planets in space

Kelley Buestan : Space

Yellow sun flowers

Genesis Ramirez: Interpreting Van Gogh

Pencil drawing of sunglasses, pencil, flask, keychain

Dylan Henke: Let’s Go For A Ride

A colorful design of the name Naomi with a tree and purple and blue border

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of rainbow coming out of the sun in space, beaming down to the Earth.

Anonymous: Space Bridge

A paper construction, creating the word "hello" with other elements above.

Kamiyah Miles: Untitled

Oil painting - glass vase with flower with eye in the center

Genevieve Desch: Untitled

Witch in hat with dangling charms

Vance Lira: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Anonymous: Response to Beyonce Brown Skin Girl

A pencil drawing of a scarecrow surrounded by pumpkins

Anonymous: Autumn Harvest

Victoria Mak: Scorpion

A Raisin In The Sun By Jansel Perez - Mama Monologue.MOV

Jansel Perez: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

Tarrance Turner: Solly Two Kings from Gem of the Ocean

Black and white faces

Anonymous: Untitled

messy closet

Veronica Timble: Day 7, Accident

Photograph of water running into a glass from a sink. There is out of focus black and white floral wallpaper in the background.

Disha Patel: Importance

Abstract multimedia piece

Anonymous: Make Remake

Drawing of shelves and a table

Anonymous: Life Piece

A pencil drawing of two skeleton hands reaching towards a rose

N’Dyia Mahon-Godfrey: Sharing Rose

Evie Jensen: Untitled

Photograph of a paper cathedral sculpture

Lindsey Prochot: “Classical Cathedral”

Animation of city scape

Anonymous: Taken

Felicja Sadkowski: Thoughtsrz

Mixed media painting of a woman reading

Giya Martin: Comfort Zone

A digital image of white, red, and blue squares

Anonymous: white, blue and red

Person wearing large goggle glasses

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Collage with images and handwriting

Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled

two strong people with wings

Donald Richard: Day 11, Wings

A yellow, blue, and red dragon with wings

Anonymous: Phoenix Dragon

Navaeh Evans: Untitled

blue and grayscale portrait

Mya Burns: Lady B

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

Abigail Arellano: Untitled

person in a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature

Yinu Wang: Color in darkness

Painting of a living room with a window and plant, beige couch and glass table in foreground.

Emmia Gearon: Nest

Milana Dmitrileva: Winter Cardnals

Lake with orange clouds.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of the Mexican flag with the name "Jullisa" written on top.

Julissa Martin: Untitled

Rebecca Leal: Alone

Oblique-view photo of a wooden fence down a street, in dark, night-time grayscale.

Skylaar Perry: Untitled

Black clock adorned with red roses

Mila Carosella: Untitled

Ezzat Naya Casiano: The Windy Day

person holding skull ice cream cone with bats around their legs

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 8, Ice Scream

Black and white portrait of a character with glasses and black hair

Anonymous: Untitled

Frog at campfire roasting marshmallow

Henry De Luca: Weekend 2, Night

Painting of face with flowers coming out

Stephany Ramoz Toquica: Just Imagine

Jesse Cozzie: Poe Inspired Raven

A realistic watercolor drawing of the skull and antlers of an animal on a white background

Ruben Robledo: Bone

Watercolor portrait of a woman with an orange hat

Natalie Becker-Stevens: Portrait

Arch made of colorful pieces on a gold platform

Natalie Saenz: Color Your World

Kamily Corral: Cool Baby


Aaron: Untitled


Makayla Morris: Untitled

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Alondra Morales: Sliding into Silence

Clalinda Davis: Canewell from Seven Guitars

Camron Palmer: Disney Mixer Cars – Tongue Out

Digital collage of crush can in a mountain lake

Braulio Gomez: Spring Crush

Brianna Kokoszka: Pure Childhood

Illustration of fox diving into crowd at concert

Aaron Bergante: Fox, Rock N Roll, Thrill

Image of orang and brown butterfly with a red and black spackled background; a yellow decorative border

Jenna Lozano: Itzpapalotl

floating person

Analise Briseno: Untitled

Yellow roses are bundled up with blue paper, tied with a red ribbon. The word "Flowers" is written to the right of the bouquet.

Anonymous: Flowers

white tile with black image of skull with adornments

Jonathan M: Aztec sgraffito tile

aligator orange sun

Abram Ellis: The Swamp of Death

Graphite drawing of a street with buildings on the side and a person walking down the middle

Anonymous: New York

Green Frankenstein on Purple Background

Delilah Whitlock: Untitled

drawing of a ladybug on a patterned background

Bianca Contreras: Bug on a Rug

Three white boxes with curly shapes coming out of the tops.

