Anonymous: Freestyle Organic Shape Drawing

Bright warm light spilling out the window of a house into a dark blue night

Genecis Gomez: Untitled

Oil painting of a boy in a red shirt holding a stuffed animal

Auren Boynton: Boy in Darkness

Butterflies and a face with blue hair and cat ears

Matthew Jeffris: Untitled

Comic style drawing of a character.

Zeke Diaz: Same Presence

View of someone holding up a camera through a public bike rack

Jathen Roman: View of Art

Dania Qazi: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

earth with a cute face

Isabella Gamero: Clean Earth

b/w drawing of person with dark hair and glasses.

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

side view of crocodile head

Carmelo Munoz: Crocodile & Mosquito

Graphic design of a person in darkness with neon colors behind them

Anonymous: Distorted Dystopia

Keith Haring figures

Santino Cantore: Untitled

poster design

Roland Parker Zachariah: One Family Shabbat Car Parade

A drawing of a red cardinal on a branch

Solome Abebe: Cardinal

Four armed figure in grand attire stood against a radial backdrop.

Anonymous: Aeonian

girl in black mask covered in veil

Rachel Jimenez : In the Clouds during all my classes

anime character

Bryce Wilson: Hidden beauty

Anonymous: Untitled

Miley Hu: Untitled

Anonymous: Free from Rejection of Belief

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Victoria Mak: Scorpion

McCord Brown: Color

Gael Colorado: Earth City

Drawing of persons face, nose up, next to drawing of person's torso, nose to mid-shoulder

Monserrat Garfias: Half of You

abstract drawing

Kassandra Plata: Untitled (Make Remake)

Digital mosaic of fox on purple background

Anonymous: Fox

Ωentangle cat on wood with night sky

Brianna Joyce : Untitled

A painting of a black person looking up at a blue sky next to a white person looking up at a night sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a hand coloring a rectangle

Gabriela Jacome-Quinteros: Untitled

Multimedia illustration of memories.

Jhugo Catugal: Memories

Ellie Glenn: Dragon’s Eye

A painting of a ring of colorful flowers with a large red flower in the center.

Ella Poczatek: Untitled

Painting of ram, in blue, on grass in front of white sky.

Mitch Glidersleeve: Blue Ram

Two hands from the left and right side of the art piece are reaching out towards each other. In the center of the two hands is a blue circle that leads into a colorful panted background.

Jayda Perry: The Hands of Fortune

Drawing of a clock with a sunset face

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Duck

Anonymous: Bigger Picture-Rotoscope Animation

Stephanie Simpson: stststst

Digital drawing of girl's head

Simone McKenzie: Brunette3

Black and white digital drawing of a face hovering above a wood floor.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

A scenic drawing of a cliff with a pink tree on the edge of the cliff. Behind the cliff is the moon with a blue sky background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a bear with trees in the background

Emma Kohberger: Playful

Ezra Pruitt: Lost Feelings

Pink and black birthday cake

Cynthia Jimenez: Sweet Tooth

pencil drawing of face

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

Crystalline butterflies litter a pale blue castle landscape with large hills and moutains

Khadijah Shaikh: The Northern Duchy

Collage of person

Kyle Felicio: Pleading

Blue drawing of a girl's face with a flower crown on her head

Valeria Rivera: Lei

Sculpture of a cityscape made out of the pages of a book

Hope Nolan: Paper Cityscape

A picture of a person with rainbow colored silhouettes stretching out from the figure

Maia Mar: Rainbow Shadow

Dyptic of two photos depicting student as Donald Trump and Richard Nixon

Jersey Benjamin: Trump: Grab them by the p*ssy, you can do anything & Nixon: I was under medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes

Leslie Illescas: Faith in Panic

Ceramic vase with strawberries on it

Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled

Drawing of a young girl with brown hair wearing a pink dress

Anonymous: Untitled

digital illustration

Itzel Vela: Louie the Dog

A gray rat plushie with purple I and purple 9 stitched to its body

Anonymous: I-9

Yellow and black stripes with floating sausages.

