Pinecone on Branch

Michael Dahl: Pinecone on Branch

Anonymous: Winter is Coming!

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

Madeline Dunne: Awareness

porch and trees

Rebecca Leal: Perspective

Terrence Kendrick: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Faustyna Turek: Ignite

Black and white photograph of people around a tree in a building courtyard.

Victoria Toledo: Arbol De La Vida

drawing of knight with bat, rock, and key

Donald Richard: Day 3, Dungeon

A juxtaposition of different words and imagery relating to the police in black, white, and red.

Askia Bullie: Who do we call?

Photo of a gorilla on a window sill

James Wells: Untitled

person with a 3/4 face mask

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 6, Mask

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Isabel Wood: Frida

Circles with a variety of patterns painted on a green vine.

Anonymous: Untitled (green vines)

Anonymous: Changes

Daniela Salgado: Screen Nostalgia

Line drawing of dragon on white paper

Gleb Makarov: The Mighty Dragon

A hand blown glass vessel with a white and light blue pattern

Anonymous: Flat Blue and Clear Wide Mouth Vase

Photo of sculptures including hinged box with stars and three other small star pieces

Eve O: Star collection

car animation

David Wilson: Splash of Color

Anonymous: My Used To Be Reoccurring Biking Location

Abstract painting of a dinosaur

Nico Borovicka: Dianosaur

A rectangle of cardboard with a green "neck" string, carboard wrapped with red paper and 3 black stars.

Tenzin Madonna: Family Phone

A photograph of trees and some little waterfalls.

Anonymous: Nature Speaks

Eyes looking at a person

Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes

Drawing of a blue gill fish

Anonymous: La Loteria Blue Gill

Modern Rock Band: Are You Gonna Be My Girl

Picture of a sign that says "Warning: Abortion Victim Photos Ahead"

Anonymous: Warning

Crystel Tovar: Untitled

Card stock and pastels black and colorful monster dark

Jordan Moskal: Monster in the Dark

A rainbow mackaw sits on a branch overlooking a blue sky and green background below.

Anonymous: The Rainbow Macaw

Painting of a dog.

Paige Meegan: Daisy

Anonymous: My life matters

Person dressed in rabbit ears

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 2, Bunnies

Anonymous: Flowers of Amber

Anonymous: Bonding time with my twin brother

Drawing of flags with the world in the middle

Anonymous: Our Differences

Drawing of hardware tools.

Alisa Zakharova: Untitled

Eugene Smart: Evil eyes

Large magenta tulips overhanging a small crayon-doodle image of the same flower

Olivia Kluska: Projections

girl crying green some falling paper

Itzel Seledon-Garcia: Untitled

Mia Kiefer: Duin

pumpkin with a tail and legs

Tyson Madison: Weekend 1, Nature

Painting of a lemon on a light colored table and black background

Aubrey Buckley: Lemon Drop

A drawing of a red cardinal on a branch

Solome Abebe: Cardinal

A landscape drawing of a lake and a tree

Emeline Ramirez: Yoakum Mixed Media Landscape

Anonymous: Sometimes Ghosts Like Walking

Graphite drawing of a girl with glasses

Anonymous: Smile of the day

Alien with its mouth on top of its head

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 4, Hollow

Photo of a girl's torso with an overlay of words

Zachary Janes: Lexemes

Anonymous: Untitled

Saori Yamanaka: Replica of Still Life Pitcher and Fruit

Mixed media artwork of skeleton with multicolored ribs and butterfly rings

Sheila L: Dia de Los Muertos, Transforma

Sarah Ochiana-Zaman: THIS IS US

Painting of Chicago downtown buildings & sculptures

Anonymous: Chicago Collection #1

Salim Burris: Man #1

sculpture of white paper with blue "river"

Xavier Leggette: Waterpark

Pink eclipse

Evelyn Lagunas: Colors Escaping the Eclipse

abstract collection of circles and shapes with a clock

Cora Hearn : Shapes and Dreams

Anonymous: Into Night

heart with keyhole and skull above it

Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Collage of a bird on tree branches

Anonymous: Untitled

Multimedia piece of a divine scene of angels and holy figures.