Paola Gomez-Velazquez: Mind Over Matter

Foreshortening study done in pencil sketch.

Anonymous: Foreshortening Sketch

Wire shaped to look like a girls hips and stomach

Jaylani Vargas: Objects

ninja star closed

Anonymous: Ninja Star Closed

Digital drawing of a person in gray curled into a ball falling through a gray sky.

Anastacia Torres: Anxiety

Sheet music

Katherine Thompson: Half Cadence

A painting of Gary the snail from Spongebob

Anonymous: Gary love

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big tail on a purple background

Anyah Thompson: Rhogar Myastan

A color pencil drawing of a bear eating pizza. The background has a lot of patterns in black and white.

Luca Surjan: Artwork Inspired by JC Rivera

blue and green landscape with a rainbow and castle

Helen Zheng : Unicorn’s Home

Self portrait with colorful background.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Anonymous: Plant

Nayali Guzman: NATALIA.

Drawing of a woman with flowers in her hair

Paola Alvarado: Untitled

Self-Portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Denise Hernandez: Untitled

Sahanna Myles: Untitled

Colored pencil drawing of the front of a store with sign above door reading Valery's Resale with money flying out the door.

Anonymous: Valery’s Resale

A digital portrait of a person in long hair. They are looking back at the viewer. The background is a geometric blue and green pattern.

Anonymous: Vector Portrait

Anonymous: Calm

Watercolor Hear with black outline

Anonymous: Hearts of Passion

sunset with tree

Generson Blanco Vidal: Tree Silhouette at Sunset

Anonymous: Untitled


Susie Kirkwood: THE PAINTING

digital photograph of blue orange and yellow sunset with person and lighthouse in the foreground

Maddsen F: Discovery

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful landscape created with torn paper.

Anonymous: Torn Paper Landscape

pencil drawing of woman with infant in front of window.

Jaqueline Garcia: Motherhood?

Anonymous: Untitled

Charcoal drawing of person with bun and flowered headband.

Mia Alvarez: Untitled

Round-faced figure with their hair flowing out behind them

Smila Gaulkin: Molly in Bloom

digital art boy shadow black and white

Bo Whisenhunt: Untitled

Shelf with colorful trees and decorations to represent forests.

Adriel Aguilar: Untitled


Carielis Granera: Weekend 2, Night

cityscape with black buildings and a yellow sky.

Anonymous: Sun Sky

torso in gray, red, green, and purple

Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure

digitally drawn face

Georgia Pooler: Render

Abstract artwork with geometric shapes and lots of color

Allison Martineau: Clouds

side view of crocodile head

Carmelo Munoz: Crocodile & Mosquito

Vanessa Garcia: Daily Special

Photograph of a metal structure from below

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Different Perspective

iPad drawing, Print

Anonymous: Secondary Me

person with knife staring birthday cake with lit candles.

Anonymous: Happy 18th Birthday (set 1)

Drawing of the back of a person with a long pink braid and animal on her shoulder

Flora Greene: Untitled

Abstract colorful lines

Macie Emerson: Alma Thomas Inspired Abstract Lines

Self portrait of a person with their hand on their face

Emma Shortlidge: Self Portrait

Person wearing headphones with abstract backgrounds with red, black, yellow, and glitter.

Eliana Huertas: Thoughts

mixed media piece

Lia Andrikopoulos: Tutti Frutti

Dungeon door

Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon

Colorful collage cityscape

George Papagiannis: Printed cityscape

drawing of jewelry on white sheet

Yessenia Martinez: Adorn

photo of a prism with a purple light

Kate Barbosa: spotlight

Roxana Delaluz, The Aquarium Cookie

Animation of person in purple top and yellow shoes turning and opening an umbrella.

Kiara Fufunan: rituals

Text "Love is Everywhere" with a heart in space.

Anonymous: Untitled

Tires litter a playground in front of a cobblestone building with a bright orange lamp post illuminating the sidewalk

Alisa Kiprina: Untitled

Black and white: Side rearview mirror with a distorted image of a street

Irobun Igiehon: Untitled

Colored pencil illustration

Myla Marsh: Untitled

An Aseprite Animation

Alessandra Montero: The Moss

Sculpture of a tribal mask.

