CPS All-City Visual Arts Exhibitions
Escuela Secundaria
Escuela Primaria
Cartera Senior
Apoyar Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Apoyo Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Escuela Secundaria
Escuela Primaria
Cartera Senior
Apoyar Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Apoyo Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Michael Dahl: Pinecone on Branch
Anonymous: Winter is Coming!
Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe
Madeline Dunne: Awareness
Rebecca Leal: Perspective
Terrence Kendrick: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Faustyna Turek: Ignite
Victoria Toledo: Arbol De La Vida
Donald Richard: Day 3, Dungeon
Askia Bullie: Who do we call?
James Wells: Untitled
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 6, Mask
Isabel Wood: Frida
Anonymous: Untitled (green vines)
Anonymous: Changes
Daniela Salgado: Screen Nostalgia
Gleb Makarov: The Mighty Dragon
Anonymous: Flat Blue and Clear Wide Mouth Vase
Eve O: Star collection
David Wilson: Splash of Color
Anonymous: My Used To Be Reoccurring Biking Location
Nico Borovicka: Dianosaur
Tenzin Madonna: Family Phone
Anonymous: Nature Speaks
Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes
Anonymous: La Loteria Blue Gill
Modern Rock Band: Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Anonymous: Warning
Crystel Tovar: Untitled
Jordan Moskal: Monster in the Dark
Anonymous: The Rainbow Macaw
Paige Meegan: Daisy
Anonymous: My life matters
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 2, Bunnies
Anonymous: Flowers of Amber
Anonymous: Bonding time with my twin brother
Anonymous: Our Differences
Alisa Zakharova: Untitled
Eugene Smart: Evil eyes
Olivia Kluska: Projections
Itzel Seledon-Garcia: Untitled
Mia Kiefer: Duin
Tyson Madison: Weekend 1, Nature
Aubrey Buckley: Lemon Drop
Solome Abebe: Cardinal
Emeline Ramirez: Yoakum Mixed Media Landscape
Anonymous: Sometimes Ghosts Like Walking
Anonymous: Smile of the day
Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 4, Hollow
Zachary Janes: Lexemes
Anonymous: Untitled
Saori Yamanaka: Replica of Still Life Pitcher and Fruit
Sheila L: Dia de Los Muertos, Transforma
Sarah Ochiana-Zaman: THIS IS US
Anonymous: Chicago Collection #1
Salim Burris: Man #1
Xavier Leggette: Waterpark
Evelyn Lagunas: Colors Escaping the Eclipse
Cora Hearn : Shapes and Dreams
Anonymous: Into Night
Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Anonymous: Untitled
Brandy Leavy: The Divine
Anonymous: Self portrait
Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (butcher)
Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle
Anonymous: Lizzy’s Colored Hair
Anonymous: Frankenstein Montage
Ali Manipakorn: Mosaic Print
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: A Black girls Mind(detail)
Chad Petrolis: Winter Trees
Carlos Alanis: Final Film
Charlotte: Untitled
Rachel Sick: I Won’t Make You Wait
Anonymous: Dinosaurio
Andrew Lockhart: Andrew’s Study of Senecio, By Paul Klee
Lola Vega: Portrait of a Young Woman
Diana Castillo: Surreal Portrait
Leopold Serpe: Artificial
Adrian Cieluch: 21st Century
Anonymous: Shiny Origami Swan
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Tales from the Time of Covid
Anonymous: Gaia
Christian Whitehead – Noble/DRW HS
Anonymous: Forest
Victoria Huang: Untitled
Anonymous: Still Life
Alex Chitnis: The World is in Your Palms
Anyah Thompson: Travis Mayfield
Anonymous: Polar Vortex
Brianna Hargrove: Milestone in Stability
Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook
Sophie Yanny-Tillar : Leap
Moriah Mesa: Dance Chicago
Maritza Gutierrez: Untitled
Anonymous: Landscape
Angela Samano: Pilsen is Not For Sale
Ava Shirley: Bouquet
Jessica Vazquez: Para Las Mujeres
Vanessa Rivera: Red Light
Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line
Oscar Aquirre: Untitled (Mask)
Sasha Nicosia: Spirit in the Sky
Anonymous: Beautiful Morning