Brandy Leavy: The Divine

Anonymous: Self portrait

A table with a scale weighing meat, and other produce on a table

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (butcher)

older person wearing pillbox hat and sunglasses

Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle

Anonymous: Lizzy’s Colored Hair

Anonymous: Frankenstein Montage

Styrofoam print of a red and pink goldfish with black spots.

Ali Manipakorn: Mosaic Print

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: A Black girls Mind(detail)

Drawing of trees with snow above them

Chad Petrolis: Winter Trees

Carlos Alanis: Final Film


Charlotte: Untitled

watercolor pencil colorful orbs circles

Rachel Sick: I Won’t Make You Wait

fire breathing dino

Anonymous: Dinosaurio

Abstract drawing with circles, lines, and color

Andrew Lockhart: Andrew’s Study of Senecio, By Paul Klee

Lola Vega: Portrait of a Young Woman

Figure of a face with neck except face has fruits and vegetables over top.

Diana Castillo: Surreal Portrait

Boarded-up storefront "Shop & Save" with an older person and their dog photoshopped in front of the shop, looking bemused.

Leopold Serpe: Artificial

Abstract painting with thick brush strokes

Adrian Cieluch: 21st Century

An origami swan.

Anonymous: Shiny Origami Swan

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Tales from the Time of Covid

hybrid of a woman and a tree

Anonymous: Gaia

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Christian Whitehead – Noble/DRW HS

Drawing of a forest and bubbles with trees in them floating away.

Anonymous: Forest

Artwork of a peacock on a red and yellow background.

Victoria Huang: Untitled

Painting of a still life

Anonymous: Still Life

Hand in a ring light.

Alex Chitnis: The World is in Your Palms

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Anyah Thompson: Travis Mayfield

Snow sculpture of bear

Anonymous: Polar Vortex

Brianna Hargrove: Milestone in Stability

Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook

frog clings to flower upside down

Sophie Yanny-Tillar : Leap

Illustration of dancers

Moriah Mesa: Dance Chicago

Maritza Gutierrez: Untitled

Painting of trees by a lake with a sunset in the background

Anonymous: Landscape

Pilsen sigh and tattooed hand

Angela Samano: Pilsen is Not For Sale


Ava Shirley: Bouquet

drawing of a group of women

Jessica Vazquez: Para Las Mujeres

Photo of face bathed in red light

Vanessa Rivera: Red Light

dark photograph with lit up cta blue line train in center

Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line

Mixed Media mask

Oscar Aquirre: Untitled (Mask)

Moon with a face in a purple sky

Sasha Nicosia: Spirit in the Sky

Acrylic painting of a landscape during sunrise.

Anonymous: Beautiful Morning

top view of 2 golden koi in blue water

Kateryna Hordieieva: Koi Pond

Joanna Steven: Still Life

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart

Mixed media artwork of a blackout poem on bookpage with cutouts of vintage photographs of women, and callout words

Lila C: A Feminine Experience

Collage of floral images and blue papers

Jeannet Prado Cerrillo: Untitled

E with a rainbow

Ariana Junior: Untitled

3 buildings with blue sky

Ashley Calderon: Untitled

A graphic logo with a D and butterflies in the center of a circle

Anonymous: Untitled

glass bottle

Maria Byers: Study 3

investigating the corruption of governments

Norma Calderon: Accountant by Day, Bringer of Justice by Night

Anonymous: Fractured Skull

Illustration of a city and mountain landscape with bright colors.

Daniella Xu: Dusk

Picture of the heel of a black, white, and red Nike Air mid-top shoe.

Eric Diaz: project 1

Dahlia Sindelar: Untitled

Maria Byers: Still Life

Foil lit with purple and blue light. A hole in the foil has eyes peering out.

Amirah Ibrahim: Some may say I’m different

Anyah Thompson: Tales from the Time of Covid

Anonymous: Untitled

person with a claw hand with levitating rocks

Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock

Charlesa Thompson: Blue Daze

Jacob Mide Kale: Flower Love Nature

woman in red and white dress on a background of sunflowers.

