fabric and paint mixed media body red orange yellow

Soren Hurley: Mx. Guts

2 photos, one of a dog, one of a cat

Anonymous: Thankful

Illustration of two people on purple background surrounded by gender pronouns.

Nathalia Vaquero: Double Tap

portrait of person wearing glasses looking to the left

America Valencia-Alvarez: Two Toned Portrait

Abstract painting.

Anonymous: Untitled

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

Drawing of table, skeletons around an oven, and decaying face

Samantha Franco: Works in Series

Red and yellow abstract drawing

Huma Ughratdar: The Unmasked Queen

Photograph of the shadows of hands on a window with a cross between them

Anonymous: Y Con Tu Espiritu

Drawings of the front and back of a dress.

Priyanshi Patel: Modern Yet Traditional

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Lost In Time

Emaiya McKay: New Horizon

Bright warm light spilling out the window of a house into a dark blue night

Genecis Gomez: Untitled

Paper collage of color wheel using paint and marker.

Kaaviya Khorana: Color Wheels

3D red Jeep from above.

Anonymous: Jeep car

painting of white building

Anonymous: Perspective

Digital drawing of recording studio

Jaidyn Barnes: My Cozy Comfy Place

Collage on right, line drawing on left of room with person with head in garbage can

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

A bust of a girl with long hair and buttons for eyes.

Anonymous: Bust of Cynthia

Noah Dinnegan: Noah Dinnegan

child with dinosaur on shirt

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur


Charles Keeble: Untitled

Painted still life with a My Little Pony

Anonymous: Still Life

Isa Walker: Frankenstein Montage

Samantha Franco: Sleeping Cat with Teeth


Chloe: Untitled

Person wearing large goggle glasses

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Picture of a sign that says "Warning: Abortion Victim Photos Ahead"

Anonymous: Warning

black and white scratchboard of people in trees.

Lorelai Rebbe: Unknown

A female character in a black outfit and swords on her back with facts written all around her

Anonymous: Woman

paper cut out of sun and moon, divided down the middle with additional moving arms

Arianna Hooker : The Sun and the Moon

Photograph taken across the street from a bus stopped at a crosswalk at night

Anonymous: Empty

still life of shelf with pencil cup, elephant, and venetian blind

Amesyah Flowers: Still Life

Brianna Kokoszka: Reality Versus Illusion

Anonymous: Mom and Dad are partying

A painting of red vase with yellow and blue flowers

Annalucia Leinwand: Flowers

Brown bunny

Anonymous: A Rainy Bunny

Anonymous: Boss Up

Foot that says "Self-esteem means knowing you are the dream. -Oprah Winfrey" surrounded by colorful patterns

Suncelia Lilley: You Are The Dream

Drawing of a skull and teddy bear

Anonymous: My Childhood Comfort Bear

Henry Colehower: The Brightest Jellyfish

Anonymous: Untitled

Group of objects in red, orange, yell, green, blue, and purple.

Samantha Faris: Musical Art

A pencil drawing of stair cases going nowhere

Solome Abebe: Stairs

Dragon walking over person hiding under bench

Tyson Madison: Day 19, Over

A pen and ink drawing tribute to chance the rapper. Chance the rapper is draw on the top left with a tape cassette, Kanye west and Mufasa below. The drawing has surrounded by words written down.

Anonymous: Blessings – Chance the Rapper

Davis Alvarez: IMG_6469

Anonymous: The Jungle

Anonymous: Family Portrait

Anonymous: Community Superhero

A drawing of a girl with black hair and a black face mask holding the peace sign

Alessandra Perez: Self Portrait

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

Molly Perez: Beauty in disguise

Face of cut paper with black paper on one side and white on the other.

Akira Brown: Untitled

A drawing of three girls

Anonymous: Super School

Yinu Wang: Color in darkness

Markers arranged to spell "HOME"

Victoria Thomas: Untitled

A Found Footage Video.

Zhiaea Mitchell: Image & Sound

Painting of a hut/ house standing on grey/ green ground. Background is a bright red sunset.

Anonymous: Looking for you Destiny

Anonymous: Frankenstein Montage

Rubbing of a leave with yellow, red, orange, green, and blue

Anonymous: Untitled

Bright flowers and a hand with constellations.

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital drawing of a person in gray curled into a ball falling through a gray sky.