Kateryna Hordieieva: Koi Pond
Joanna Steven: Still Life
Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart
Lila C: A Feminine Experience
Jeannet Prado Cerrillo: Untitled
Ariana Junior: Untitled
Ashley Calderon: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Maria Byers: Study 3
Norma Calderon: Accountant by Day, Bringer of Justice by Night
Anonymous: Fractured Skull
Daniella Xu: Dusk
Eric Diaz: project 1
Dahlia Sindelar: Untitled
Maria Byers: Still Life
Amirah Ibrahim: Some may say I’m different
Anyah Thompson: Tales from the Time of Covid
Anonymous: Untitled
Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock
Charlesa Thompson: Blue Daze
Jacob Mide Kale: Flower Love Nature
Anonymous: Untitled
Lesley Perez: Thalassophobia
Alejandro Ortiz: Continuity
Anonymous: Beast
Anonymous: Omen
Chauncey Kennedy Jr.: Crazy Sonic
Bianca Burnett: Untitled
Selena Castrejon: The Beginning
Jillian Berry-Clyde: Hidden Truth
Elijah Roberson: The things I love
Anonymous: Bust of Cynthia
Anonymous: Another Day at The Hair Salon
Kaitlyn Huante: Halloween
Safiya Rysbekova: Untitled
Ellen Campbell: 4 Part Composition
Naileyah Moran: Untitled
Jasmine Garcia : Parts of Me – Searching for that One Thing
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Breathless
Anahi Jasso: Untitled
Alondra Nunez: Mango Bird
Anonymous: Purity
Emma Orozco: Ducks
Milagros Valdez: Untitled
Sasse Engel: Sundaze in Drowning
Sernaya McGee: The Light
Anonymous: Kandinsky Flowers
Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams
Alexis Diggs, Ceyerra Smith, and Dashawn Williams: Adding to the Past!
Winnie Miller: Princess Cimorne
James Gonzalez Gabriel: My House
Makenna C: Ignorance Is Bliss
Henry De Luca: Day 8, Ice Scream
Anonymous: Artwork 7
Anonymous: Untitled Comic
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Scarecrow in the night
Ian Carmody: Winter Trees
Ashley Barrios: Young with Bunnies
Anonymous: Happiness
Brooklyn Swanson, Sofia Diaz and Damaris Sokol: My Body
Anonymous: Critical Low
Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill
Tremaine Morris: The Forest
Anonymous: Mirror Invention
Sophia Morris: Collage/Reframe
Anonymous: Creativity
Jacqueline Gutierrez: Erase Una Vez en Mundos Cambiantes
Molly Fisher: Giraffe
Denyne Moncada: Untitled
Anonymous: Self Portrait
Liani Bonilla: IMG_7244
Claudia Oveido: Surrealist Identity
Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea
Lola Vega: My Reflection
Nyssa Bridges: Untitled
Zuhayr Mirza: Untiled
Leandro Gonzalez: Winter Trees
Ta’Kirah K: Urn pt.1
Galia Quezada: Shedding My Skin
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: La Chicana Loteria
Lashae Wilson: Behind the Curtain
Finley Brown: Untitled
Anonymous: Abstracted Leaf
Moises Evans: Line Playground
Anonymous: Coming of Age
Anonymous: Just One Line
Anonymous: Untitled
Arlette Sanchez: No Context
Nyla Pancholi : Girls Can Be Anything
Madeline Freund: Heart
Antionette Wallace: Half & Half of Value
Maggie Mayra: Space Immortality
Anonymous: Night Stand
Isabella Kenny: Home
Rune Fox: Thanksgiving at Tee Tee Tre’s
Beckett Fox: Abstract Feelings
Bianca Datro: The Italian Mobster
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Navaeh Evans: Untitled
Faith Sanders: Faith’s Sanderwiches
Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn
Aoi Yaku: Untitled
Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid
Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua: Icarus
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Danika Dollinger: Untitled
Aaron Munoz: Maceta
Zania Watson: Take Me Back Home
L’ihltah (Emaneyah) Walker: Kendra Monologue
Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich
Camille Daley: Untitled
Edana Lynch: Birthday
Teresa Tikoo: Hardiwar
Kayla Aguilar: It’s my Birthday and I’ll Cry if I want to.
Raymond Carroll: Self-Portrait
Lisa Patel: Dynamic Nights
Liliana Nash: Keyboard
Anonymous: Happy Whale
Amy Le: Buddies!
