Anonymous: Four Seasons

Bruziah Robinson: Black Angel

Anonymous: Eclectic Girl

Jameon Selvie: Martin Luther King Jr.

drawing of person in front of wings painted on brick wall

Jaziyah Malone: Amanda Gorman Wings

Anonymous: Molly Costello Dreams

Jariyah Payton: Dog

Matthias Duncan: Watermelon and Slices

Ka’miyah Green: Amanda Gorman Wings

Jermaine Byrd: Martin Luther King Jr.

Sharell Peden: Hood Classic

Travis Marshall: Pot of Gold

Anonymous: Four Seasons

Rasheed Brakes: Replica of Assembly2

Jameon Selvie: Snowman

Ka’miyah Green: Molly Costello Dreams

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

Destiny Hogans: Bottleneck

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