Anastacia Torres: Anxiety

line drawing of four girls in different colors

Anonymous: Emotions

Drawing of a scary carved halloween pumpkin

Anonymous: Scary Halloween Pumpkin

Photo of sculptures including hinged box with stars and three other small star pieces

Eve O: Star collection

person with eyes looking at them

Jordan Allen: Day 7, Accident

Camille Raman: Untitled

lion collage

Natalie Li : Lion

Pencil drawing of a rat in a cowboy hat with a bandanna tied around its neck.

Joselyn Ramirez: Untitled

Azriel Villanueva: Coffee Break

Photo of rain drops on a window.

Byrionna Foots: The Rain

Sheet music

Anonymous: Melody and Harmony

black and white comic panels

Cheline Moncano: The Pandemic

Shadai Washington: Ice Cube

Drawing of a boy in a red shirt giving a double peace sign

Anonymous: Awesome Andy

A green and yellow bird sits on a brown tree branch. It is surrounded by vines and flowers near it and on the ground below it.

Anonymous: Nature

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of Godzilla with a black background

Cielo Zavala: GODZILLA

Anonymous: Vast Possibilities

collage of people and abstract painting

Kenna Threatt: Collage/Reframe

Julian Ramirez: MATCHUP (Stand off)

Drawing of hardware tools.

Alisa Zakharova: Untitled

2 heads of tiger-like animals with blue eyes and orange fur

Lalyla Smith: Animals looking into your soul

b/w drawing of people watching Netflix.

Veronica Gipson: Day 1, Chill

Collage with cutout words making two people and a tv.

Anonymous: Relatively Became A Thought

Drawing of two people with yellow background

Giovanny Reyes: The Brothers That Fight and The Brother That is a High Schooler

LaNyia Rivers: Kendra Monologue

Photograph of trees on edge of ocean

Ethan Longman: The precipice

Gabriela Fiumefreddo: Untitled

Abstracted futuristic cityscape.

Anonymous: Travelposter

Digital artwork of anatomical heart with split coloring of red and white

Anonymous: El corazon

mixed media piece with lace, blue, and plastic

Heidy Bautista: Spiritual Vision

scratch art

Jillian Coleman: Untitled

Pen and Ink drawing of a rabbit with a black background

Anonymous: Rabbit

Gray stone monster punching.

Donovin Stepney: Creature

Viviana Hernandez: I Am Beautiful.

Movie poster.

Victoria Bobadilla: The Sparrow Poster

Portrait of a person dressed up singing into a microphone

Elijah Bermejo: Self As David Bowie

A photography of what looks like red fabric in motion.

Damian Catalan: Diciembre

Clear blue skies with a singular beige house in a grassy green field

Geneva Bradley: Death and dying

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

A polaroid of a painting of apples.

Anonymous: Market Apples

Grettel Guzman: Not Your Mama’s Basic Egg Chilaquiles!

Mixed media with white background and abstract black lines painted on it. Red clay flower attached in middle of canvas

Aya M: Untitled

chicago fireworks pastel with glitter

Anonymous: Chicago Fireworks

Mixed media sculpture of hand pulling blue haired doll out of other page

Alexandra K: Escape Her

Anonymous: Devilman

Black person sitting on the roof of a white car, with another Black person leaning against the driver side door.

William Midgett: Undecided

Improvisation-Acting Edition: Park Bench

Person wearing headphones with abstract backgrounds with red, black, yellow, and glitter.

Eliana Huertas: Thoughts

Vertical text in pencil, in Arabic and two other scripts.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: All is Perfect in Art and Theatre

Red, orange, and yellow colored recipe. There is a drawing of a spicy wing in the top left corner, and striped borders at the top and bottom.

Virtual Kitchen: Onya Jones

Anonymous: Patterns

Nohemi Lopez-Moran: Untitled

black and white drawing of lines converging in the middle

Anonymous: Optical Illusion

Painting of Rubeus Hagrid. He has long brown hair and a long brown beard. His face is painted in shades of pink.

Anonymous: Rubeus Hagrid

Hudson Goodrich: The Grat Oshin

Warm colors with large figure

Joel Overstreet: People at the Beach

Chalk drawing of Breonna Taylor in a red sweater with blue background

Bailey Harris: Breonna Taylor

Anonymous: Untitled

perspective landscape on brown paper

Anonymous: Perspective

Jasmine Cline: Peace of Mind

Drawing of a character with fairy wings covering their face in a fetal position, standing atop a raised fist.