Anonymous: Untitled

Picture of a girl's face in blue, underwater

Lesley Perez: Thalassophobia

Alejandro Ortiz: Continuity

Anonymous: Beast

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a detailed bird.

Anonymous: Omen

crazy sonic

Chauncey Kennedy Jr.: Crazy Sonic

Bianca Burnett: Untitled

Blue and purple sky with the Taurus, Capricorn, and Sagittarius constellations

Selena Castrejon: The Beginning

Jillian Berry-Clyde: Hidden Truth

Watercolor painting of 3 rectangles, left most shows partially showing a cup of blue liquid, bottom right shows purple grapes, and top right shows part of a tea bag.

Elijah Roberson: The things I love

A bust of a girl with long hair and buttons for eyes.

Anonymous: Bust of Cynthia

Drawing of a woman sitting in a hair salon

Anonymous: Another Day at The Hair Salon

bloody person in a black and white dress holding a knife

Kaitlyn Huante: Halloween

Buildings with red sunset

Safiya Rysbekova: Untitled

A 4 Part Composition.

Ellen Campbell: 4 Part Composition

Naileyah Moran: Untitled

owl collage

Jasmine Garcia : Parts of Me – Searching for that One Thing

Drawing of a clock with a sunset face

Anonymous: Untitled

Mask made of red cloth and slide

Anonymous: Breathless

green value scale

Anahi Jasso: Untitled

iPad drawing, Print

Alondra Nunez: Mango Bird

Drawing of a woman wearing a headscarf with a red line across her eyes

Anonymous: Purity

paint, cardboard, plastic on canvas, yellow ducks on water

Emma Orozco: Ducks

Digital drawing of house with porch and grass in front

Milagros Valdez: Untitled

Mask that looks like a flower, only exposes 1 eye

Sasse Engel: Sundaze in Drowning

Paintain of a lantern with flowering trees in the surrounding and a yellow and white swirled background.

Sernaya McGee: The Light

Colorful flowers on a blue background.

Anonymous: Kandinsky Flowers

Multimedia illustration of Robin Williams.

Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams

A colorful mosaic with shapes and patterns.

Alexis Diggs, Ceyerra Smith, and Dashawn Williams: Adding to the Past!

Crayon drawing of a girl and a dragon

Winnie Miller: Princess Cimorne

Red painted popsicle sticks and green sparkle foam on a blue background with googly eyes.

James Gonzalez Gabriel: My House

Pencil drawing of young monkey with finger near mouth

Makenna C: Ignorance Is Bliss

Melting ice cube

Henry De Luca: Day 8, Ice Scream

Anonymous: Artwork 7

Colored pencil 5 page comic

Anonymous: Untitled Comic

3D sculpture of a creature with three curvy legs, a colorful pink and orange beak, and a white pattern on its back.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Scarecrow in the night

A winter scene with green trees on a snowy landscape and a night sky with blues and purples.

Ian Carmody: Winter Trees

Ashley Barrios: Young with Bunnies

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Anonymous: Happiness

Sculpture of a figure with flowers on it

Brooklyn Swanson, Sofia Diaz and Damaris Sokol: My Body

Anonymous: Critical Low

B/w line drawing of person wearing a crown.

Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill

Blue sky with black trees

Tremaine Morris: The Forest

Anonymous: Mirror Invention

collage of hands and magazines, drawing where person has hair of newspaper

Sophia Morris: Collage/Reframe

Anonymous: Creativity

Three girls in front of a purple rug with multicolored words that say Erase Una Vez en Mundos Cambiantes

Jacqueline Gutierrez: Erase Una Vez en Mundos Cambiantes


Molly Fisher: Giraffe

Drawing of a girl with a ghost behind her

Denyne Moncada: Untitled

A painting of a girl with glasses wearing a mask and the blue sky behind her

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Liani Bonilla: IMG_7244

A weeping face, covered by hands, superimposed over a close-up photo of blue butterflies and a wide shot of sunflowers in a field.

