Teacher Name: Anastasia Sitnikova, Shaquita Reed
Grade: Senior

Materials: polyester fabric, acrylic paint, embroidery floss.
Dimensions: 36in x 60in

Artist Statement: Growing up as a first generation Mexican girl in Chicago, there are a lot of things about my experience that are both completely unique, yet entirely common. The goal I have set for myself is to make art about the difficult things about my upbringing. I focus a lot on religious iconography and things pertaining to childlike naivety and innocence. Growing up was a difficult affair, and I often find it difficult to express how my upbringing affects me now. Making my art allows me to interpret things that are difficult to say aloud, and process what it means for me now. It allows me to heal emotionally, and become stronger and more skilled physically. I want my art to evoke a feeling of helplessness. I want the viewer to be scared of what they are looking at, yet comforted by the idea that the pain of growing up and the pain of looking back at childhood experiences without the veil of innocence is a common experience, and I want them to feel not as alone and helpless. I want my art to help people heal along with me.

My art is made with materials that have a lot of texture. Things like fabric, plaster, spray foam, and chicken wire. I use these textured materials to make my sculptures very enticing to look at. I pack it with a lot of detail because it allows me to spend a lot of time on one piece at a time, which in turn helps me create in this almost meditative stance. It helps me heal.

es_MXEspañol de México