Vanyce Holmes: Freedom

Drawing of Homer Simpson with a donut and green tie

Anonymous: Homer Simpson

person reading a laptop with a teddy bear

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 2, Night

Jayla Pittman: My Sister Thinking

Amesyah Flowers: Still Life

comic strip

Amee Shah: Ohio Be Like…

Colorful torn paper collage

Anonymous: Springtime

Black baseball helmet flipped upside down with blue and orange flowers emerging on a spring.

Alicia Figueroa: Body

red, black, and white collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Self portrait

Collage work of a desert and horses with cowboys.

Agata Siwninska: A Trip

Embroidery of a house on white fabric

Mary Martorano: Where the Heart Is

Taliah Thompson: Tell of My Story

A drawing of a small white owl with a snowy, blue background.

Anonymous: Owl in the Snow

Anonymous: A Lost Legacy

Painting of green lion statue in front of blue sky and skyscraper.

Eloise Budzick: The Noble Art Lion

Yellow illustrated text that says "Lemon Boy"

Analise Briseno: Lemon Boy

A drawing of a red cardinal on a branch

Solome Abebe: Cardinal

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Nayali Guzman: James + Jaime

An abstract photograph with hot pink colors and bright light.

DaJanae Hester: Untitled

A graphite self-portrait drawing of a person with short hair and freckles.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Colorful painting of city scene

Giani Garcia: A City of Enchantment

Close-up photo of a birdhouse, open, with seashells, scout badges, and other objects within.

Zaria George: HIRAETH

Black and white drawing of a destroyer

Brennan Metzger: Destroyer 01-01

Camille Daley: Better Together

Photo of a girl's torso with an overlay of words

Zachary Janes: Lexemes

Detailed drawing with black pen. Face center with long hair and tears. A large lightbulb is in the upper right corner and another face blindfolded is bottom right. A tree spirals up from the bottom left. Clouds, moon and stars are present. Text is incorporated throughout the drawing.

Anonymous: Reality Inverted

Black and white paper cutouts forming what looks like lightning.

Anonymous: Evergreen Storm

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Tarrance Turner: Sliding Out Of Silence

Violet Sparks: Rainbow Rain 2

Green robot with 4 arms waving a brown flag.

Jayden Liang: My Robot

Animal Farm-Sliding Out Of Silence

Christiana Blount: Sliding Out Of Silence

Brianna Kokoszka: Comfort in Life

Paint over a page obscuring letters to reveal a poem

Jaden Williams: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Ashley Barrios: Childhood Innocence


Yulisa Estela: Original

Black and white ink drawing of legs and a bunch of hands

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: Body

sculpture of cigarette box and coffee.

Anonymous: Uncle Richie’s Breakfast

Anonymous: Legally Elle Woods

close up photograph of person with dark hair, with both hands under chin with orange glow

Ainsley S: Colorful Portrait

headshot of a women's head tilted up with her eyes closed

Charlie Vagnieres: Graceful


Zoe Price: Untitled

West Shady: My Planet

Yellow button up shirt with figures of dogs painted on the front and side arm

Imani Saucedo: Frankenstein Shirt

Drawing of someone running their friend's head

Anonymous: Friendship

Four drawings with a desert theme

Anonymous: Works in Series

Portrait with flowers and moon.

Manny Dominguez: Untitled

Illustration of mountain at sunset

Ramona Scott: Ramona Scott

An origami swan.

Anonymous: Shiny Origami Swan

Humanoid with a piece out of their face

Tyson Madison: Weekend 4, Hollow

sketch of person with their arm over their head

Edana Lynch: Halloween 2

Anonymous: Grandma

blob monster with eyes

Henry De Luca: Day 9, Eyes

Branches in front of moon.

Natalia De Across: Moonlight Branch

Drawing of boy in red shirt

Solomon Brown: “Me”

Anonymous: Bowie

A crowd of people standing in front of a hand controlling a television through puppet strings

Jacob Barcenas: Untitled

Anonymous: Self-Portrait showing movement and Light

Photo of a person standing in front of lockers

Jocelyn Hernandez: About Me

3 knights and person wearing classes and hat

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 6, Mask

Square, gold cup that says "yo se donde tu vives!"

Mayer Rodriguez-Ortiz: 3D Printed Cup: I Know Where You Live!