Anonymous: Tribal Mask

Fernanda Lemus: Still Life

tangled mess of gold necklaces

Nathan Dixon: Tangled Together

Abstract painting of a dinosaur

Nico Borovicka: Dianosaur

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

Fernando Rios Carmona: Untitled

Line drawing of a shark-like creature with a long spiky tongue

Anonymous: Buzz

A black dress on a dress figure.

Jack Kenney: DRESS

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

White sculpture of a white dragon's neck and face.

Niamh Hughes: Oilliphéist

Illustrated images of a ladybug on a branch and flowers with a bee.

Alma Ron: Moments of Spring

Anonymous: Fruit Bowl

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Micheal Owoyemi: Antonio and Charles

Sofie Yang: A Lion’s Tale

Ryen Nelson: The Dot

Dragon in front of a purple sky and moon

Anonymous: CHARIMAX

Taliah Thompson: Drinks

Black and white photogaph of busy street between tall buildings

Anonymous: Life

Anonymous: Downfall

Photograph of person wearing lace top holding mask in front of face in the mirror

Addison G: Who?

An acrylic painting of a blue night sky on the left side and a red night sky on the right side. There is a black silhouette of trees on the bottom.

Anonymous: Nightshade

Video Production Promo: Outside Projects

Ashantania Fisher: The Yellow Umbrella

Self portrait with complementary colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Nayali Guzman: TRAUMA?

Abstract splatter portrait art.

Julieana Cosajay: Narcissist

painting of a winter portrait

Anonymous: Winter Portrait

Black and white silhouette with shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Nerve Wracking

White background with letters and shapes

Nariyah Chambers: Abstract with Letters & Numbers & Shapes

digital illustration

Jessica Huerta: Illustration

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

Sophia Moore: Untitled

Parker Lu: Chinese Zodiac

Alexis Alforque: 27 Cats

Print of repeating red, green, and blue circles.

Anonymous: Untitled (blue, red, green circles)

butterfly and flower

Destiny Clark: Bloom

Interactive self portrait of a young person

Vicente Montenegro: Self-portrait

Drawing of children at the playground.

Anonymous: When Coronavirus Is Over

A drawing of shops on a street, with a person figure lying on the ground with a red circle on their chest.

Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

Daleyza Merlos: Flower

Black person sitting on the roof of a white car, with another Black person leaning against the driver side door.

William Midgett: Undecided

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Kenna Threatt: Figure

Tryptic sunset, outline of cityscape, and butterflies.

Gabriela Murcia: Murcia_Gabriela

Collage in red , black, and white with different words like "Eat your heart out" and "believe it" as well as images like of a candle and fake teeth.

Kassandra Plata: Eat Your Heart Out

Anonymous: Try to Be a Rainbow

Painted sequence of 4 creatures, becoming larger and more monstrous from left to right. Gaping teeth, multiple eyes and a gaunt look, with a deep red background.

Veronica Timble: The Slow-Burn Evolution of a Twisted Psyche

Two people with headphones singing, and the syllables they are singing appear above them.

Somebody that I used to Know by Gotye featuring Kimbra as solfeged

Face of cut paper with black paper on one side and white on the other.

Akira Brown: Untitled

Mixed media landscape with moon

Zoe Gang: Twilight

Abstract sculpture featuring black spiral pattern, eyeball-shaped spheres with black dots and loops of green material tangled on top

Haneefat Amin: Untitled

mountain landscape

Jordan Allen: Day 18, Pride

Collage of newspaper articles with eyes painted on top

Anonymous: Stop Asian Hate

Painting of a moon over the ocean. Dark colors.

Florencia Fabian: Untitled

colored pencil illustration

Mariana Alvarez: Untitled

Bruziah Robinson: Black Angel

Anonymous: Fine Line

Purple and yellow paper cut of lips

Jane von der Sitt: Screaming!!

An abstract sculpture with mixed materials of red, yellow, and blue

Natalie Mora: The Primary

Nivian Ellison: We are all beautiful

Drawing of a Russian Nesting doll wearing red.

Hannah Kong: Russian Dolls of Four Seasons

Collage of photographs of Black people with "skin" in type on top.

William Midgett: Radical Threat

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

3 story building

Ashley Calderon: Untitled

Photograph of a woman scratching her chest

Lucile Gama: Gender Dysphoria

Pencil drawing of a rat in a cowboy hat with a bandanna tied around its neck.

Joselyn Ramirez: Untitled

Person with no facial features wearing yellow hat and holding orange balloon in a pink room having a virtual birthday party on a laptop.