Claudia Oveido: Surrealist Identity

Z and red background

Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea

Lola Vega: My Reflection

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Nyssa Bridges: Untitled

Zuhayr Mirza: Untiled

Leandro Gonzalez: Winter Trees

mixed media sculpture of cigarette box and small cigarettes made of paper with messages written inside

Ta’Kirah K: Urn pt.1

A painting of snakes with their skins.

Galia Quezada: Shedding My Skin

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital painting showing two women with a bike and a Mexican flag. The words on the piece read 95 La Chicana.

Anonymous: La Chicana Loteria

Lashae Wilson: Behind the Curtain

Collage of a bedroom with horses

Finley Brown: Untitled

Colorful painting on various abstract patterns.

Anonymous: Abstracted Leaf

Origami sculptures

Moises Evans: Line Playground

Graphite drawing of a girl sitting at her desk

Anonymous: Coming of Age

Anonymous: Just One Line

woodblock print

Anonymous: Untitled

Person laying on a desk

Arlette Sanchez: No Context

5 girls dressed in clothes for occupations stand on a globe with the label girls can do anything

Nyla Pancholi : Girls Can Be Anything

Colorful painting with a heart outlined in the center of the image

Madeline Freund: Heart

A black and white portrait drawing of a man.

Antionette Wallace: Half & Half of Value

An illustration of a person, with space imagery and elements as part of the character as well as the background.

Maggie Mayra: Space Immortality

Three vases drawn with pencil and subtly shaded

Anonymous: Night Stand

Spots, lines with a white background and a house in the middle.

Isabella Kenny: Home

Drawing of a big table with lots of food on it, surrounded by chairs. The bottom of the drawing reads "I Love Soul Food."

Rune Fox: Thanksgiving at Tee Tee Tre’s

Beckett Fox: Abstract Feelings

Digital illustration of man in gray suit painting, storefronts, a baseball card, and script text reading "El Mafioso."

Bianca Datro: The Italian Mobster

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

Navaeh Evans: Untitled

Mixed media piece of a sandwich shop logo

Faith Sanders: Faith’s Sanderwiches

Painting of a black house with a line protruding from it. There are birds on the line and flying in the orange, yellow, and pink sky behind.

Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn

Owl with blue sky

Aoi Yaku: Untitled

digital photography

Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid

Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua: Icarus

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a super hero fighting diseases

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Three cut paper birds

Danika Dollinger: Untitled

Aaron Munoz: Maceta

Person with a yellow shirt and blue jeans in front of the planet Earth with a feather sticking out of its head.

Zania Watson: Take Me Back Home

L’ihltah (Emaneyah) Walker: Kendra Monologue

person underwater eating a sandwich

Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich

Blue masked with hands opening up the eyes.

Camille Daley: Untitled

Edana Lynch: Birthday

Painting of a skyline with mountains, water, and a small city.

Teresa Tikoo: Hardiwar

A flag with writing


portrait of girl crying with birthday hat and sign

Kayla Aguilar: It’s my Birthday and I’ll Cry if I want to.

Drawing of person with head wrap and necklaces. Person has a mustache & beard

Raymond Carroll: Self-Portrait

Photo of a line of cars in the evening

Lisa Patel: Dynamic Nights

Liliana Nash: Keyboard

A painting of a whale in water with a sunset sky

Anonymous: Happy Whale

Narrative Collage Mixed Media Paper Collage

Amy Le: Buddies!

A person's face. Curly short brown hair and a gray jacket.

Eoin McNamara: Alternate Self Portrait

Colored pencil and chalk pastel illustration of a glass window of people from this generation.

Conner Schmieg: Repentance

Illustration with rainbow tears passing between 2 people.

Jimena Saldana: Two Friends

Red print of "Dream Big" repeated 6 times on white background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: You Thought You Were Alone But You Not

Anonymous: There Was An Old Monster

pencil drawing of face

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

Anonymous: Untitled

Cars parked on both sides of the street

Carlos Alanis Savila: Image And Sound

Graphite self-portrait drawing of a boy with a striped shirt

Steven Jiang: Self-Portrait

Jada Batts: August Wilson Monologues

Colorful portrait of a person

Sophia Rosenthal: Untitled

Drawing using blue pencil. In the upper right hand corner, a male figure kisses the cheek of a female figure. Laid over those figures, a shirtless male figure holds a female figure in a bikini whose head is tilted back.