An artwork of two white sheep on green hills with a blue sky.

Anonymous: Tint and Shade Sheep

city of collaged buildings with windows

Anonymous: Untitled

Stop motion of hands making art

Luke Rydel : the terror of trick o treating

A picture of a pug next to a sculpture of a pug

Anonymous: Chato the pug

Drawing of nude life figure on a white cloth, arm behind back

Stephanie Simpson: Lounging Nude

aligator orange sun

Abram Ellis: The Swamp of Death

Mysterious painting of a portion of a womans face with blue and tan colors and dark shadows.

Sophia A: Lost in Blues

Kamily Corral: Still Life

Eleanor Miranda: Lyrion

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of Batman

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital image on a green background. Abstract shapes meet in the center including a blue washer shape and a bone like figure.

Ines Vinsel: Avocado

Peyton Warren: Concealed

closeup of hazel eye with brown/red eyeshadow

Anonymous: The look into my future

Diana Choloquinga and Angel Bautista: La expectativa de un pez 3D

Drawing of multiple, colorful shapes

Gihon Williams: Gihon Kandinsky

Anonymous: Sunset of Emotions

Illustration of a skyline

Anonymous: Untitled

Khamayra Davis: Action Painting

digital photograph of blue orange and yellow sunset with person and lighthouse in the foreground

Maddsen F: Discovery

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

Red pink and orange abstract drawing of womans body with crown as head and mouth off to the side.

James F: Pain

Painting with floating colorful squares with eyes

Sacha Gross: The Unknown World of Pillows and Blankets

robot that protects Chinatown from racism and hate crimes

Cassandra Schumacher: Protector of Chinatown

Vanessa Garcia: Family Comic Album

Anonymous: Just One Line

Alien with its mouth on top of its head

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 4, Hollow

Black ink print on painted background.

Julio Venegas: Print

A paper construction, creating the word "hello" with other elements above.

Kamiyah Miles: Untitled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Alison Vargas: Untitled

Zain Arnold: The Long Take

girl outside giving peace symbol

Estrella Villagomez: Self-portrait

Black and white pencil drawing of three nurses wearing face masks.

Leilah Flores: Heroes

A drawing of a deserted road with trees and land forms on both sides of the road.

Anonymous: Regeneration Rhythms

Portrait of two women

Nicole Alcalde Hester: Fellowship

A digital artwork of a room with purple walls and floor, and a girl sitting in a chair.

Jazmin Hernandez: Jazmins Comfy Cozy Place

Red painting with words and handprints

Safia Hussain: Thank You For Your Service 1

Interactive self portrait of a young person

Vicente Montenegro: Self-portrait

three portraits in colored pencil

Adele Roberts: Angle

Colorful abstract drawing of a face

Reed Baldwin: Untitled

drawing of girl

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of green and purple leaves.

Mahdi Yousef Muhamad: Green Blossom

Yenedith Sanchez: Godspeed

Diana Vazquez: What Anxiety Feels Like

Charcoal drawing of black woman with the word "breathe" on her forehead

Anonymous: Breathe

Christopher Van Dyken Jr: The Shedd Aquarium

Liliana Nash: Keyboard

Illustration of a city and mountain landscape with bright colors.

Daniella Xu: Dusk

Painting of an animated woman with black gloves and white hair with a reddish background.

Shakira Davis: Harley Star

Digital drawing with green shapes and lines

Anonymous: Untitled


Eleny Rivera: Untitled

A colored pencil drawing of a sunset in a valley.

Anonymous: Mystical Valley

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Out Of Silence

A painting of a family of three.

Merani Cervantes: Sin Defectos

Pencil drawing of a girl wearing a mask

Georgia Pooler: Self Portrait

Candle with brown background

Mick Kaplanoglu: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Christian Whitehead: Austin Filmore

collage city against yellow and orange sunset

Anonymous: The City of Wonder, Chicago

Painting of a woman behind two pillars. She has blond hair in a bun and braids and is inspired by greek mythology.

Alma Vega: Statue of Greek Times

Anonymous: Peace of Mind

Sculpture of an opossum character.

Christian Harper: Lazarus

Black and white pencil sketch of a family that looks like the Simpsons

Journey Nowlin

charcoal abstracted image

Scarlett Guenther: My Personal Symbol

Person raising a print up that matches the print on their shirt, and using the artwork to obscure their face.