Shilo Gross: The Land of the Royal Sausages

Soriya Carr: Incoming Chaos

person with wings near their head

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 11, Wings

Edgar Frutos: The Long Take

Armani Ray: Beautiful Disarray

Lashae Wilson: A Sister’s Alliance

Henry Naylon: J Park vehicle and background

train speeding towards hole with a person sitting on top

Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over

Simona Nelson: Exploding with Potential

black letters on a cream background

Ella Chambers: Remember

Drawing of buildings and hearts

Bruno Salinas: The City of Faces

Collage focused on large, red eyes

Breanna Shaw: Collage and Reframe

alma thomas inspired painting

Leianne Obligado: Alma Thomas Inspired Painting

astronaut falling into a crater

Tyson Madison: Day 14, Falling

Bruziah Robinson: Black Angel

Profile of young woman's face with yellow flowers over eyes

Jane Miller: Beauty in Blindness

Mask sculpture with puffy white hair

Anonymous: Untitled


Veronica Gipson: Day 4, Sandwich

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Alessandra Montero: Lupin

girl in dress standing in grass

MacKinzee Jones: Nighttime

Diana Castrejon: Still Life

A drawing of a colorful octopus with a unicorn and some fish underwater

Anabelle Ramunni: unicorn ocean magic

pencil illustration

Anonymous: Artist Hands

A very colorful artwork full of hearts inspired by Kandinsky

Cecilia Chavez: Kandinsky inspired Heart Wax Resist

Gabriel Morgan, Jansel Perez, Patrianna Scales, and Lashae Wilson: Sketch 2

mixed media collage self-portrait

Anonymous: I Am Jurnee

A person wearing a mask layered over the image of Chicago skyline

Anonymous: I Am Chicago

Black and white collage of squid and eyes on a watercolor wash background of pinks and yellows

Alicia Figueroa: White Surface

Drawing of a girl screaming with two red rectangles

Anonymous: Fish-Eye: Desperation

Anonymous: Autumn Park

Photograph of girl painting outerspace

Stephany Ramoz Toquica: My Magical Reality

Various pieces of silver metal on a striped sheet

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 3)

A large cat-like figure is in the forefront. Behind, a human figure floats in large lines of color passing around the frame.

Huiyun Jiang: Escape

A flower shaped logo with the letters RF in the center

Rebecca Flores: Untitled

Miniature sculpture with a bed and desk made with earth tones and a variety of texture.

Serenity Torres: clueless.

Chicago River and 2 boats.

Alek Klee: Untitled

Ceramic sculpture of cinnamon swirls.

Anonymous: Cinnamon Swirls

weaving of multiple colors

Anonymous: A Beautiful Mess

image of house on a door

Veronica Gipson: Day 10, Doors

Abstract painting with circles, smears, and lines

Anonymous: Gold Circles #1 of 5

Drawing of a girl jumping into water, city in the background

Emmy Bassik: The City Leap

Gael Zamudio: Untitled

Black and white line drawing of person surrounded by their hair.

Taliyah Taylor: Hairitage

Mae Ritter: Can I Stay Home?

Two views of brown handmade jacket with illustrations on it

Harry Soto: Reflection

2 portraits, one realistic and one abstract

Yenedith Sanchez: Portraits

Samantha Zhao: Bodies of Water

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

Two figures, one red and one blue, with deep shadows paused in action while facing the viewer.

Zoë Gordon: The Elements of Purple

View from above of two people in a canoe at night with fog

Trinity Mayfield: Open Waters

Grid style drawing. Some squares have individual letters that spell out the word Allie while others have objects like a boomerang and a video game controller.

Allie Burog: My Identity

feet in the back window of an el car

Shem Villacarlos: You + City

Pencil drawing of a girl standing in a field looking into a portal.

Anonymous: Another World

A drawing of a blue circle with a face

Zosia Ryan: Zosia’s World

A photo of a person.

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a cow's face

Phia Morris: Convulsion

Black and white composite photo of a person's face portraying different emotions; each image of their face at different angles and images layer on top each other.

Jalen Garcia: Interactionism

Two faces with their eyes closed in a ying yang-like position.

Brenda Dickerson: Doppelganger

Birds eye view of a street with toy cars and blue/red lighting to cast realistic shadows

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (city street)

Evelyn Martineau: Rainbow Quilt

Photo of stuffed animals: Bird and Panda

Elena Ulm: Bird House

Cartoon drawing of girl in orange dress holding a snake.

Anonymous: Girl + Snake + Teddy

figure in dark circle

Andrea Rodriguez: Andrea

person in dinosaur cloak

Jordan Allen: Day 15, Dinosaur

A surreal artwork with two large eyes that have colors dripping from them and two large mouths.

