James Brooks: Six-Inch Portrait Gallery

Drawing of a bee on a sunflower with the world in the middle

Moreno Leslie: Giving Life

Ink drawing of a man fro the back

Anonymous: I keep it Off-White

Linda Wojtowicz: Untitled

Nayaira Castro: Self-portrait

James Brooks: Oceanarium

Drawing of flowers and bees

Diaz Emily: Dance to survive

Ashley Alamo: Indifference

Line drawing of a profile with lines in the background

Salas Jocelyn: The Parasite of Opinion

Digital drawing of blue flower with a bee in the middle

Fonseca Naomi: Laconic-Expressing Much In Few Words

Black, red and white cardboard mask

Cervantes Alejandro: 2020

Kimberly Casales: Two sides of Alice

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