Ramirez: Spend your days with someone special!

Cityscape made of paper

Wyatt Gilmore: City

Simona Nelson: Exploding with Potential

Colorful underwater scene

Anonymous: Trent’s henri rousseau aquatic

Drawing is split into a grid of squares. Each one contains a different drawing, symbol, and background. There is a square with a taco, a square with the state farm logo, and more.

Jake Botensten: Jake Short

Anonymous: Present-day flowers

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Carolina Jimenez: Aberdeen Grand

Khristo Reyes: Urban Shark

Kenya Perez: La Banda Del Carro Rojo

"Chilly" in b/w block letters

Donald Richard: Day 1, Chill

drawing of person with long pigtails

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 3, Dungeon

Painting of a white dog on an orange chair.

Audrey Uspensky: Spot Puppy

Anonymous: Raccotter


Anonymous: Apex Sound

Anonymous: Flamingo

R rainbow background

Anonymous: Untitled

Zoey Shepherd: Candy

bloody wolf head on a locket

Tyson Madison: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Trinity Rice: The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

person reaching towards a glowing moon

Rebecca Leal: In the Style of

Photo of shadow in puddle.

Lanyia Robinson: Abstract Details

Drawing of a bunch of rooms with cats in them

Hannah Lou: Untitled

Mixed media

Jennifer Villasana : Societys standards

Picture of a person wearing glasses with headphones in

Lauriana Nadjinger: Dear Letter

Leslie Illescas: Honest Man Defined

digital image of dolls

Itzel Saenz : Untitled

Livi Williams: OVERWHELMED

Vanessa Garcia: Jedi in Training

Drawing of several blocks of houses during winter

Hanfei Chavez: Winter Landscape

A weeping face, covered by hands, superimposed over a close-up photo of blue butterflies and a wide shot of sunflowers in a field.

Claudia Oveido: Surrealist Identity

Beckett Fox: Abstract Feelings

Ezzat Naya Casiano: The Windy Day

A diptych artwork with bright, colorful, wavy lines and partial faces looking out.


Jayla Pittman: Broken Figure Who Couldn’t Try

abstract drawing

Kassandra Plata: Untitled (Make Remake)

Four rectangles in the four corners of the painting: 1. Top left: A baby as a doctor with the words "La Doctora" on the bottom 2. Top right: A girl drawing on a wall with the words "La Soñadora" on the bottom 3. Bottom left: A woman clutching her throat with the words "La Decepcion" on the bottom 4. Bottom right: A female painting a fish on a wall that extends to the the center of the four depictions with the words "La Paz" on the bottom

Anonymous: Loteria

Person working on a table with pictures on the wall

Angelina Lemke: Untitled

Collage with faces and bright colors, painting with faces and muted colors

Selah Payne: Collage/Reframe

A circular design with lots of colors

Alexis Cabrera-Hernandez: Escaleras sin Fin

broken coffee cup

Veronica Gipson: Day 7, Accident

green ink print of chains

Joseph Morco: Flow Through the Chain

Pencil drawing of city buildings

Anonymous: Shading work

headshot of a women's head tilted up with her eyes closed

Charlie Vagnieres: Graceful

Drawing Little Girl

Anonymous: Little Girl

abstract shapes in red, blue, and yellow with black lines

Terrance Sanders: DAB!

Drawing of soul food flowing through the African Baobab tree. A colorful blue, pink, and green background is behind.

Noah Demus: Universoul

illustration of 4 creatures in the woods sitting on a tree branch

Kay Kmiec: The Creature in The Shadows

Girl putting on mascara whilst a soccer trophy is on the side of her

Shawn Richardson: O Captain, My Captain

person punching

Veronica Timble: Weekend 2, Night

Portrait with red and blue, devil and angel imagery

Oscar McDowell: Torn

Viviana Montes: COVID/Post COVID Comic Strip

Clay sculpture of anatomical heart with snake wrapped aroun it being held up by stand covered in gold gems

Anonymous: Strangled

Abstract drawing of circle, star, and triangle in red, green, and yellow

Anonymous: Untitled

Musical note collage of various colored paper

Odessa Rosen: Musical Note Mosaic

Anonymous: Personal Power

collage of people with many faces, painting of person with many faces and green hair

Tyler King: Collage/Reframe

Carving of plant and words onto old acoustic guitar.

Evelyn Basken: Orion

Pencil drawing of cartoon duck

Anonymous: Stuffed Duck

A graphic image of tiles in different colors

Anonymous: Tiles in color

Abstract image made from handprints

Rachel (Karl) Sick: Colorful Hands

Pink square head robot with flowers

Ellie Sandoval : Robot Girl

Drawing of red and orange dragon

Anonymous: Fire Dragon

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