Idris Castillo: Untitled

A digital illustration of a person with audio editing imagery within their head against an abstract pink background.

YosiYah YisraEL: Music in my mind

A graphite self portrait of a person with 2 buns in their hair.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Shield shaped crest with bird.

Emma Corbett: The Corbett Crest

Brown spraypainted bust of the Statue of Liberty

Sarah Byrne: Untitled

Profile of person wearing a mask

Sophie Yanny-Tillar: Masked


Molly Fisher: Giraffe

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of steve urkel with rainbow suspenders

Jadon Carter: Steve Urkel

Anonymous: Untitled

Soccer player on an indoor field

Triantafilos Tottas: Soccer

Artwork of a girl with glasses wearing a purple and pink shirt

Aliyah Cooks: Self Portrait

Animation & Sequential Arts: 200 Minutes

Drawing of a large green tree with yellow light shinning down on a blue background.

Lucas Bautista: The Day of Life

Red heart organ at the center of the art piece surrounded by lines leading to the exterior of the piece.

Anonymous: Untitled

An artwork of a turtle with blue water on a brown background

Rayna Smith: Untitled

A sunset over a lake.

Deeron Holmes: Vice Island

Colorful building with blue sky and clouds

Anonymous: Little Village

Brown and red background with various screens interspersed, Screens have different images on them.

Zoey Fujihara: Long-Abandoned TV Station

Cat graphic

Jaden Williams: Untitled

Leslie Illescas: Stolen Childhood

pencil drawings of faces and magazines

Edana Lynch: Works in Series

Sequin pillow.

Zaidan Anwar: Untitled

city block illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Dabi

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Beriel Moore: Ashland Huron

Antionae Jackson: Landscape

three ice cream bars with different facial expressions

Carielis Granera: Day 8, Ice Scream

Alex Chitnis: Bubble Bath

Crayon drawing of a girl and a dragon

Winnie Miller: Princess Cimorne

print of blue circles and red stripes

Anonymous: Untitled (red, blue, yellow)

An opened up cabinet filled with plants, bones, insects and other symbols.

Kelsey Edwards: Cabinet of Curiosity

Maja Nagi: Untitled

Dark pencil drawing of a face, focused on the eye

Anonymous: Abstract 1

Anonymous: Covid Life Abstracted

Acrylic painting portrait of Alicia Keys.

Anonymous: A Lovely Face


Anonymous: Self Portrait in Off White Series

a bunch of different characters and monsters

Henry Ellis: Colorful Things

rainbow back with hearts

Maribelle Hoover: Untitled

watercolor of person with dark hair, a bun, and a mask

Anonymous: Self

Anonymous: Untitled

Graphite drawing of a street with buildings on the side and a person walking down the middle

Anonymous: New York

Anonymous: Unicorn and Rainbow

Converse shoes underneath a school desk

Julian Alarcon: Stay if You Don’t Mind

clothing top with cats on it

Anonymous: Cat Hug

a fisheye view of the viewer looking down on a remote in the middle of a large city with skyscrapers

Emily Valova: Untitled

Nevaeh Evans: Busy Mother

Digital illustration of a box robot figure hanging in telephone wires

Anonymous: Wires

Dragon with figure

Leo Paris: Peace and Flames

sunset over a river with an elephant

Tyson Madison: My Cozy Comfy Place

A portrait of a person with bangs wearing glasses made out of cut out blue fabric pieces.

Anonymous: Aquaria

Buildings over an orange background.

Xinhe Liu: A Village at Sunset

Anonymous: Downfall

Black and white pieces on a table

Kimberly Aguilera: The story behind social media

galaxy eye

Brooke Hayes: It Takes A Village

Purple and yellow paper cut of lips

Jane von der Sitt: Screaming!!


Hailey Rodden: Self Portrait

sunset with tree

Generson Blanco Vidal: Tree Silhouette at Sunset

Rapper Young Thug on two sides of the paper, one side he is upside down

Nkonyeasua Osamor: Same Thug

Painting of the Virgin Mary

Alessandra Lopez: La Virgencita

Mostly black and white painting of a laughing baby, sitting surrounded by pillows against a purple wall.

Patricia Malik: Oh Baby Girl

A colorful digital illustration with organic shapes and patterns. In the center of the piece is a person walking with a lavender top and yellow pants.

