Digital drawing of an eye with eyeliner and a cat pupil

Diana Perez: Portrait of a Girl

Drawing of a girl with red skin and blue hair

Sophie Yanny-Tillar: Thoughts

A drawing of a red cardinal on a branch

Solome Abebe: Cardinal

watercolor of a tree with no leaves on a background of blue, yellow, and pink stripes

Akshara Rajan: The Curvy Tree

An elephant head made out of clay

Andrew Lu: Elephant

Photograph of a boy with a mask drawn on his face

Anonymous: doc-zom by

Drawing of a pink piggy

Anonymous: Piggy

Abstract drawing with circles, lines, and color

Andrew Lockhart: Andrew’s Study of Senecio, By Paul Klee

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: David’s Fish

A robot sculpture

Evelyn Rocha: Recycled Object Robot

Drawing of a woman with wings standing next to a child

Anonymous: Untitled

Ariana Rendon: Pay It No Mind!

Natalie Pate: Under the Sea

A folded modular origami parakeet bird

Elena Avila: Modular Origami Parakeet

drawing of person with white hair wearing an olive green jacket, sipping from a coffee cup.

Brette Baker: Untitled

A pencil drawing of a hibiscus flower

Jovanni Carteno: Hibiscus

Brayden Yang: My Lovely Playroom

sculpture of 2 people made of pipe cleaners and paper

Anonymous: Straw Person

Carter Palmer: Olive Oil Gets Strong Too

Markers arranged to spell "HOME"

Victoria Thomas: Untitled

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Anonymous: Frida

Portrait assembled with a variety of materials including paper, yarn, and pencils.

Kana R. Hutchens: Complicit

A drawing of a person with long hair

Nailah Faisal: Untitled

A drawing of a mouse and a girl in a birch forest

Penny Morris: Birch Forest

Drawing of an owl on a tree trunk

Adam Milic: Snowy Owl

Pencil drawing of a dragon's head

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a dinosaur

Anonymous: Diplodocus

A drawing of 4 fictional creatures

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of four people standing under a blue sky with clouds

Anonymous: Mi creatividad con papel

Anonymous: Alice in the Troubledland

A drawing of a ballerina with a red skirt

Anonymous: Jojo ballerina

Self portrait of person with dark hair in a purple hoodie

Alexandrea Suggs: Desire

Abstract drawing in blue marker

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white drawing with a tree and pier

Isabella Martinez: Untitled

Elizabeth Holub: Face

A drawing of a figure covering their face with compartments of troubling events from 2020 and 2021 above.

Kayla Aguayo: Untitled

Painting of a cat with an orange face and blue body

Liliana Garcia: Lily’s Cat

Emaiya McKay: New Horizon

Watercolor of a tree and Christmas bells

Isabella Martinez: Untitled

Nivian Ellison: We are all beautiful

Digital drawing of Goofy over a picture of a child.

Lennox Barnes: Goofy Inspired

An abstract flow painting of different shades of blue

Keevionte Mohomes: SEA OF BLUE

Anonymous: Untitled

A rainbow zebra collage

Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature

A digital drawing of a person with black hair, a black hat and a red tie

Anonymous: Aiden

A pixelated colorful parrot

Anonymous: Macaw in pixels

A drawing of a girl holding a puppy

Enisa Khan: My true friend and a priceless treasure

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful drawing of an ice cream cone in front of a colorful background

Audrey Uspensky: Rainbow Ice Cream

Harper McDonald: Hip Hop-Inspired Fashion

Anonymous: Untitled

Collage of shapes on a blue background

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a castle

Brennan Metzger: Dark Castle Ruins

A cloudy image with a paintbrush painting a rainbow

Cindy Cen: A Final Resort, Escape

Black and white stylized illustration of a princess

Kaely Ascencio: Guess the Princess

Ayesha Khan: Quarantine

Amani Davis: Fist Up

Trash can mosaic

Delilah Diaz: Untitled

Anonymous: Tucgar #1 of two

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a man with a red coat

Anonymous: Barack Obama

Leianne Obligado: Untitled

Drawing of a black cat with red eyes, and very long neck and arms.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of shapes, lines, and colors

Anonymous: Patterns

Marker drawing of a lake with trees and a sunset in the background

Owen Gary: The Crack of Night

Mosaic of a woman's back

Genevive Jerozal: Mosaic

A painting of a whale in water with a sunset sky

Anonymous: Happy Whale

A red, squat, glass blown vessel

Anonymous: Brick Red with White Chunk Black Lip Squat Jug

A drawing of a big pink dinosaur on green grass

David Martinez: Dinosaur

A sculpture of a popsicle stick raft with a girl and turtle made of clay sitting on the raft.