Eoin McNamara: Alternate Self Portrait
Conner Schmieg: Repentance
Jimena Saldana: Two Friends
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: You Thought You Were Alone But You Not
Anonymous: There Was An Old Monster
Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown
Anonymous: Untitled
Carlos Alanis Savila: Image And Sound
Steven Jiang: Self-Portrait
Jada Batts: August Wilson Monologues
Sophia Rosenthal: Untitled
Mariana Medina: Despair
Catherine Chai: A Broadway Theater Mask
Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist
Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Isaac Chan-Osborn: Self Portrait Video
Ariana Winters, Genesis Hale & Liza Pena: The Chase and Lighting Challenge
Alyssa Akbar: _MG_79381
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Kadeemah Razaaq: Chicago Migration
Anonymous: Foreshortening Sketch
Madison Rozwat: Untitled
Anonymous: Playground from Hell
Anonymous: Untitled
Quinn Kemp: Untitled
Jack Sora: Snowy Bird
Luis Martinez: Untitled
Miguel Castanon-Segovia: The Sacred King of Africa
Chloe Hatcher: THIS IS ME
Thadeo Portillo: Mariposa
Jada Batts: Dear Letter
Sofia Dimas: Orbit
Anonymous: Forms in Space
Anonymous: Untitled
Henry Darlage: Highway to the Danger Zone!
Anonymous: Alice in the Troubledland
Tyson Madison: My Cozy Comfy Place
Brianna Hargrove: Microscopic Vision
Anonymous: Eyes
Anonymous: Chicago
Frances Depke: Dressed for the occasion
Genesis Ramirez: Interpreting Van Gogh
Vikram Konkimalla: Imaginary Animal in an imaginary land
Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress
Jose Alvarez Jr.: CityPainting
Elliot Alvarez: Textured Face
Jack Ekeberg: Untitled
Anonymous: Billie Eilish
Anais Jones: Happy
Dayana H: Adieu Paramour
Briana Hargrove: Process of Self-Development
Anonymous: Monochromatic Landscape
Sean Cunningham: Untitled
Brianna Kokoszka: Transcendental Actuality
Anonymous: Kairo Muller Reference
Elizabeth Franco: Untitled
Shanelly Ridley: Weaving
Emmett O’Donoghue: One Snowyday at Christmas
Denise Barrera: Saturn
Avra Raman: Seaglass
Anonymous: I-9
Aaron: Untitled
Emma Joy Wall: Honey Flower
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Shaped Freedom
Anonymous: Bull
Kyla Jones: I’m always on ur side
Ronan Schnepff: Letter Tree
Mason Hampton: superhero
Anonymous: Casa
Flavio Martin Hermosillo: Dyin Breed
Marion Mueller: Self Portrait
Elizabeth Curry: looking up
Solomon Murray: EYE OF AN OWL
Alexa Lopez: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Eliya Torres: Oyasumi
Anonymous: Supernova
Sacha Gross: Untitled
Walk and Run Cycles
Anonymous: Emotions
Samuel Childers: Cermak Sunset
Anonymous: Untitled
Tevence Smith: Deep
Anonymous: Discovery
Kate Barbosa: spotlight
Sara Gitner: Untitled
Anonymous: Black, Blue, Grey Fish
Anna Stangel: Cherry Blossom Tree
Henry Sparks: Artifact Replica
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Tales from the Times of Covid
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Oliver
Anonymous: Sofia
Ida Rendon: Psychedelic
Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring
Grace Kendzior: Ocean Friends
Anonymous: Untitled
Angelica Arriaga: Over the Rainbow
Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió
Nora McDermott: Changes
Stathi Saltis: Resting in the Fields
Anonymous: Blue Haired Girl
Julian W: Placid
Julissa Martin: Untitled
Jesse Gomez: Goth+Street
Yaneisy Chagala: Mountain View
Kevin Becerra: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling
Catalina Upapong: Fairy House
Henry De Luca: Weekend 1, Nature
Violet Torres: You Will Never Have Enough
Anonymous: The Green Room
Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature
Christopher Limon: Untitled
Aidan Olson: Untitled
Anonymous: Static Perception
Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1
MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye
Alan Jaimes: Family is Everything
Terry White: Untitled, 2020
Dana Fellows: Untitled
Elijah Poole: Healthcare
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Milky Way
Lilly Myers: Color Wheel Rock
Asher Huff: If I Can Dream
Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit
Anonymous: Untitled
Vanessa Garcia: Youthful Innocence
