Grade: Senior

Artist Statement: Many people tend to take things they’re given for granted. As an artist, I use my senses to allow me to fuel my creativity when I have artist’s block. It’s as if I can feel the neurotransmitters firing in my brain minimally surging my body and each neuron is translated to something that each of my senses picks up. Once all those neurons shoot straight to the frontal cortex of my brain, a spark is ignited . That spark transfers into creativity, and sends signals telling my body what to draw to fit my vision. The sight of a tree could tell me to include nature. The smell of cologne from a man passing by might reveal that the lines I draw should be sharp and clean. The rambunctious sound of students transitioning to their next class might send a spark that indicates how loud and eye-catching my artwork should be.

Art in general brings me joy like no other activity or subject. Every pencil stroke
I make that brings me closer to the relief of stepping back and admiring the finished product as if me and the canvas are having a staring contest.

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