Lily Estrada: Lily’s Raft adventures

MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye

Collage of trees upside down with colored pencils and clothes

Victor Berg: Untitled

Child's face with other elements collaged over it

Bo Chuong Pasetto: Untitled

marker drawing of an alebrije

Anonymous: Alebrije

Celeste Kaplan: It’s My Job to be Annoying

Portrait of a female face, in pencil.

Kaline Adams: Portrait of a Girl

Ink drawing of a boy's face wearing a mask - words for value

Joaqin Gigante: Mocrography portrait

Drawing of a turtle underwater, in colored pencil

Anonymous: Untitled

Nina Djurovic: Piazza di Trevi

Gael Colorado: Earth City

Khristo Reyes: Urban Shark

Colorful abstract drawing with many dots of color in the background and a rainbow in the foreground

Ava Kem Allen: Many Pieces

Ka’miyah Green: Molly Costello Dreams

Silhouette of a mom and her daughter in front of a sunset

Aarvi Vakharia: A Mother’s Love

Model of a red building

Yoshi Norris: Where I Live

Drawing with red and yellow tones and a butterfly

Heidy Martinez: In Quite There Is No Peace

A girl with flowers in her blue and purple hair

Katrina Lin: Shine in Light

Drawing of a sunset and trees

Alejandra Carmona Potosme: The Beauty Art

Anonymous: The Canvas of Connection

A watercolor painting of a giraffe with a flower in its mouth

Sally Reimer: The Giraffe

A drawing of a small white owl with a snowy, blue background.

Anonymous: Owl in the Snow

Crayon drawing of a penguin on a blue background

Derek Guerra: Penguin

A painting of a girl with red hair, a white necklace and a blue shirt

Angelina Berg: Self Portrait

Crayon drawing of a girl and a dragon

Winnie Miller: Princess Cimorne

Drawing of an imaginary animal with wings and patterns

Vikram Konkimalla: Imaginary Animal in an imaginary land

Graphite drawing of a girl

Jenny Angeles: Jennie

anonymous: A Day at the Lake

Anonymous: Untitled

A pencil drawing of a raptor dinosaur

Anonymous: Raptor Dinosaur

A drawing of a fish

Stephanie Jimenez: Fish

Daliya Owerko: untitled

Illustration of an Eagle head with a yellow beak

Avery Geyer: The Eagle

Maja Nagi: Untitled

Colorful drawing of a dog

Seth Morton: Folk Art Dog


Drawing of a woman with blue hair wearing a yellow dress with her hands on her hips.

Akiya Killins: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a girl jumping into water, city in the background

Emmy Bassik: The City Leap

White collage of an owl on a yellow background

Ella Poczatek: Untitled

Colorful abstract drawing of a triceratops

Francis Miller: Triceratops

A digital drawing of a wolf with one eye

Anonymous: The Lone Star

Anonymous: Edwin’s Favorite Media

Anonymous: Sugar Skull

Painting of a rabbit with a red background

Sasha Preuss: Bianca

Painting of a guinea pig with a pink background

Mina Miranda: Guinea Pig

Yueling Qian: Forest Fairy

Drawing of two girls standing next to one another

Lucia Solares: Friends

Drawing of fairy in pink dress sniffing pink flower.

Anonymous: Fairy with Flower

Comic style drawing of people in their homes

Margaret Williams: Me and my friends in Ms. Kanellopoulos’s class

Alexa Messier: Reality

Anonymous: Untitled

Modeling clay sculptures of cats

Corinne Beerdeke: Cat City

Photo of round yarn earrings

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

Colored pencil drawing of a tree from above

Anonymous: The Biggest Tree

Catherine Choi: Water fun

Anonymous: Toucan on business Trip to the Tropics

Mixed media tree made out of paper, paint, and cotton balls.

Casey Fiumefreddo: Fall

A drawing of pieces of toast all around a plate with toast with jelly on it

Ethel Adler-Grimm: Crazy Toast

Drawing of Chicago Flag with different symbols

Brennan Metzger: My Chicago Symbols

Robot sculpture made of stacked boxes and jewels

Anonymous: Boxbot 2000

Anonymous: Rain

Drawing with rainbows that says "Kill them NO Save Them YES, by: Zia"

Anonymous: Untitled

Coen Schaller: Chicago Living

A drawing of two people under two big white clouds with snow falling

Grey Shady: Me & West In A Snowstorm

A drawing of a blue creature on the ground with a pink tree, green bush, and sun.