Anonymous: Ink Explosion

Sculpture of a red mushroom with white spots.

Dutchess Holdens: Eyeless Mushroom Mask

Graphite drawing of a woman in a mask

Dania Perez-Cux: Untitled

Ashley Barrios: Still Life

Ink drawing of a person's face with a second person in profile in front

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: El borracho

Ja’Niyah: Untitled Self Portrait

A painting of a rainbow colored sky and two figures look out at the sky

Farrah Rafidi: Friendship

drawing pencil map

Atticus Grede: Dangerous Adventure Path

Joel SalgadoI: Untitled

Watercolor painting of crying figure with several eyes and the symbols for male & female in the background

Anonymous: Watching

Anonymous: Untitled

line drawing of person with pointed ears and bleeding eyes surrounded by eyes on a blackbackground

Grey Watson: Buzz Buzz

Veda Mathur: Chameleon Sunset

Ceramic sculpture of cinnamon swirls.

Anonymous: Cinnamon Swirls

Anonymous: Forms in Space

Illustration of a person wearing sunglasses holding a taco and the words "Taco Bryan"

August Betke: It’s Taco Bryan

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Emily Steffen, Anyah Thompson, Tyson Madison: Corpse 16

Black and white self portrait with a black swirl in the background

Anonymous: Self Portrait

storyboard of video

Ariana Winters: Leo’s Day Out

Drawing of a person sitting on a stool

Ethan Barnes: Michelle

person standing in front of images of various doors

Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors


Zohar Zadok Litan: The hunter’s lodge

Drawing of fish and clouds

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Souls Stuck in Suds

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

Graphite drawing of tomatoes with decorative circles around them

Anonymous: Tomato Vibes

Striped watercolor painting with a rainbow and pineapple

Sofia Casales: Watercolor Bookmarks

sad person with wings

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 11, Wings

Illustration of a cat laying in bed with a toy.

Elizabeth Curry: Howard

Painting of a star balloon.

Anonymous: Way Up High

Lesly Martinez: Staringale Central Gateway

Person on their phone on the toilet with a scale, hair tie, towel, and hairbrush on the floor

Karina Vargas: Bathroom Break

Painting of mountains with birds and flowers

Sonia Blanton: Birds and Mountains

Jameson O’Malley: The Battle Over the Volcanoes

Mixed media collage with watercolor, linoprint, wire, CDs, and CTA train

Anonymous: Psychosis

Anonymous: Wolf at Night

Anonymous: Undefined

Thick paint of blues and yellows with white clouds

Julia Micorek: Wish I Was There

A landscape of a lake surrounded by pine trees and a mountain in the background

Jordan Brown: Serene Skies

Anonymous: Haring Inspired Skeletons in Motion

A drawing of pieces of toast all around a plate with toast with jelly on it

Ethel Adler-Grimm: Crazy Toast

Collage of a window view

Natalia Smith: Lexington Street

Charlesa Thompson: Reserved Moment in Time

Kylie Diaz: Colorful Nature

b/w line drawing of rabbits

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 2, Bunnies

Digital painting of a black woman with Black Power earrings and text that says "Black Women for Black History"

Kamil Calmese: Black Women For Black History

This is where we come from

Amalachukwu Okoye: Mother Africa

Gideon Schultz: Winter Cardinal

person with sunflowers

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook

Painting of a person sitting on the floor on a black mattress holding their face

Bryan Mendoza: Antimaterialism as a coping mechanism

Clay head sculpture with fake grass

Daphne Vasquez: Astral Projection

Man with red headphones

Simone Peña: Untitled

painted heart on a colorful background

Prayaan Ram: Heart full of love

Cool Tint Snowmen painting

Anonymous: Cool Tint Snowmen

Multimedia illustration of memories.

Jhugo Catugal: Memories

Digital drawing of a grayscale girl with bright green patterned background

Anonymous: Billie Eilish

Colored pencil illustration

Myla Marsh: Untitled

Acrylic painting of a figure in shades of blue, nude and viewed from behind, holding up long, curly locks of blue hair, face turned to the side.

Kejaha Shelton: A Case of the Blues

Valeria Rios: Possibilities

Three dimensional piece of a TV with a chord and remote. The TV screen is opened up with visuals inside of the TV box.

