Grade: Senior
Materials: Digital Brushes
Dimensions: 21.3 x 28.4583
Description: It’s the year 7077. Technology has grown, and businesses have become stronger. However, the creation of robots has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. An almost 18-year-old and intelligent student tries to find a way to help his parents, who work tirelessly every day to support him and his sister. Using a prostitute robot he managed to steal and his brilliant engineering skills, he will create a robot capable of bringing him and his family to the top. But, will his robot turn out to create more problems in the future?Artist Statement: Using digital art, I made this portfolio to create stories through art. I find drawing digitally has helped extensively as it allows me to use different types of brushes and more colors. It’s a perfect alternative to spending less money on expensive art supplies. Much of my art starts freehanded, not sketched or thought out beforehand. Personally, I like to go with a flow; if there is a need for adjustment, it shall be adjusted. Even though planning beforehand is helpful and good practice, freehand allows me to relax and create confidence in my artistic skills. The stories in each piece come from my own experiences or from a fictional story I create. My Korean culture plays a huge role in my stories and in my clothing designs, as my culture is very important to who I am. When creating a fictional story, music is usually the most helpful as it creates the setting. Additionally, sitting alone with my thoughts can help me come up with an idea. Although, most of the narrative comes from my desire to escape and run away. I’ve always wished to live in a world where I meet mystical creatures or where zombies roam. My art means escaping from the mundane, living as someone else, or a statement on things that bother me – all of which I would like to share.

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