Anonymous: Creature

Colorful drawing of a turtle and Skittles

Anoymous: Skittle Turtles

William Velasquez Quezada: Happy Train

A painting of a crab and some fish at the bottom of the ocean

Paul Miller: Under the Sea

Detailed and labeled anatomical drawing of a human heart

Avani Bang: The Human Heart

A drawing of two Harry Potter characters

Gianna McBride: Harry and Cho

A drawing of a boys face with blonde hair and blue eyes

Bruce Reinard: Self Portrait

A purple person without a face holding their hand up making a circle with their fingers

Laila Chiquito: Hisoka

Yellow and purple drawing of street poles, traffic cones, and more.

Cilia Conley: Untitled

Colored pencil drawing of a shark head coming out of the water.

Anonymous: Jaws the Mighty

Drawing of two people shaking hands in front of a rainbow of colors

Anonymous: Rainbow Shake

Anonymous: Untitled

Animated gif of a bomb exploding

Anonymous: Explode

A colorful drawing of figures with rainbow lines surround them

Brody Cox: Dancer’s in the City

Silhouette of elephant against sunset.

Anonymous: The Elephant – Gwendolyn

Analia Madrigal: Starlight

Anonymous: Naruto

Drawing of a green man with a blue cape

Adam Milic: Crocodile Super Hero

A drawing of a woman with a yellow head wrap

Senade Sodji: My African Grandma

Drawing of 3 people with party hats wearing masks.

Anonymous: Playdate with Covid-19

Painting of a hand with "more than a vote" written on it

Anonymous: Black Lives Matter.

Anonymous: White Brick

Luca Macri: Movement

Digital drawing of a wolf with red mountains in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a forest with mushrooms

Ruby Drexler: Untitled

Estefano Sanchez: Monster Feelings

Seraphina Royer: Tissue Flowers

Anonymous: The Mystics of the Forest

Isabella Yan: Pops of James Baldwin

Julianne Martinez: Cat

Colorful surrealist painting of a bird with long legs

Jonny Drexler: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Isabel Wood: Frida

Anonymous: Wilber’s Wonderland

The outline of a person with an afro with the words black lives matter and names written in red inside the persons body

Mariah Urbina: Black Lives Matter

A painting of an orange and yellow sky with clouds over blue water

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of fox in front of mountains.

Isabella Watkins: Mr. Fox

Digital yin and yang drawing

Kaylee Wellington: “My Sun & Moon Yin Yang”

Camron Palmer: Popeye the Sailor Man

Maya Avila: Lion With a Big Mane

Drawing of a cat in the middle of a bunch of flames.

Sofia Faisal: Flame Cat

Drawing of a yellow bee on a pink flower

Chloe Liow: Untitled

A colorful sun with red, blue, and yellow, and a face.

Minahil Ahmed: Cryptosun

Drawing of 2 yellow tigers under a tree. In the sky, written "Save tigers" with a red heart.

Anonymous: Untitled

Ana Beckman: Fencer

Drawing of a fruit bowl

Anonymous: Fruit Bowl

A drawing of a small animal with big glasses

Anonymous: Misses applebee

Women from different cultures holding hands

Journi Easter: Women of The World

Anonymous: Beast

A painting with yellows and magenta with Arabic lettering in black.

Anonymous: Untitled

Illustration of a person in a hoodie with writing all over the photo

Amara Messier: Isolation

Drawing of a bunch of rooms with cats in them

Hannah Lou: Untitled

Drawing of a girl with a halo and stars around her head

Anonymous: Untitled

Illustration of a skyline

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a bed design made to look like a horse

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a skull and teddy bear

Anonymous: My Childhood Comfort Bear

Abstract drawing of two eyes made of flowers and other things

Raila Gonzales: Untitled

Anonymous: unnamed

Henry Naylon: J Park vehicle and background

Drawing of a jellyfish with flowers on its tentacles

Yahira Martinez-Castanon: Jellyflower

UFO with a colorful beam over a black and white drawing

Henry Everett: Untitled

A painting of a girl with short hair and a question mark next to her head

Untitled: Self Portrait

Fiona Mix: I Want to Go Home

Drawing of a girl with red pigtails and green eyes

Chrisette Armour: Shine

Digital drawing of a grayscale girl with bright green patterned background

Anonymous: Billie Eilish

Ink drawing of a girl crying

Anonymous: Sketch in Pencil

Painting of yellow and pink ice cream in a colorful cup.

