A collage of a earth with a clock in the corner and water with ice in the background.

Gabriela Ramirez: Time is Ticking

Anonymous: Pollo

A snowman making a snow angel in a pool setting.

Anonymous: Tako the Snowman

Painting of a person with various symbols around them.

Anonymous: My Weirdness

Anonymous: Crying

A rocket in a blue setting.

Anonymous: A Rocket

A painting of a girl up close and also farther away wearing a red hoodie in half of the image and black clothes in the other half

Layla Stacker: Help and Loss

Colorful painting on various abstract patterns.

Anonymous: Abstracted Leaf

A portrait of a person with a long and flowy gold dress

Semaj Harrison: Donna Summer

Anonymous: Ghostly Change

Anonymous: Free from Rejection of Belief

Drawing of a person with big hair with items inside it with the Big Hair Store in the background.

Anonymous: Bad Hair Day

Paper mache yellow and black mask with designs on it.

Alejandro Puebla: Identity Mask

Watercolor painting with red, blue, and black.

Anonymous: Wing Mom

A shark with two people in a boat.

Anonymous: Shark Tank

Colorful hotel in a setting with trees and a sky.

Anonymous: Paisaje con el Hotel

Collage of feathers and various objects.

Fernando Alvarez: Untitled

House created with craft sticks and colorful paint.

Anonymous: Casa

A painting with 4 figures - one in yellow, purple, red and grey with a blue sky

Amaray Hill: Ominous Past

Anonymous: Fruit Snail

Leaf with many colors around it.

Anonymous: Hoja de los Colores

A house created with colorful paint and craft stick with a blue sky background.

Anonymous: Casa de Formas

Anonymous: Promotion 1

Orange and pink shopping bags with symbols on them on a grey background.

Anonymous: Ayana’s Identity

A collage with a figure standing in flames

Daisy Rosales: Smoky Fear

A colorful, abstract painting with splattered colors.

Andrea Rodriguez: Expressive Painting Sadness to Happiness

A picture of a girl wearing a red face mask and a red shirt against a purple background with patterns

Stella Serrano: Retrato de Stella Serrano

Anonymous: Turtles in Net

An abstract painting with dark colors and cloud-like shapes

Britney Solorzano: Abstract Emotions Sadness to Happiness

A collage of a person in a green sweater standing with colorful pine trees and a blue sky.

Nahomy Fernandez: Paisaje de Nahomy

Wire shaped to look like a girls hips and stomach

Jaylani Vargas: Objects

A painting of a large, black heart with zig zag lines against a red background

Jade Garcia: Expressive Death Painting

Anonymous: The Last Piece

A chalk drawing of a street scene with a house through bars.

Kayla Vargas: Rainy Day Drawing

Anonymous: Chili snake

Paper mache mask with symbols, patterns, and colors on it.

Anonymous: Gema

Paper mache mask painted with different imagery and symbols.

Anonymous: My Chicano Life Identity Mask

A portrait of a boy with a mask on in front of a green background with patterns.

Josiah Moreno: Josiah

Anonymous: Academic Struggle

A collage of a little girl in a yellow dress with trees in the background

Laura Perez: Random Dream

es_MXEspañol de México