Blue mandala drawing.

Selene Roque: Untitled

Drawing of a clown with a red balloon

Ariana Alpuche-Gutierrez: Untitled

Collage of a blue cat with red shoes playing the guitar.

Ella Roeger: Untitled

Angry dog look down at bowl outlined in green with the words "Super Groovy" plastered in front

Daniel Salas-Alvarez: Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You

Collage of feathers and various objects.

Fernando Alvarez: Untitled

Black and white painting of a night with silhouette images: Barren landscape with some trees, upon which a child is singing. Dog, birds and moon in background.

Jennifer Rojas: Untitled

Black and white abstract drawing of lines.

Aolani Curt: Untitled

Green and white visual text.

Daniel Salas: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Black and white drawing of a pumpkin, a skull, and a wooden M on a table.

Le Huang: Untitled

Pink background with abstract white, red and black splatters and lines overtop.

Adrianna Sumler: Abstract Expressionist Painting

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