Nadia Hervert: Birthday blues

Various pieces of silver metal on a striped sheet

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 3)

Monster and a german shepard.

Chloe Mitchell: Monsters in our World

Hot pink gradient background with a black cut out layered over top, silhouetting a skeleton taunting a subject with their head lowered on a desk

Anonymous: Tell Me A Story

Cella Streit: Spring Day

Calvin Kumler: Tornado

In front of an apartment complex, a group of white people sit in front, fading from dark to light. In red text it says not welcomed.

Michael Samson: Unwelcomed

Angel Thomas: Portrait of Joaquín Torres-García

A drawing of a purple apple

Micah Travis: Still Life

Close-up of a face looking up with DNA double helixes as veins in the eyes

Kostandina Goritsan: Hellenic DNA

Mixed metals over layed to create a bear in front of three trees.

Eve Oppenheim: Bear in the Woods

Human figure wearing a business suit holding a mug of coffee to what is supposed to be its head. The head is instead a window with a bright blue sky and a picnic blanket underneath a tree

Rachel Tam: Reminiscing Memories

Mixed media square collage

Sa’Niya Lofton: Hello, My Name is “Significant”

A drawing of a small animal with big glasses

Anonymous: Misses applebee

A pencil drawing of an eye with a rainbow iris

Olivia Hein: Eye

Ceramic bee cell phone holder

Maxyne De La Roca: Maxyne’s Bee

Drawing of a hamster.

Anonymous: LoLa

A painting of a crab and some fish at the bottom of the ocean

Paul Miller: Under the Sea

Soleil Rivera: Beauty in Purple

Ceramic sculpture of three heads in pair of brown pants with feet and toes with black nail polish

Oswaldo C: Doug, Dougg, and Douggg

Woman with green hair and a purple dress holds a globe over a purple background.

Mehin Qasimov: Mother Nature

An image of a train on elevated tracks with buildings in the background.

Anonymous: The El

watercolor lion

Kaylen Parks: The Lion #4

Multi-colored mask with feathers and gold accents

Xiao Jun C: Icarus

A gray rat plushie with purple I and purple 9 stitched to its body

Anonymous: I-9

b/w line drawing of a fantasy person with long hair, ears, and surrounded by rabbits.

Alessandra Montero: Day 2, Bunnies

Digital image of a playing card, numbered 2. In the center is an image of a pigeon with large feathers in the pack, a bow tie, top hat, and monocle. Underneath the bird it says " El Caballero"

Yailine Cano: Loteria Card “El Caballero”

Anonymous: Procrastination

Portrait of a person with the words "help" in the background

Sunny Johnson Andrews: Facade

Anonymous: Red Ribbed

Emerson Conway: Untitled

Julian Ramirez: MATCHUP (Stand off)

Faustyna Turek: Ignite

Digital image or person in black pants and shirt with red hair floating in space above person standing on earth

Patricia H: Save

Colorful surrealist painting of a bird with long legs

Jonny Drexler: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Myles Flowers: Grandma Ida

Two figures holding hands in front of a blue background

Anika Copeland-Richards: City Skies

Acrylic paint on canvas flower flowers sun landscape

Zoey Armour: Sunny Day

patterns of stripes

Savannah Thames : Straight Waves


Ariana Beltran and Narayan Flores: Lucas

Drawing of a red own with stars and a moon

Farhan Rahim: Untitled

Armani Ray: Gloom

two red apples

Samantha Franco: Study 2

Anonymous: Untitled

A yellow pom pom with two googly eyes makes a head and is attached to a pink pom pom ( the body) via pipe cleaners.

Anonymous: The Figures Three

Drawing of two overlapping hills with a tree on one.

Ezekiel Bizarro: Untitled

Painting of a star balloon.

Anonymous: Way Up High

Painting of a woman sitting in a hammock under trees

Anonymous: Untitled

A pen and color pencil illustration of a building, with people walking outside and the colorful word "Cuitzeo".

Giselle Zacarias: Mi Pueblito Magico

An Aseprite Animation

Vance Lira: Strawberry Chase

Anonymous: Gamescape

Gianna Giammona : Inside My Mind

oil pastel and paper lights on black background the lights have different holiday bulbs, a jewish star, and the name sophie

Sophie Menard : Winter Holiday Lights

A graphic image of red circles in different shades

Anonymous: Bubbles in Red

Hen Shanabruch: Untitled

rat wearing mask

Alexa Lopez: Day 6, Mask

radiating lines over shapes

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 2, Night

Black and white photograph of airport waiting area with upright piano.