Anonymous: Zentangle
Anonymous: Untitled
Amari Gholston: Random Fashion Inquiry
Anonymous: Golden
Christopher Edison: My Word Portrait
Anonymous: Chili snake
Addy Gendron: Noah
Ava Brown: Sous le Bleu
AlanMartinez-Lule, MasonChavez & IvanPatino: Untitled
Catherine Choi: Water fun
Alexis Moreno: Welcome Home
Anonymous: Floral Night
Vanessa Morales: Achieve
Nevaeh Evans: Emotion1
Geremy Johns: The Top
Kamil Calmese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Avalon Valeria Krasnansky: Elephant Runaway
Nevaeh Evans: Nights
Jaylen Reed: Red Cone Revenge
Anonymous: Argyle Stop
Madison Madar: Laval Lap
Anonymous: Untitled
Braya Harris: Self portrait #1
Anonymous: Ronnie Pop
Macy O’Donnell: Rooms
Anonymous: The Overflow
Anonymous: Procrastination
Wisdom Boyden: The Woman Watching Over Me
Adeline Maher: Untitled
Daliya Owerko: untitled
Julia Rodriguez: “Springtime Flowers”
Alana Smith: Snails on Mushrooms
Ariana Winters: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Anthony Torres: Police Chase
Anonymous: Untitled
Samuel Vite: The Glow, Pt. 2
Jonathan Montes: Dystopia
Robbie Austin: Ripples
Anonymous: Untitled (Make Remake)
Polina Zvereva: Bella Poarch
Anonymous: The Screamrona
Jesus Chavarria: Rusty Bloom
Anonymous: Zombie Me
Yousra Sadiq: The Rainforests of the Seas
Anonymous: Multicolor Bucket
Marlon G: Crackling Lights
Anonymous: Present-day flowers
Aria Carlson: Real Life Painting
Anonymous: Tell Me A Story
Jessica Horne: Wall
Jemma Wygodny: Pigs
Chrisette McKay: Color Theory
Xiao Jun C: Icarus
Anonymous: Untitled
Mila Gordon: Untitled
Anthony Aguilar: Untitled
Terrence Starnes: Sherbet
Anonymous: Eclectic Girl
Anonymous: The Three Sages
Camille Raman: Untitled
Amelia Schmidt: Subnautica
Nathaly Navas: Gecko
Anonymous: Area 51
Yeqi Liang: Untitled
Alyssa Argent: They Felt
John Eichten: Stars Aglow
Anonymous: Watching
Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Women
Diamond White: Untitled
Anonymous: Line/Color
Samuel Ortiz: Red and Fast
Sakari Zephier: Family Lines
Anonymous: Princess
Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire
Anonymous: Aleena’s Fish
Juanita “Jill” Harrell: Lost Soul
Evelyn Braun-Gawronski: Griffin Castle
Natalie Garcia: Talk the Talk
Catherine Chai: Starry Night
Fannie Catherine: Untitled
Declan Briody: Krampus
Lila Radheshwar: Flower
Tzitlalli Gonzalez: A ghostly halloween
Anonymous: Internal
Anonymous: Angel Bracelet
Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over
Cecily Ramirez: The Opening of a New Life
Julian Vallejo: Goldfish
Anonymous: Imagination Marks
Connor Weber: Living Book
Edana Lynch: Halloween 1
Natalia Rojas Duran: Human Nature
Anonymous: Ocean Eyes
Anonymous: Contour line
Kenya Barnes: For My Uncle
Ka’miyah Green: Amanda Gorman Wings
Kevin Wilson: Unfolding Dimensions
Anonymous: Serious side-eye
Llondoyn Peters-Gill: Llondyn’s Fish
Akira Brown: Untitled
Beatrix Wunar: Untitled
Alessandra Montero: Day 2, Bunnies
Anonymous: Gods Painting of the Sky
Anabel Perez: Celebration of Asian Culture
Krisha Pandey: Mastodon
Allison Martineau: Miss Scary
Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream
Victoria Mak: Sketchbook
Mauricio Garcia: The Corona Savior
Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Anonymous: Casa de Formas
Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving
Ellie Stone: Mushroom Flower Pattern
Emily Esquibel Morales
Daniel Jamroz: Webs Out!
Erin Brunell: didn’t know who to be
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Orca
Anonymous: Brick Red with White Chunk Black Lip Squat Jug
Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask
Anonymous: So No Head
Yessenia Martinez: Home
Anonymous: Untitled
Melanie Avila: Moldable Identity
Anonymous: Cowboy Can
Alice Longnecker: Untitled
Joana Jovanova: Untitled
Savannah Thames : Straight Waves
Lilliane Shen: This is my pagoda.
Anonymous: Untitled
Cilia Conley: Unflattering
Anonymous: Seeing Blossoms
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Lauren Chloe: Sunshine
Anonymous: Selfie
Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway
Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature
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