Anonymous: Untitled

Daliya Owerko: untitled

Photograph of seeds and leaves arranged in shapes

Monse Escobedo: Untitled

Ellie Glenn: Dragon’s Eye

person in dinosaur costume

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 15, Dinosaur

Black and white: Side rearview mirror with a distorted image of a street

Irobun Igiehon: Untitled

Anonymous: Soulen

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of children at the playground.

Anonymous: When Coronavirus Is Over

Complex drawing with lots of layers

Oscar Lassus: Artist’s Business: Thinkin’ Like a Maniac

An Aseprite Animation

Donald Richard: Thundercat

Painting of streets of Mexico

Bryan Dominguez: Untitled

A flag with writing


A mixed media collage of five goldfish swimming under water.

Tobias Pederson: Fish

Anonymous: VIDAS

snake with wings zooming down

Vance Lira: Day 14, Falling

Black and white linoleum print of a spider in the center with text around it reading: I am not afraid to keep on living.

Anonymous: I’m Not Afraid

A drawing of a tiger on the right side and a tiger skull on the left side. The drawing has a split center with two different backgrounds.

Anonymous: The Beast Within

pixellated person with black shoes and gray clothes

Walk and Run Cycles

Emma Moriarty: Untitled

Leslie Illescas: Honest Man Defined

weaving of multiple colors

Anonymous: A Beautiful Mess

collage and painting of faces and abstract shapes

Jocelyn Delgado: Collage/Reframe

A snowman making a snow angel in a pool setting.

Anonymous: Tako the Snowman

Lorenzo Beasley: Spongebob

Mixed media work of muted colors made of wood and string hanging down.

Laterra Lyons: Love

person with blue skin and closed eyes, dancing

Joanna Steven: Figure

Brownie Cookies

Latifat Bakare, Brownie Cookies

b/w line drawing of person with beard wearing a helmet

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 3, Dungeon

Drawing of black dots on white background of person sitting on a hill looking at 3 trees.

Ava Wiley: Untitled

Abstract drawing of an eye ball and nose in blue clouds

Ashley Barrios: Darkness

Joaquin Gonzalez: Weaving

A Found Footage Video.

Krystal Hernandez: Image & Sound

alma thomas inspired painting

Leianne Obligado: Alma Thomas Inspired Painting

Anonymous: Texture Tile

eyes looking through a crack in the door

Alexa Lopez: Day 10, Doors

Samantha Franco: Portraits

A circular design with lots of colors

Alexis Cabrera-Hernandez: Escaleras sin Fin

Eion Magana: Road Rage

black building silhouetted against a blue night sky

Anonymous: Blue Temple

Portrait of Jesus

Antonio Watts: Jesus

mixed media sculpture of plate with fork, knife, and flowers growing

Nina F: Overconsumption

Abstract blue, yellow, and red cubes stacked on one another

Adnan Muminhodzic: Watercolor

digital illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

Line drawing of a mountains with tree and clouds

Victor Kasparov: Untitled

Drawing of a person with an umbrella dodging things falling from the sky

Laila Thomas: Brushing Off

Collage and drawing of the back of someone's shorts

Clare Krippner: Collage/Reframe

Chrisette Armour: Untitled

angel with wings

Veronica Timble: Day 11, Wings


Ashley Tumax: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Robot sculpture made of stacked boxes and jewels

Anonymous: Boxbot 2000

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

2 portraits, one realistic and one abstract

Yenedith Sanchez: Portraits

Mandala of blue and red triangles and circles

Alexis Ariza: Mandala

Blues with dark faces.

Yareli Vaquera: Lost Souls

Pen and ink drawing of mushrooms

Anonymous: Untitled

Digitally manipulated photo

Melissa Lazaro: Horizons

Painting of streets of Mexico

Bryan Dominguez: Untitled

Anonymous: Nature

red colored pencil

Anahi Jasso: Untitled

Person with blue shirt, blue hat, split 1/2 and 1/2

Anonymous: Lennies

Black and white drawing of person with dark hair wearing black and white turtleneck and necklace.

Anonymous: Temporary Being

Evelyn Martineau: Rainbow Quilt

Rows of painted red poppy flowers painted on a white background.

Anonymous: September 26, 2014

Watercolor splotches

Amelia Anderson: Watercolors

A pencil drawing of a scarecrow surrounded by pumpkins

Anonymous: Autumn Harvest

Hand Peace sign with rainbow background

Nataly Bijarro : Peace Sign

Black and white geometric drawing

Anonymous: Untitled

Feline humanoid gazing into the distance at sunset.

