Teacher Name: Rosa Spacucello
Grade: 12


In the Midwest, there are an endless number of cornfields that grow into the deepest parts of rural plains. Serving as an homage to the backbone of American supermarkets, Anywhere, USA provides a spotlight on those small towns in the distance while traveling from point A to point B, never stopping to see what lies in these towns.

Through the use of lines, the piece drags the viewer into a small town in the distance, with a church in the center of it all. With the cloudless sky above in its vibrant blue hues, it further forces the small town motif, ushering in the question: What is over there?

To me, “Anywhere, USA” explores that very question. What goes on in these towns in the distance? It has been a fascination for me for a while now; coming from the city, I have never experienced the life of a person in these desolate outposts.aintinp

Artist Statement:

In my pursuit of artistic expression, I pull the curtain on society and present its innards that might not always be beautiful and often deviate from the status quo. With a wide variety of mediums, I express opinions on different topics, whether that be societal, environmental, or intrapersonal issues. These subjects, though not always heavy, are consistently important to me and my creative process. Topics I discuss range from the dangers of consumerism to the simple joy of walking down a street.
In our 21st century world, my creative journey is amid today’s social media where I engage in the rich community of artists interconnected through various online spaces. As I delve into the works of others, I am engulfed with information on countless artists and techniques past and present.
Drawing inspiration from both contemporary and historical artists such as Andy Warhol, And Frida Kahlo; These artists have shaped my creative journey heavily, morphing my art into varying techniques, styles, and ideas. Due to these muses, my artistic toolbox carries traditional materials such as pens, pencils, and brushes, Alongside a wide range of digital mediums and experimental techniques such as digital manipulation and screen-printing to achieve designs that defy conventional boundaries.
Additionally, my art is centered around themes of consumerism and meta-modernism. To put it simply, my art delves into the very real realms of conglomerates, vivid colors, and contemporary existence. With the world in a state of perpetual flux, my art is in a similar state of evolution and growth. Throughout the years, the dominant narrative surrounding my art has changed but has kept one continuity: my constant passion to express my ideas which words simply cannot. Initially, I was interested in exhibiting stories of unique characters and their lives. However, as time went on, my perception of the world has changed, now with a more nuanced and intricate perspective. I have become more driven than ever in displaying these inner workings for all to see, no matter how unnerving may be.

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