Anonymous: The Airport


Celia Rivera: Untitled-Artichoke

Painting of a playing card with a woman's face in the middle

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

An abstract photograph with hot pink colors and bright light.

DaJanae Hester: Untitled

Portrait of a woman with glasses on a purple background

Anonymous: Untitled

Emaneyah Walker: Ma Rainey from Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

Pencil drawing of face with hair swooped over right eye.

Anonymous: Untitled

"Jade" drawn inside of pop art shape with patterns behind it

Jadian Esparza-Lagahit: Jadi Pops

Black and white photograph of person with paper on their face and in between their fingers.

Anonymous: Vitiligo

A green forest scene with a green girl sitting in a tree

Anonymous: Green Forest

Sculpture of bright colored cut paper

Anonymous: Bursting With Flavor

Jennifer Lopez: Lifestyle

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

Photograph and digital editing

Jacob Scott: Falling

Cartoon cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

Bridget Berg: Cheshire Cat

Anonymous: Journey

Drawing of a person on a playground with a Rubik's cube head

Samara Torres Contreras: Octavo

Abstract painting with thick brush strokes

Adrian Cieluch: 21st Century

A painting of a grey sky with stars and the chicago skyline with the lake

Navika Balaganesh: Windy City


Charles Keeble: Untitled

Essence Bartlett: Cooking with Essence

3 white dogs with red and white polka dot bandanas around their necks.

Hannah Gatz: Four Legged Friends

Drawing of aqua queen with yellow flowers in her hair

Anonymous: Aqua Queen

Drawing of an imaginary animal with wings and patterns

Vikram Konkimalla: Imaginary Animal in an imaginary land

paper cut out of sun and moon, divided down the middle with additional moving arms

Arianna Hooker : The Sun and the Moon

Anonymous: Bart 4 the People

Mixed media collage with varying size film cutouts

Maxime S: Clubs In Catalogs

Mixed media purple flower with believe and love

Arturo Garcia: Hope

Painted fruit in a bowl on a blue table

Lailah Smith: Untitled

Amy Iniguez: Sleepy Starry Dragon

Digital drawing of 2 hands reaching for each other on a gray background.

Anonymous: UNTITLED (illusion of being with someone during lone times)

Pencil drawing of a person with dark hair wearing a watch. His eyes are bright blue.

Anonymous: Ocean Eyes

Four drawings with a desert theme

Anonymous: Works in Series

Drawing split into quadrants forming one figure.

Reagan Herron: Modern Renaissance

Rubix cube with many hands turning it and facial features on the colored squares

Leila Ortiz: Disfigured

Anonymous: Dragon

Four flowers at different stages of growth

Maria Mancero: Growth

Photograph of doll sculpture with dark skin and large white bag. Doll is wearing pink shirt and denim skirt with accessories by their feet.

Anonymous: The Colorful Monster (Mini Me)

Anonymous: Golden Goose

Sara Gitner: Hurled

Illustration of the artist folding her baby clothes.

Dalila Mendez: Untitled

Amesyah Flowers: Still Life

Black and white zentangle.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a two-horned, firebreathing creature with a big weapon on a white background.

Vance Lira: Rhogar Myastan

glass bottle

Maria Byers: Study 3

colorful dot collage, miles in the top right corner

Miles Brown: Dot Collage

Illustration of an Eagle head with a yellow beak

Avery Geyer: The Eagle

Family of three with a blue silhouette of a father with a blue background colored in to mimic a child's drawing

Alexandra Force: Repressed Memories

Victoria Huang: Spikey Fish

Alebrije sculpture

Audrey Bagnall: Alebrije

Sheet music

Chole Kelly: Non-Chord Tones

Evigan Marcos: Identity

digital image of an old Spanish style building

Carolina Jimenez : Bernadette’s Campus

Lydia Govera: Mountain Range

Anonymous: Untitled

A picture of the inside of someones house and a person sitting at a computer

Bellson Mei: Untitled

Nazera Bailey: Slap

Origami sculptures

Moises Evans: Line Playground

Jasper McGloin: My Stop Motion Movie

Drawing of a room with colorful carpets

Greg Rueda: Untitled

marker drawing of pink vase with multi colored flowers on a turquoise background

Nova Hong : Magma Pond

Brick wall with opening.