Brenda Dickerson: DOUBLE VISION

collage of faces and painting of people in green and red

Samantha Franco: Collage/Reframe

Iriz Lugo: Amelia Earhart

colored pencil illustartion

Violet Labash: Come Out and Play

A drawing of a person with blue hair and a face mask with one half on a yellow background and the other half on a gray background

Esme Cuisia: Assumption vs Reality

child with dinosaur on shirt

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur

A black and white drawing of a creature

Demarcel Davenport: What Can They Say?

Colored pencil drawin gof a city in the winter, moon in the sky and a road in the front

Trevor Olson: Winter in the City

The sarcophagus of King Tut painted onto a canvas with an embroidered yellow and orange border. Orange and copper embroider stars surround the portrait

Teagan Fleming: King Tut Dedication

Red and blue butterfly painting on newspaper

Anonymous: Untitled

Jala Dowd: Forever Doesn’t Last

Anonymous: Untitled

Person with beard looking at phone.

Ramik Spencer: Talk the Talk

Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring

Leslie Illescas: Uncovered Directions

A cubist portrait of a womans very colorful face.

Sofia Staudenmaier: Colorful Girl

A member of The Mighty 9!

Carielis Granera: Plainfield School The III

A painting of orange and yellow mountains under a blue sky

Michael Dominguez: Untitled

Circles lay on different color squares. Each circle is shaded differently.

Zoe Barnett: The Universe of Circles

Line drawing of a profile with lines in the background

Salas Jocelyn: The Parasite of Opinion

A Latin Jazz style dance number.

Dance: In The Rhythm

A skyline with chicago buildings under a van gogh inspired sky

Ethan Ganesan: Good City


Anonymous: Mountain Landscape

Anonymous: Peace of Mind

Lee Rowland: Rainbow Star

Alejandro Giron: Coming of Age Zine

Black and white photo of peering up at a school

Kayode Osunmakinde: Robert’s Resting Place

Photo of lights on a neighborhood street.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Silly Animals

Roxana Perez: A Little Smile

Illustration with fan in cool colors on left and concentric arcs of rectangles in warm colors on the right

Matthew Sanchez: Alma Thomas Engine Turbine

Painting of a cherry blossom tree in a park. There is a bench on a grassy area.

Inci Qasimli: Cherry Blossoms at the Picnic

Digital drawing of a young girl holding a candle

Anonymous: The Boogie Man

Soleil Rivera: Beauty in Purple

Pendants hanging in a school classroom

Ariana Winters: Image And Sound

Hilde Shapiro Braddy: Hamantashen for Purim

Photograph. A cream colored jellyfish suspended in a black background.

Matthew Dorantes: Jellyfish

Drawing of a red own with stars and a moon

Farhan Rahim: Untitled

Giraffes in front of a sunset

Mikayla Melendez: Giraffes

Sculpture of mans face with cheek open showing gums and inside of mouth

Camila M: Blisters of Emotion

Jayla Pittman: Mind Overload

Pink flower made from a paper plate, paper, and yarn.

Madison Garofolo: Flower Weaving

An abstract drawing of pastel colored blobby shapes

Adelis Carmean: Melty Rainbow

Iris Rivera: The tunnel

Green hills with a purple tree in the foreground. The tree has characters/letters from different languages on its leaves

Ronan Schnepff: Letter Tree

Blue background with a kaleidoscope design. Buildings in the foreground with one tall one in the middle of the image.

Norige Attarifi: Casablanca

Kylie Diaz: Colorful Nature

mixed media piece

Maeve Donlin: Untitled

portrait of person with short hair, red light coming from the person's right.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Elora Cuisia: Untitled

Black knight drawn on lined paper

Anonymous: Untitled


Prince: Untitled

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

Pencil drawing of a man grabbing his face

Gabriela Jacome-Quinteros: Untitled

Itzel Saenz: An Unhealthy Obsession

Alejandro Giron: Wrangler

Image of a man looking straight ahead with one pink eye

Amber Scott: Pink Eye

Photo of a ghost like figure in front of a door.

Anonymous: Untitled

Virtual Kitchen: Grettel Guzman

two goldfish swimming, from above

Anonymous: Untitled

Taylor Lofton: Black on Black

Anonymous: Untitled

French fries with a face

Milit Lijo: Untitled

Parker Lu: Chinese Zodiac

Jonathan Das Dores: A Better Tomorrow

Black and White drawing. A hand holds a fragmented mirror. Each fragmented shows a different section or perspective of the same face.