Mariana Medina: Despair

Drawing of a very colorful theater mask on pink paper with multi colored strings hanging from it.

Catherine Chai: A Broadway Theater Mask

Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist

person with horns and claws holding a squid tentacle

Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket

animation of lego face

Isaac Chan-Osborn: Self Portrait Video

Ariana Winters, Genesis Hale & Liza Pena: The Chase and Lighting Challenge

black and white photo of a man

Alyssa Akbar: _MG_79381

Sculpture of 3 people sitting in 3 different position

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract drawing of green, red, and black shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

chicago migration

Kadeemah Razaaq: Chicago Migration

Foreshortening study done in pencil sketch.

Anonymous: Foreshortening Sketch

society's perception on homeless people

Madison Rozwat: Untitled

Acrylic painting of characters sitting on a surrealist style playground.

Anonymous: Playground from Hell

Digital illustration of 2 figures in motion

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful abstract patterns.

Quinn Kemp: Untitled

snowy bird

Jack Sora: Snowy Bird

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Luis Martinez: Untitled

Miguel Castanon-Segovia: The Sacred King of Africa

An abstract artwork with parts of a face showing including eyes and a mouth with leaves and purple detail

Chloe Hatcher: THIS IS ME

Pastel blue butterfly sits on light purple and pink flowers

Thadeo Portillo: Mariposa

Picture of a smiling person

Jada Batts: Dear Letter

Sofia Dimas: Orbit

Anonymous: Forms in Space

Anonymous: Untitled

A student poses with a small airplane.

Henry Darlage: Highway to the Danger Zone!

Anonymous: Alice in the Troubledland

sunset over a river with an elephant

Tyson Madison: My Cozy Comfy Place

Brianna Hargrove: Microscopic Vision

Watercolor painted series of eyes looking in different directions.

Anonymous: Eyes

Chicago buildings in front of a colorful sunset

Anonymous: Chicago

Photo of a figure standing in a garden under a trellis, in a purple dress, raking leaves.

Frances Depke: Dressed for the occasion

Yellow sun flowers

Genesis Ramirez: Interpreting Van Gogh

Drawing of an imaginary animal with wings and patterns

Vikram Konkimalla: Imaginary Animal in an imaginary land

A dress made of plastic bags, recycled masks and other detritus, on a mannequin and an image of a person wearing the dress.

Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress

Birds eye view painting of a cityscape.

Jose Alvarez Jr.: CityPainting

Sculpture of a face using various colors (yellow, red, green, orange, and blue).

Elliot Alvarez: Textured Face

Jack Ekeberg: Untitled

Digital drawing of a grayscale girl with bright green patterned background

Anonymous: Billie Eilish

Close-up shot of an eye

Anais Jones: Happy

Painting of woman with blonde hair and large cross necklace in white dress holding sword in front of face with blood on hands

Dayana H: Adieu Paramour

Briana Hargrove: Process of Self-Development

Anonymous: Monochromatic Landscape


Sean Cunningham: Untitled

Brianna Kokoszka: Transcendental Actuality

Character study, 360 view of a character in a long black jacket.

Anonymous: Kairo Muller Reference

Elizabeth Franco: Untitled

Woven piece created with cotton yarn.

Shanelly Ridley: Weaving

Emmett O’Donoghue: One Snowyday at Christmas

Mosaic of the planet Saturn

Denise Barrera: Saturn

Avra Raman: Seaglass

A gray rat plushie with purple I and purple 9 stitched to its body

Anonymous: I-9


Aaron: Untitled

Painting of bees flying in a circular pattern above a stem, making the shape of a flower.

Emma Joy Wall: Honey Flower

Anonymous: Untitled

Circles, triangles, and squares colored in multiple colors

Anonymous: Shaped Freedom

Anonymous: Bull

I'm on ur side

Kyla Jones: I’m always on ur side

Green hills with a purple tree in the foreground. The tree has characters/letters from different languages on its leaves

Ronan Schnepff: Letter Tree

Mason Hampton: superhero

House created with craft sticks and colorful paint.