Aaron Gordon-Vera: Aqueduct

Black and white still life that looks like stained glass

Anonymous: Church of Fruit

Drawing of single Adidas shoe with dimensions written above.

Elise Duran-Dixon: Untitled

Sara Gitner: Discovering Stillness

Pencil drawing of girl with long green hair and a crown sticking out her tongue

Mariyamawit Debebe: This is how I imagine Coronavirus as a person

Painting of a pink bedroom.

Anonymous: Untitled

Black paper on white paper creating space through curves.

Anonymous: Kitty

A digital drawing of a person with black hair, a black hat and a red tie

Anonymous: Aiden

Alissandra Delgadillo: Looking Up

Photo of two people with long hair. Photo is blurred, and the images of the two bodies are layered on top each other. Background against a light purple wall.

Esperanza Rivera: Mama and me at 11.57.14 PM

Kaleidoscopic image of flowers

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: Teargarden by Kaleidyscope

A member of The Mighty 9!

Veronica Gipson: Van Buren of Sacramento

Tarrance Turner: My Dream America

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: Aleena’s Fish

Person with b/w blobs surrounding them

Je’talia Brown: Insight

Yolanda Perez and Evelyn Aguilar: Imaginary Fish

Person with their eyes closed, holding their face in their hands

Yenedith Sanchez: Two Toned Portrait

Paper cut outs of hands under the word "EVERYONE"

Anonymous: Our Own Hands

Painting of a candle with a red background

Olga Jatziry Gomez R: Bailarina en la luz

6 panels of portrait

Diana Najera: Self Still

Sequin pillow.

Zaidan Anwar: Untitled

Diana Vazquez: What Anxiety Feels Like

Thick paint of blues and yellows with white clouds

Julia Micorek: Wish I Was There

Collage of Lin Manuel Miranda in Mary Poppins lighting the lamps

Ana De Leon: Lux ex Tenebris

Black and white drawing of a boy in front of a house

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Model Magic & Tempera Paint pink pumpkin

Anonymous: Kusama inspired Infinity Room

Anonymous: For My Uncle

Bright oil pastel drawing of a sun with skeleton hands

Anonymous: Untitled

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Nayali Guzman: James + Jaime

Photograph of person standing with back turned to camera, wearing a shawl made by artist

Aniyah Harris: Yusef’s shawl

Picture of the heel of a black, white, and red Nike Air mid-top shoe.

Eric Diaz: project 1

Collage of teenage girls with sparkles over top. Over the images it says For you, I'm thankful

Di’Alianah Stokes: Card Project

Photograph of two multi-colored sculptures shaped like mushrooms with rain coming down and puddles underneath. The sculptures are orange with stars on the top and underside, but blue with clouds on the rim and bottom.

Hannah G: A Clear Shower

Underwater view of a violinist reaching farther into the depths for a violin, with sheet music scattering in the water.

Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music

Seraphina Royer: Tissue Flowers

Mask with splatter paint.

Jaylen Wells: Messy Truth

painting mixed media bird tarot color

Julia Zhuravel: Untitled

Cecily Ramirez: The Opening of a New Life

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big weapon on a grey background

Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan

Drawing is split into a square grid. Each square has a different drawing like a letter, a smiley face, or a dragon.

Michael Aloysius: This is Me

Photograph of three disco balls on wood floor reflecting

Anonymous: Disco

Acrylic painting of a geisha

Carolina Als: Geisha

A digital illustration of a woman with her face painted like a Dia del los Muertos skull

Yoselin Mata: Day of the Dead

Paper roll sculpture

Anonymous: Black Knowledge

Abstract drawing of lines and shapes in bright colors

Jason Acevedo Jr.: Untitled

painting tree green

Anonymous: Angry Tree

Sculpture of a figure with flowers on it

Brooklyn Swanson, Sofia Diaz and Damaris Sokol: My Body

Drawing split into four section and four different elements

Auva Sharegh: Untitled

Photograph of a person divided down the middle

Jimmie Rogers III: The Two Sides of Reality

Red, yellow, and brown pattern background with the text "Life's not fair" on top made from newspaper.

Kai Galer: Untitled

Anonymous: snake

Anonymous: Wolf at Night

charcoal and painting of anatomical heart with personalized details

Krisha Pandey : My Values

Adam Zapata: Meliodas is King.3

Cora Mangual: House of the Rising Sun

Colored pencil illustration

Chhaya Sharma: Untitled

Painting of a person with a bomb as a head

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: La bomba

Mixed media artwork of a blackout poem on bookpage with cutouts of vintage photographs of women, and callout words

Lila C: A Feminine Experience

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

A pen illustration of complex patterns portraying a coral reef.