Noah Demus: Binocular


Lydia Govera: Untitled

kaleidoscope style pattern of people and pink

Roquelin Stone-Reyes : Heart Head

Anonymous: Untitled

Aliyah Redsick: A Portrait In The Year Of Covid-19

A painting of a zoomed in eyeball with eyelashes and a tear coming down. The painting is green, white and pink.

Anonymous: Emerald Eyes

A drawing of a young mans face floating on a background with text

Jaylen Richardson: Untitled Self Portrait

Painting of purple shapes with black background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: The Mystics of the Forest

Portrait of a boy in black and white with a colorful background in the style of Basquiat.

Noemi Gonzalez: Untitled

Colorful abstract piece of a mans portrait.

Maya Villabona: Untitled

A painting of Donald Trump with devil horns and a tail with the word El Diablo written underneath

Anonymous: El Diablo (The Devil)

A girl looks to her left as she stands by a brick wall.

Brittany Hernandez: My reality in a different dimension

Painting of white cat waving

Aurora Brisbois: Untitled

Black and white collage of a skeleton standing next to a person on train tracks

Mia Roldan: Untitled

LaNyia Rivers: Kendra Monologue

Layla Ihmoud

Photograph over a persons shoulder holding a mask with spikes sticking out

Christopher M: Psychological 4

Sawyer Elkhatib: Zentangle Tree

house design illustration

Sebastian Valdivia: House design

Black and white photo of a woman leaning against a wall.

Ashley Lopez: V

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Texture Tile

Embroidery of a house on white fabric

Mary Martorano: Where the Heart Is

3 seperate figure drawings

Jo’Quan Keys: Dudes, Representation

Text "Love is Everywhere" with a heart in space.

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed media art with pink background and 3 dimensional cake with blue icing, and yellow inside on a white plate

Niyah-Li W: Is it fake or cake?

Water with sunset and clouds within an oval.

Alexia Gonzalez: Untitled

Composite image of sketches and storyboards

Alyssa Jones: Beware of jack

collaged face of a man with blue green shirt on blue background

Jayveon Baskerville-Bolar : The Extinguisher

Annabel Multer: Bread Turtle

Sculpture of a silver hand

Adrian Lemus: Untitled

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Welid Adem: Boona

Drawing of the Chicago Skyline with a CTA train in front

Steven Jiang: Chicago

painting of a child looking through glasses

Ashley Quirarte: Glasses

Digital illustration of a man.

Sara Martinez: Untitled Digital Image

Collage of a scene with the statue of libery, a boat and the Mexican flag in the back

David Tempone: Giuseppe’s Journey

woodblock print

Yenedith Sanchez: Dazed

Digital image of a young man in a red hoodie. Behind him are many different blue signs that would be seen on a street.

Anonymous: Street A

A member of The Mighty 9!

Jaidyn Barnes: Marquette Richards

A house created with colorful paint and craft stick with a blue sky background.

Anonymous: Casa de Formas

Rainbow watercolor splatter

Nessa Hockin: Watercolor

ms uni

Jayla Davis: Ms. Uni

Colorful water color painting of trees.

Loulou Sorenson-Cronk: Trees

On the left, city block from above, on the right b/w pencil drawing of a dining room.

Anonymous: Perspective

Chloe Barahona: Ndebele House Diorama

Anonymous: Rattling

Green robot with 4 arms waving a brown flag.

Jayden Liang: My Robot

Kevin Becerra: Untitled

6 panels of portrait

Diana Najera: Self Still

Sara Gitner: Hurled

Anonymous: Winter Blue

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Gyaru

Low-fi digital drawing of black cat in front of red and yellow striped wall

Anonymous: Cat

Avra Raman: Untitled

Painting of yellow and pink ice cream in a colorful cup.

Helen Zheng: Untitled

Colorful abstract drawing of a face

Reed Baldwin: Untitled

Isyss Whitmon: Cooking your Favorite Disney Princess Dish

Christiana Blount: The Loop

mixed media piece

Henry Stensland: Untitled

Sarah-Santi Taylor: Sunburst

Sahanna Myles: Untitled

Embroidered black thread on white fabric of face and shoulders. Figure has embroidered blue eyes.

Angela Guillen: Xavier

Drawing of a playground with a pink slide

Anonymous: Taste Of Nostalgia

Landscape image in shades of green, blue, and tan. A stream flows through plant covered buildings.

