Teacher Name: Joanne Minyo
Grade: 12

Materials: Buff, Glaze
Dimensions: 11” × 9” x 6”
Description: Conch and her Cave is an exploration of texture within the ocean and the fantastical. Mermaids have a fond place in my heart, from being a child pretending to be one to a biology project where I diagrammed my ideas of what a realistic mermaid would look like. The ocean as a whole has been equally fascinating for as long as I can remember. From the delicate kelp strands to the branching coral, I meticulously placed each piece of the ocean to surround Conch. The shells were imprinted with molds of actual shells, and scattered around as if Conch had decorated her home with pretty objects (as I do with my own room). Creating Conch and her Cave was my love letter to the ocean and its beauty as well as its meaning to me. The ocean represents home, family, and familiarity, and so I’ve given a home to a mermaid.

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