Angela Batcheller: Psychedelic Coral Reef

Jermaine Byrd: Martin Luther King Jr.

A watercolor painting of a dragon embracing a heart organ. There is a cigarette close to the dragon as it embraces the heart.

Anonymous: Health

A necklace created by adding red and black elements to a bottle cap.

Zora Alleyne: Sangria

cat sleeping on a box

Vance Lira: Day 10, Doors

person wearing white top on a green and blue collaged background

Kaili Hill: Collage and Reframe

Digital photograph of man in mirror with red and blue glowing hearts across the image

Farhan A: Water and Fire moon

Drawing of a boy standing on top of a brick wall with a ladder on a floating island

Cesar Garcia: Mind Of A Hero

A picture of a pug next to a sculpture of a pug

Anonymous: Chato the pug

Ramik Spencer: Storyboard

Drawing of trophy with #1 mom, with teddy bears, mom and daughter, and heart around it.

Aarvi Vakharia: Happy Mother’s Day

portrait of person with small rabbit-like ears.

Vance Lira: Day 2, Bunnies

An Aseprite Animation

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Everything Stays

A graphic design with words creating the image of an earth on fire

Arturo Garcia: Our Changing World

Anonymous: Space


Anonymous: Space Ceramics

Small pieces of water color painting are turned into many colorful characters on the page.

Anonymous: Watercolor Characters

Detailed and labeled anatomical drawing of a human heart

Avani Bang: The Human Heart

Drawing of baby yoda holding a pink heart with multiple red hearts beside him. Diamonds are drawn above him.

Anonymous: Baby Yoda with Hearts and Diamonds

two people talking about a necklace

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Pencil drawing of two center flowers with leaves and smaller flowers around it.

Caitlynn Chiu: Sketching Flowers

Drawing of a woman in a red dress

Anonymous: Hamilton

Painting of food in bowl and person sitting at table

Jocelyn Delgado: Works in Series

An image of a girl with green hair and pigtails looking out at bombs and buildings on fire.

Daniella Kleyman: Children do not Deserve War

Anonymous: Muraya

Anonymous: Peace of Mind

Anonymous: Contamination

Photograph of a mop head in the corner of a pink bathtub

Angelica Arriaga: Serpillière

Brianna Kokoszka: Eternally Warped

Photo of girl with veil over her face

Rachel Nguyen: Gilded Oppression

Green butterfly perched on a yellow flower in front of a newspaper background

Yesenia Aguirre: Dismay

person with wings near their head

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 11, Wings

A picture of a person with rainbow colored silhouettes stretching out from the figure

Maia Mar: Rainbow Shadow

Daja Jackson: Untitled

Veda Mathur: Chameleon Sunset

Watercolor painting of a calico cat

Emelin Casimiro: Lovely Cat

Watercolor painting of a house with the sunset reflecting from the windows

Samantha Berger: His Life’s Work

Surrealist colorful key hole

Elizabeth Aguilar: Camping

Liliana Nash: Teeth

Photograph of blue glass sculpture of octopus with orange and yellow spots

Quinn F: Glass Octopus

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Im kinda hungry

A portrait of a woman who is covering part of her face with orange fabric and a bright, colorful sunset background


Drawing of a playground with a pink slide

Anonymous: Taste Of Nostalgia

Anonymous: Rattling

Drawing of a sun with rainbows

Valerie Betancourt: Untitled

Amesyah Flowers: Portrait

Jaylen Reed: New Social Order

A drawing of an animal with bunny ears on a flowery background

Lexi Smith: Rainbow Bunny

Ice cream cone with face and knife

Eliya Torres: Day 8, Ice Scream

Anonymous: Untitled

dinosaur in tub

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur

Anonymous: Untitled

Balloons arranged in a rainbow pattern

Anonymous: Untitled

Two portraits on a green background

Selah Payne: Portraits

A mixed media collage of a fashion drawing of a white dress with ruffles around the seams. There are extra notes, fabric swatches, and drawings around the figure.

Tabitha Shaheen: Summer Waves Dress

Digital drawing of a person fully clothed in blue pants and a green teeshirt, surfing on the water. A bright sunset of yellow and pink hues and a giant blue outline of an upside-down triangle is in the background.