Alessandra Montero: Sunset

Photograph of red dyed water flowing into the drain of a bathtub from a small part of a head of red hair shown.

Rebekka Suciu: True Red

Painting of a still life

Anonymous: Still Life

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

An orange lion with a long tail stands next to a gold first place cup.

Elizabeth Ho: Lion Monkey’s Win

Hayley Zelaya: Night Bat

Person with a sprout growing out of their hand and head

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 1, Nature

b/w line drawing of two rabbits, one from the side, one from the front

Veronica Gipson: Day 2, Bunnies

tin foil robot

Deonta Ricks: My Remote Learning Buddy

Mirabelle Royer: Sunny Umbrella

Anonymous: Pheasant’s Eye

A graphic image of tiles in different colors

Anonymous: Tiles in color

Lucas Gazdziak: African Animals

fire angel sculpture

Claudia Crespo-Pecunia: Fire Angel

A digital image of a girl with a blue background.

Fyona Hernandez: Hello Fyona

Orb on a street between buildings

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 2, Night

Abstract colorful shapes on black background

Anonymous: Focus

Abstract and complex drawing

Lilia Tanabe: Bedlam Between Four Settings

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled


Jessica Barrera Castro: Six of swords/ Mi amanecer

Drawing of landscape with trees and mountains.

Samuel Vite: I Want Wind To Blow

abstract shapes in red, blue, and yellow with black lines

Terrance Sanders: DAB!

Ariana Winters: Artist Sketchboook

Anonymous: Under the Pepsi Moon

winking snowman drinking hot chocolate

Anna Fedczuk: A Little Too Warm

Abstract colorful drawing

Berenice Capetillo: Falling Out of Love

person with lighter

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 2

Victoria Mak: Pen Still Life

Collage with text and image

Jacquelyn Murillo: Our Love Is Not Forgiven

fractured landscape illustration

Jairam Narvez-Miranda: Fractured Landscape

A drawing of a bird with colorful feathers and a yellow background

Johanna Wood: The Golden Phoenix

painted of athletes kneeling

Anonymous: Knee Down

Small, blue clay bowl

Mina Miranda: Blue Bowl

Anonymous: Untitled

blurred picture of woman

Amna Trebovic: String of Struggle

Dark photograph of a teen holding a mask over their face

Jersey Benjamin: Untitled

Orange with a face drawn on it

Xoie Alston: Orange Portrait

A 4 Part Composition.

Guadalupe Pulido: 4 Part Composition

Anonymous: Fred’s Bad Day

a weeping rock

Vance Lira: Day 12, Rock

digital portrait of person with dark hair and multiple nose piercings

Anonymous: Focus

person with guitar holding a singing bird

Henry De Luca: Day 11, Wings

Bear with pencil and paper with word "Over" above

Alessandra Montero: Day 19, Over

Boulders overlooking a lake and pine needle branches.

Gloria Chavarin: Watercolor Landscape

Rendering of letters the spell QUARANTINE on a building

Fionn Hui: Quarantine Activities

A Latin Jazz style dance number.

Dance: In The Rhythm

lino cut of a female with a halo of symbols around head and body wrapped in ribbon and some bones exposed

Jo Olson: Help Yourself

skateboarding photography chicago downtown

Lyric Roy: Skate

Geometric etchings of white and yellow against a background of reds and browns.

Micaela Martinez: Enter

Bright marker drawing of a skull with a red outline

Anonymous: Untitled

Hamsa hand with tassle made from embossed foil and yarn.

James Kilduff: Hamsa Hand

Bella Koska: MARIAH & HONORA

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

Painting of a flowerpot in front of an abstract background

Diana Martinez: Sunflowers

Inspired by album cover of SZA's, figure sits on a platrom overlooking blue space. Shades of blue composed of individual pieces of yarn.

Trenton Rowell: 7

Book page that says "where animals help each other if needed"

Anonymous: Book Trailer

A marker drawing of a character with a green shirt and blue eyes.

Anonymous: Sam the Cat

Painting of two giraffes in an enclosure

Mahdi Muhamad: Beautiful But Caged

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

Pencil drawing of person wearing a face mask with teeth

Jayden Sims: Self-Portrait

Drawing of a vegetable on a red table

Anahi Alcala: Hades

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