Teacher Name: Megan Kalmes
Grade: 11
Dimensions: 18” × 24″
Artist Statement:

I’m really interested in the way pollution affects all types of animals, and I want to use art to speak up about the things affecting our environment. I want to use my art to speak up about oil spills and the way it pollutes and harms birds.

Oil pollution is something that heavily affects birds. Their plumage was designed to provide them waterproofing and insulation and oil in their feathers mats them and misaligns the tiny barbs that keep their feathers properly positioned. Oil also causes birds to lose body heat and exposes them to temperatures and weather conditions that can be fatal. A lot of oiled birds will eventually accept their fate and die due to exhaustion, dehydration or starvation. I chose to put the machine on my forearm to say how their lives are in our hands, and the ink is representing oil.

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