Helen Zheng: Untitled

Anonymous: Mudz

Graphite self-portrait drawing of a boy with a striped shirt

Steven Jiang: Self-Portrait

perspective line drawing of building

Anonymous: Building in 2 point perspective

Hannah Boegen-Stork: Rainbows

Digital drawing of a person in gray curled into a ball falling through a gray sky.

Anastacia Torres: Anxiety

Drawings of 3 girls with "you matter" written above them

Lana Surgit: You Matter

Purple rabbit head made of fur.

Keiran Eatinger: Icing Rabbit

Victor Fernandez: Freddy’s Drawings

Liliana Torres: Random Animation

Two illustrations of girls in dresses

Anonymous: Twins from far away…

A black and white photo of a hamburger restaurant sign

Natalie M. Lising: Five Cent Burgers

Black and white graphite drawing of a girl

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Crazy Creative

Digital drawin gof a girl with a ceiling fan above her

Jadian Esparza-Lagahit: Waiting

Painting of rainbow coming out of the sun in space, beaming down to the Earth.

Anonymous: Space Bridge

Terry White: Untitled, 2020

Pencil drawing of a variety of weapons, including swords and nunchucks

Carter Wong: The Japan Armory

An artistic copy of Van Goghs Starry Night

Anonymous: Northern Lights and Stars

Ximena Cardenas: Untitled

Blue and purple painting of a field

Claire Mun: Spring

An optical illusion of green squares

Anonymous: Jae V On

A drawing of a colorful octopus with a unicorn and some fish underwater

Anabelle Ramunni: unicorn ocean magic

Ashley Loera: The perfect day

Anonymous: Self-portrait

Daniel Jones: Untitled

Drawing of buildings and hearts

Bruno Salinas: The City of Faces

Paper flower sculptures

Julia Rodriguez: “Springtime Flowers”

Graphite drawing of a person's face with short hair

Lilliane Shen: Sunshine in My Eyes

Alya Brice: My Teachers

Digital illustration of a girl next to a floating book with green glowing lights

Jael Green: Magic is Like Avocados

Cardboard maze

Max Herro: Labyrinth Game

Three cut paper birds

Danika Dollinger: Untitled

Digital collage of a cat on the white house with a circus out front

Ariadna Avalos: False Promises

A portrait of a boy in a blue shirt and durag

Dashawn Garner: Durag Boy

Drawing of robot with his hand outstretched

Anonymous: Robot dreams

Esmeralda Cervantes: Roses

Drawing of a blue gill fish

Anonymous: La Loteria Blue Gill

Black and white drawing of fish, mountains, and water

Yoel Lopez: Funky Fishies

Abstract painting with circles, smears, and lines

Anonymous: Gold Circles #1 of 5

An ink drawing of lots of bees and some buildings

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

Charlie Carroll: Untitled

Drawing of a woman with buttons on her skirt and a red shirt

Zoe Fowler: 100th day of school

Painting of a dog stuffed animal with a brown background

Sasha Preuss: My best friend Biscuit

Balloons arranged in a rainbow pattern

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Winter is Coming!

Fox girl with a tail in between two trees

Anonymous: Fern

Black and white line drawing of a monster face.

Milo Mattfield: Eyes Forward, Mine Door Wood

A painting of a peacock

Siena Leinwand: The Peacock

Jase Avery: Untitled

Anonymous: Ocean view landscape

Drawing of a bunny on a blanket

Sasha Preuss: Drawing of Bianca

Crayon drawing of a butterfly

Anonymous: The Hungry, Hungry Butterfly

A marker drawing of a character with a green shirt and blue eyes.

Anonymous: Sam the Cat

Men in striped suits and mustaches doing acrobatics

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

A drawing of three girls

Anonymous: Super School

Itzel Seledon-Garza: Oceanic Storm

Destiny Hogans: Bottleneck

Character in the dark surrounded by neon shapes

Alexandra Buckingham: Lexi

Abstract painting of a bird and flowers

Zoey Faisal: Untitled

White and blue jellyfish on a black background

Sophia Renee Macias: Electric Shock – Glowing Jellyfish in the Deep Sea

Photograph of a paper cathedral sculpture

Lindsey Prochot: “Classical Cathedral”

Vincent Young: The Most Awesome Crew in the Universe

A painting of two dogs, one done with warm colors and the other with cool colors

Ottilie Forster: Warm vs Cool

A painting of two trees with green leaves and green grass.