Henry De Luca: Elements – Tabitha

fox in a cage

Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap

Harrison Brennan: Seeing the Seen

digital photography

Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid

Anonymous: Pop’s Routine

A Raisin In The Sun By Donald Pieters - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Donald Pieters: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

Drawing: large purple figure sits center on pink and yellow tiled floor. Pink and green plants grow from their head. A slightly open door is on the right of the drawing.

Daniela Loza: No smile No sorrow

Anonymous: Carrie and John

Drawing of boy in red shirt

Solomon Brown: “Me”

4 men with night skyline in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

black and white mixed media collage featuring different musical elements such as tapes, guitar picks, guitars, concert images, and images of people with long hair.

Michelle E: Untitled

Painting of three figures on a grey steel bridge; two in the distance and one in the foreground, facing off against each other. A grey cityscape is seen far in the distance.

Conner Schmieg: Liberation

Jansel Perez: The Battle


Grace Daway: The SUNFLOWERS 

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Child's face with other elements collaged over it

Bo Chuong Pasetto: Untitled


Emma Didricksen: Little Bunny

Simon Jose: Beef Curry and Boli

Photo of sunset over industrial bridge

Samuel Childers: Cermak Sunset

A blue and purple illustration of a floating building with lights

Anonymous: Alien Hangout

two goldfish swimming, from above

Anonymous: Untitled

Black baseball helmet flipped upside down with blue and orange flowers emerging on a spring.

Alicia Figueroa: Body

Saori Yamanaka: Replica of Still Life Pitcher and Fruit

Photograph of a model of a destroyed room

Celia Hannan: The Destroyed Room

Shaelan Wallace: My First Friends

A black print of a skeleton with a tree in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Bright flowers and a hand with constellations.

Anonymous: Untitled

A smiley face with rainbows and a checker pattern

Ashley Loera: Smile


Veronica Gipson: Day 4, Sandwich

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

landscape with 3 fall-colored trees

Sacha Gross: Untitled

Mixed media square collage

Ashley Villa: Latina

Person falling whilst a figure labelled family cradles them in a black void

Brielle Thomas: Light in darkness

Person leaning against a mirror.

Anonymous: Untitled

Musical note collage of various colored paper

Odessa Rosen: Musical Note Mosaic

Drawing of two girls standing next to one another

Lucia Solares: Friends

drawing of Godzilla in yellow and black

Henry Ellis: Godzilla vs. King Kong

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

A painting of a family of three.

Merani Cervantes: Sin Defectos

colored pencil flowers on ground

Anonymous: Flowers

Brianna Hargrove: Microscopic Vision

Lego guy with drawn tree.

Eric Norstrom: The Happy Apple

An elephant head made out of clay

Andrew Lu: Elephant

pencil drawing of three people holding up large frame around them with bees on it

Saul H: Golden times

Stacked carrots

Guadalupe Miranda: Raices

Azriel Mesa: Spider Bot Walk

b/w drawing of person wearing large, round glasses

Silva (Daniel) Flores: In the Style Of…

A portrait painted with black and red

Zander Graves: Coolio

Black and white photo of male figure taken from below. Trees glow behind him.

Anonymous: From Above

Mixed media work of muted colors made of wood and string hanging down.

Laterra Lyons: Love

Carter Palmer: Disney Mixer Cars – Showing Emotions

Raquel Marrero: Bird in Spring

Ink drawing of a small town

Utsav Patel: Souviens Toi

Digital art with green warp and text coming out

Amari R: Untitled

Wooden mannequin dropping letter blocks. Blue and purple background.

Oscar Guerrero: Drop

Collage of a hallway in a house

Sheridan Steele: Untitled

Mixed Media collage of the bottom of a person's face with images coming out of their head

Camryn Gosa: Untitled

Melting ice cube

Henry De Luca: Day 8, Ice Scream

Landscape photograph with lake and trees.

Anonymous: Nature

Line drawing of a person walking

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 2, Bunnies

Anonymous: Unicorn and Rainbow

Ceramic piece with blue and purple color.

Anonymous: Purple Heart

Melanie Silva: Forest Blues

Illuminated restaurant signs in Chinatown.

Arianna Bodini: Chinatown Lights

A drawing with figures in motion on a background full of doodles and designs.

Lily Munkhbold: Keith Haring inspired Bodies in Motion

MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye

Nia Bakari: A Prompt

black and white high contrast photo of side of persons face backlit by large ring light

Samuel J: Silhouette

Yueling Qian: Path to Sweetness

Liza Pena: Outside Projects

Anonymous: Altered by the Past

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