Teacher Name: Alexander Sutphen
Grade: 9

Materials: Watercolor Pencils

Artist Statement: I’m Amani Mohammad, a 16-year-old visual artist. I love to create art that shows emotions and experiences that not everyone can relate to but is still important to be educated about. This piece, made with watercolor pencils, is called “A Simple Reflection” and is based on a peer’s story, “A Simple Case”. The story takes place in a rainy area, where the main character is insecure about their face because it is too plain. They spend their life avoiding their reflection and they go outside, they hold their head down and hope the puddles on the sidewalk are muddy. I put my own twist to the story in an effort to make it connect with me more. I have what I believe to be facial dysmorphia, and almost always hide my face from myself and others. In this piece, I wanted to convey the feelings of panic and anxiety that I feel when I am forced to face my reflection or have others look under my mask. I want you to feel the emotions I felt while hiding my face, and eventually creating this piece.

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