Teacher Name: Maria Ambre
Grade: Senior

Materials: Acrylic Paint and Markers
Dimensions: 12×9″

Artist Statement: I often use art to express myself, and especially to show the mental health struggles I have every day. 4 out of 5 of these pieces were created just for myself and to hang in my bedroom. “Isolated” was created in a very dark time in my life where I felt very alone and disconnected from the rest of the world. This piece was also the first time I used water-soluble oil pastels, which inspired the blended watercolor effect. “Love is Pain” was created to show the downs of a relationship, but also the reward that comes out of working things out in the end. I made this piece in one night with acrylic paint at home, after facing hardship in a relationship; wanting to relax and paint the pain away. “The chaos that we call life” was originally just a scratch piece of paper I used to mix paint. After the paint dried, I decided that I didn’t want to waste it and that the certain shapes that stood out to me could be drawn over to create a beautiful piece. “Panic” was created when I panicked after realizing I didn’t know who I was or what was my purpose. The 5th piece, “Attack,” was created for my IB Senior Exhibition. I created this work of art to show the energy of a person or thing that is manipulative and controlling, and creates a strain on your life and energy; but there isn’t much you’re able to do. I plan on creating another piece called “Attacked” for my IB Portfolio to contrast to this piece and show the feeling of being the other person, the one being manipulated.

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