Ibrahim Alesaei: The Forest

Anonymous: COVID Kiss

Anonymous: Muraya

line drawing of four girls in different colors

Anonymous: Emotions

Calvin Farr: Untitled

Abigail Arellano: Untitled

Daniela Rodriguez: Green Diamond Heart

Drawing of a hand breaking through the ground, texture on fingers and in background

Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through

Drawing of a super hero with cat ears

Adam Milic: Black Panther

Owl puppet with googley eyes and fuzz balls

Anonymous: Owl in Disguise

Painting of a the silhouette of a tree against a moonlit sky with purple and blue swirls

Ariana Junior: Moonlight

Intersecting red and green lines, kind of looks like pipes

Matthew Greco: Life’s Intersections

Drawing of Pinocchio in colored pencil.

Nestor Sisiruca Gallo: Pinocchio

Maggie Bao: Sleeping Panda

dominoes on edge on platform of magnatiles, with lego figurine next to dominoes.

Sophia Mohammad: Prime Labyrinth

Charlotte Moss: Untitled

Drawing of buildings with birds and a yellow sun

Anonymous: Untitled

Zenon Ostrowski: computer heart

An abstract flow painting with black blue and orange

Anonymous: Streaks of Color

Anonymous: Todoro Rainbow

Painting of cherry blossom branch against a red and pink sky

Alexandra Watkins: Cherry Blossoms

Digital drawing of soldier witt sunglasses, and gold energy around their forearms.

Langitoska Karanaya Sjarif: My illustration of a hero, Gatot Kaca

Anonymous: Untitled

Line drawing of a shark-like creature with a long spiky tongue

Anonymous: Buzz

Mirabelle Royer: Sunny Umbrella

Young man standing in front of a door on a red carpet

Jayden Patel: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a girl wearing a mask

Georgia Pooler: Self Portrait

Abstract digital drawing of muted colors

Anonymous: My Design

Cole Ham: Marty DiGiorno

Anonymous: Pink Lotus

A colorful drawing of the earth and futuristic buildings under a purple sky.

Anonymous: A Futuristic Crystal World

Black and white geometric drawing

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of the Statue of Liberty

Nash McBride: Ellis Island

Drawing of 3 people with party hats wearing masks.

Lea Vu: Playdate with Covid-19

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine


Logan Briody: Baldi

Hannah Kong: Untitled

Drawing of a fruit bowl

Anonymous: Fruit Bowl

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawings of 4 different characters

Anonymous: FNAF Pizzeria Simulator

Nevin Banu: Zig Zag

Anonymous: Bakugo

Anonymous: Luck

A pencil drawing of a scarecrow surrounded by pumpkins

Anonymous: Autumn Harvest

Emerson Conway: Untitled

Camila Morales: Banana Boatin’

Iriz Lugo: Amelia Earhart

Ink drawing of a boy smiling

Anonymous: Miles Morales

A portrait of a girl with big, pink hair and a crown with an eye above her head

Anonymous: Colored Girl Magic

Drawing of a girl in a checkered turtleneck sweater standing in her room

Jazmin Gamez: Self-Portrait 2021

Drawing of a green dragon

Daniel Song: Korean Dragon

Allison Martineau: Miss Scary

Sebastian Arias Montoya: Chevinie

Anonymous: Overcome the Obstacles!

Dragon in front of a purple sky and moon

Anonymous: CHARIMAX

Drawing of an orange sports car in front of 2 green trees and a yellow sun.

Levon Nigg: Race Car Super Center

A drawing of an anime character with glasses and brown hair

Charlie Lang: Hanji Zoe

Maksym Przybyl: Untitled

Jasmine Martinez: The Illusion of Storms

Drawing of a family

Anonymous: ShapeHeads

Drawing of people at the farm portion at the zoo

Matthew Chung: Thankful for Lincoln Park Zoo

Drawing of snakes

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Color of Emotion

Max Silverman: Untitled

Painting of a spider coming down a tree with a moon with a blue gradient in the background

Piper Castaneda: The Spider

Abstract painting with blues, greens, and oranges

Ellison Knapp: Mental Overload

Drawing of a phoenix with "Sor Juana Field Day 2021" written underneath in red marker.

Ava Campos: Untitled

Drawing of a snake

Noah Solis-Kozlowski: Untitled

Anonymous: The Places I Wish I lived In

Drawing of a mosaic bird in front of a photo of clouds

Leonardo Fonseca: Blue Jay

A crowd of people standing in front of a hand controlling a television through puppet strings

Jacob Barcenas: Untitled

Painting of 2 trees at night, with clouds like a river pouring into a pool in between the trees

Maia Daley: for world

Anonymous: I am thinking about something.

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