Anonymous: Casa

Photo of a rhino at zoo

Flavio Martin Hermosillo: Dyin Breed

Photo of a girl holding up a self-portrait

Marion Mueller: Self Portrait

Drawing of candlestick and snowflake doilies on a table.

Elizabeth Curry: looking up

Solomon Murray: EYE OF AN OWL

hand with a charm with a bee on a heart in the palm

Alexa Lopez: Day 17, Spooky Locket

An Aseprite Animation

Eliya Torres: Oyasumi

abstract drawing of colored pencils with circles and lines

Anonymous: Supernova

landscape with 3 fall-colored trees

Sacha Gross: Untitled

pixellated person with black shoes and gray clothes

Walk and Run Cycles

line drawing of four girls in different colors

Anonymous: Emotions

Photo of sunset over industrial bridge

Samuel Childers: Cermak Sunset

Watercolor painting of fish and jellyfish underwater

Anonymous: Untitled

photo a young black child's eyes

Tevence Smith: Deep

A drawing of a person walking towards a giant pair of ribs. There is a dog walking with the person.

Anonymous: Discovery

photo of a prism with a purple light

Kate Barbosa: spotlight

pencil illustration

Sara Gitner: Untitled

Watercolor painting of a dark colored fish.

Anonymous: Black, Blue, Grey Fish

Painting of a cherry blossom tree

Anna Stangel: Cherry Blossom Tree

Henry Sparks: Artifact Replica

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Tales from the Times of Covid

Balloons arranged in a rainbow pattern

Anonymous: Untitled

A man in an orange hat is with a small child.

Anonymous: Oliver

Drawing of a young girl with her hands on her face

Anonymous: Sofia

Pencil drawing of mushrooms with striped background

Ida Rendon: Psychedelic

Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring

Grace Kendzior: Ocean Friends

Abstract drawing in blue marker

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo from below of neon sign reading "RAINBOW ROOM" with each letter in different colors; sign is reflected in promotional poster for film screening

Angelica Arriaga: Over the Rainbow

Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió

Nora McDermott: Changes

Stathi Saltis: Resting in the Fields

Anonymous: Blue Haired Girl

Digital abstract artwork of pillars and water

Julian W: Placid

Drawing of the Mexican flag with the name "Jullisa" written on top.

Julissa Martin: Untitled

Illustration of a goth girl.

Jesse Gomez: Goth+Street

Yaneisy Chagala: Mountain View

Kevin Becerra: Untitled

Mixed media collage featuring different cut outs of pop up window from computer, bunny, and person standing with back to us in front of snowy street.

Anonymous: Untitled

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

Catalina Upapong: Fairy House

person wearing skull on their head with a staff

Henry De Luca: Weekend 1, Nature

Person reaching for money.

Violet Torres: You Will Never Have Enough

Drawing of green room

Anonymous: The Green Room

person in a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature

Image of a gray/brown cat yawning with a black background.

Christopher Limon: Untitled

Drawing of a knight.

Aidan Olson: Untitled


Anonymous: Static Perception

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1

MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye

A black and white photo of four hands stretched out

Alan Jaimes: Family is Everything

Terry White: Untitled, 2020

Dana Fellows: Untitled

Black print on a green background.

Elijah Poole: Healthcare

Drawing of fish and clouds

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a purple and blue sky covered in white stars. There is a white part of a circle in the upper left hand corner.

Anonymous: Milky Way

Overlapping circles in a color wheel

Lilly Myers: Color Wheel Rock

Painting of a colorful mountain landscape.

Asher Huff: If I Can Dream

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

Anonymous: Untitled

Vanessa Garcia: Youthful Innocence

A zentangle drawing of the letter C with different patterns and colors

Anonymous: Zentangle

Anonymous: Untitled

Amari Gholston: Random Fashion Inquiry

Drawing of a human figure set in ancient times.

