Black and white sketch with a figure in the middle

Myranda Cabral: Lost Child

Black and white sketch with a figure in the middle

Myranda Cabral: Cludered Mind

Drawing of a girl with monarch butterflies

Anonymous: Monarcha

Painting of two giraffes in an enclosure

Mahdi Muhamad: Beautiful But Caged

Painting of green and purple leaves.

Mahdi Yousef Muhamad: Green Blossom

Painting of a cheetah with glasses

Katia Gomez: Alter ego

Drawing of astronaut helmet breaking apart

Anonymous: Into Unbroken

Drawing of a rose

Anonymous: Rose

Painting of a pink flower with leaves

Mahdi Muhamad: Isolated But Accepted

Painting of soccer players in a stadium

Miguel Arellano: CR7

Painting of Quetzalcoatl

Anonymous: Quetzalcoatl

Painting of two roosters fighting

Juana Valeria Reyes: Pelea de Gallos

Painting of three people standing side to side in dresses.

Katia Gomez: Unidad

Drawing of a wine bottle and glass on a table

Miguel Arellano: Wine

Drawing of a human figure set in ancient times.

Anonymous: Golden

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