Anonymous: Golden

colored pencil portrait illustration

Christopher Edison: My Word Portrait

Anonymous: Chili snake


Addy Gendron: Noah

water hills pink horizon

Ava Brown: Sous le Bleu

AlanMartinez-Lule, MasonChavez & IvanPatino: Untitled

Catherine Choi: Water fun

Drawing of skull with flowers growing out of it

Alexis Moreno: Welcome Home

Pink yellow and green skateboard design

Anonymous: Floral Night

Digital drawing of person made of triangles holding a kite

Vanessa Morales: Achieve

Nevaeh Evans: Emotion1

Geremy Johns: The Top

Kamil Calmese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Painting of a scene with an elephant running from her friends.

Avalon Valeria Krasnansky: Elephant Runaway

Nevaeh Evans: Nights

Jaylen Reed: Red Cone Revenge

Sunset blankets the Argyle stop with orange, deep purple and blue hues

Anonymous: Argyle Stop

Madison Madar: Laval Lap

Prairie Grass

Anonymous: Untitled

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

"Ronnie" in big, colorful letters on an abstract background

Anonymous: Ronnie Pop

Drypoint illustration of rooms.

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Anonymous: The Overflow

Anonymous: Procrastination

Drawing of girl sitting on a beach in front of blue water with a dark blue sky and clouds above

Wisdom Boyden: The Woman Watching Over Me

three black arrows pointing up over a red, yellow, and black stripe

Adeline Maher: Untitled

Daliya Owerko: untitled

Paper flower sculptures

Julia Rodriguez: “Springtime Flowers”

Painting of snails on mushrooms

Alana Smith: Snails on Mushrooms

Ariana Winters: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Anthony Torres: Police Chase

Marionette sculpture of clown in black dress

Anonymous: Untitled

Samuel Vite: The Glow, Pt. 2

ink drawing of Mickey and Daffy with castle in the background

Jonathan Montes: Dystopia

Robbie Austin: Ripples

abstract drawing

Anonymous: Untitled (Make Remake)

Drawing of a girl with her hands on her face and butterflies around her hair.

Polina Zvereva: Bella Poarch

Anonymous: The Screamrona

Photo of a trumpet and rose.

Jesus Chavarria: Rusty Bloom

A child holds his face in pain as his skin has lesions.

Anonymous: Zombie Me

A blue yarn sculpture work with a ruffled texture.

Yousra Sadiq: The Rainforests of the Seas

Anonymous: Multicolor Bucket

Photograph of two people with multi-colored fireworks going off in background

Marlon G: Crackling Lights

Anonymous: Present-day flowers

Aria Carlson: Real Life Painting

Black and white cut out visual of figure piercing their ear and an upset figure in the background

Anonymous: Tell Me A Story

Jessica Horne: Wall

Painting of silver piggy banks.

Jemma Wygodny: Pigs

color scheme

Chrisette McKay: Color Theory

Multi-colored mask with feathers and gold accents

Xiao Jun C: Icarus

Text "Love is Everywhere" with a heart in space.

Anonymous: Untitled

photograph portrait girl

Mila Gordon: Untitled


Anthony Aguilar: Untitled

iPad drawing, Print

Terrence Starnes: Sherbet

Anonymous: Eclectic Girl

Paper is split into 3 sections with detailed characters drawn in pen on each. Red and yellow marker accents.

Anonymous: The Three Sages

Camille Raman: Untitled

Pollution fills the barren bottom of the ocean while a gadget observes the area

Amelia Schmidt: Subnautica

Watercolor painting of an orange gecko

Nathaly Navas: Gecko

Abstract shapes of gold, blue, and white on an indigo background.

Anonymous: Area 51

A black and white drawing of the front of buildings

Yeqi Liang: Untitled

2 portraits, one in blue felt, one in purple felt.

Alyssa Argent: They Felt

digital image of the side profile of a person with green stars on shirt

John Eichten: Stars Aglow

Watercolor painting of crying figure with several eyes and the symbols for male & female in the background

Anonymous: Watching

A painting of a black woman with words written on her body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Women

Images showing process of making video

Diamond White: Untitled

Anonymous: Line/Color

Sculpture of a red motorcycle lofted up on a wood block.

Samuel Ortiz: Red and Fast

Black background with white outlines of a family

Sakari Zephier: Family Lines

Digitally manipulated pop art piece

Anonymous: Princess

cat in front of a window

Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers


Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: Aleena’s Fish

Juanita “Jill” Harrell: Lost Soul

Evelyn Braun-Gawronski: Griffin Castle

Natalie Garcia: Talk the Talk

Catherine Chai: Starry Night

Abstract drawing with dimensions from cut paper.

Fannie Catherine: Untitled

Figure in a red coat

Declan Briody: Krampus

Lila Radheshwar: Flower

Many different steps in the process of making the animation

Tzitlalli Gonzalez: A ghostly halloween

portrait with a body where the person's brain would be

Anonymous: Internal

A copper necklace resembling angel wings

Anonymous: Angel Bracelet

train speeding towards hole with a person sitting on top

Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over

Cecily Ramirez: The Opening of a New Life

Several koi in a pond of swirling pastel colors

Julian Vallejo: Goldfish

A purple pencil drawing black and white figures

Anonymous: Imagination Marks

hand glasses

Connor Weber: Living Book

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Edana Lynch: Halloween 1

Surreal drawing of a cityscape

Natalia Rojas Duran: Human Nature

Pencil drawing of a person with dark hair wearing a watch. His eyes are bright blue.

Anonymous: Ocean Eyes

Anonymous: Contour line

Kenya Barnes: For My Uncle

Ka’miyah Green: Amanda Gorman Wings

pencil drawing with a cube in the middle

Kevin Wilson: Unfolding Dimensions

Bird with pink beak and green eyes.

Anonymous: Serious side-eye

Orange ceramic fish

Llondoyn Peters-Gill: Llondyn’s Fish

Face of cut paper with black paper on one side and white on the other.

Akira Brown: Untitled

Abstract colored pencil portrait

Beatrix Wunar: Untitled

b/w line drawing of a fantasy person with long hair, ears, and surrounded by rabbits.

Alessandra Montero: Day 2, Bunnies

Anonymous: Gods Painting of the Sky

Circular piece with designs.

Anabel Perez: Celebration of Asian Culture

Drawing of Mastodon on colorful striped background

Krisha Pandey: Mastodon

Allison Martineau: Miss Scary

Ice cream sundae

Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream

person holding a lighter

Victoria Mak: Sketchbook

bound hands rainbow in back

Mauricio Garcia: The Corona Savior

two people holding hands walking towards heaven with a locket on the ground behind them

Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket

A house created with colorful paint and craft stick with a blue sky background.

Anonymous: Casa de Formas

Plastic bag weaving with brown, white, gray, and black

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

repeating pattern of purple and yellow flowers and a brown and white mushroom.

Ellie Stone: Mushroom Flower Pattern

Pen and ink drawing. Mirror image of city buildings and trees.

Emily Esquibel Morales

Marionette Character Puppet Bristol Board, Colored Marker, Metal Fasteners

Daniel Jamroz: Webs Out!

Erin Brunell: didn’t know who to be

Portrait of a woman with glasses on a purple background

Anonymous: Untitled

A painting of an orca whale in front of mountains with the sun setting.

Anonymous: Orca

A red, squat, glass blown vessel

Anonymous: Brick Red with White Chunk Black Lip Squat Jug

person with hat, cape, and knives wearing anonymous mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask

Collage on an orange piece of paper, body parts and swirly lines

Anonymous: So No Head

Pink and blue watercolor painting of a house with trees

Yessenia Martinez: Home

Photograph of seeds and leaves arranged in shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

Image of modeling figure and sketches

Melanie Avila: Moldable Identity

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

Alice Longnecker: Untitled

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

patterns of stripes

Savannah Thames : Straight Waves

Mixed media Pagoda

Lilliane Shen: This is my pagoda.

Anonymous: Untitled

Two faces on a purple background

Cilia Conley: Unflattering

Anonymous: Seeing Blossoms

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

Lauren Chloe: Sunshine

Anonymous: Selfie

Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway

A rainbow zebra collage

Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature

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