Mi Ei Ei San: Reclaiming

Painting of a guinea pig with a pink background

Mina Miranda: Guinea Pig

Mariana Hernandez: Mixed Identity

Picture with three subjects

Maya Mendoza: What About Me?

Sculpture of protest with Black Lives Matter sign at the top

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of toy blocks.

Octavio Marin Jr.: Untitled


Nara Zadok Litan: The big flower

Anonymous: The Giraffe

eyes looking around page red

Amaya Jusufovic Gasparini : Watch

Catalina Upapong: Fairy House

Portrait of man in in suit with red tie in front of a blue background.

Anonymous: The New Generation

Drawing of a tree with green leaves next to a flower with a yellow center and purple petals.

Anonymous: Flowers and Trees

Nivian Ellison: We are all beautiful

Raven Rios: Golden Grass

Anonymous: Abstract

Henry Sparks: Artifact Replica

Drawing of a human figure set in ancient times.

Anonymous: Golden

3D popsicle red white and blue

Anonymous: Summertime

Colored pencil illustration

Alexander Hosking: Brightness over Darkness

A fabric on board self portrait. The face is pink and red surrounded with blue and black.

Anonymous: Self Portrait as a Quilt Square

Clay sculpture of tribal mask.

Anonymous: Princess Mononoke Mask

blue eyeball with red guts and veins

Mark Williamson, Jr. : I See You

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

Anonymous: Ocean view landscape

A green collage with a girls face and plants and butterflies

Jessie Kocur: Untitled

drawing of two hands with rainbows on them, background colored purple and "Peace, Kindness, Equality" written in black.

Anonymous: Untitled

Charlesa Thompson: Toph

Edana Lynch: Kills

Painting of dead seal with trash

Sofia Aleman: Save the Seals

Photo of a dog in the fall

Osmar Mora:

Photo of two miniature cars crashing

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (car crash)

Painting of skull with horns on gray cloth to the left of a yellow flower.

Sophia Petrosino: Skulls are Forever

Person seeing an ice cream cone with a small head on top.

Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream

Digital drawing of a cartoon person crossing a river

Lucie Guenther: Fern!!!

Angelique Umutesi: Scare Crow

Collage of cardstock with a baseball cap, lightning bolts, and other objects.

Alexa Rivera: Untitled

Clay hot dog and fries.

Anonymous: Polish and Fries

A woman in a tank top is drawn looking over her shoulder. She wears hoop earrings and has butterflies in her hair.

Kennedy Beckon: Merit

Celeste Kaplan: It’s My Job to be Annoying

Person reaching for money.

Violet Torres: You Will Never Have Enough

Yellow and purple/blue leaves on a blue background with green and purple dots.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a boy with patterned hair

Anonymous: Muhammad Yousuf Arbi Jr.

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Tyson Madison, Alessandra Montero, Abby Moon-Sarudi: Corpse 4

Graphic design for Perla's Postres. Logo with ice cream treat and drink; and pink food truck shown from all four sides.

Perla Reynoso: Perla’s Postres Logo and Food Truck

Digital drawing of a character with brown vest and staff.

Anonymous: Karlov Avenue The 55th

Armani Ray: Mind Pollution

Digital painting of a black woman with Black Power earrings and text that says "Black Women for Black History"

Kamil Calmese: Black Women For Black History

Anonymous: Untitled

Kijah Woods: Untitled

Fox girl with a tail in between two trees

Anonymous: Fern

Graphite still life drawing of various objects in front of sofa cushions

Anonymous: Still Life with Sofa Cushions

Digital drawing of building with "LIV" on it in a dark sky

Marcus Daniel: LIV

Dana Fellows: Untitled

Blindfolded angel with scales, painted in shades of reds, white, and black

Lauren Wu: Nemesis’ Balance

Patrianna Scales: My Dream America


Logan Briody: Baldi

A drawing of a small white owl with a snowy, blue background.

Anonymous: Owl in the Snow

Amrita Graves: Untitled

Digital painting of a girl with a heart scene in front of her

Anonymous: Untitled

An image of a sail boat on lake Michigan

Anonymous: Sailing

b/w line drawing of rabbits

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 2, Bunnies

drawing faces green blue

Peyton Warren: Untitled

Daleyza Merlos: Flower

perspective line drawing of building

Anonymous: Building in 2 point perspective

A painting of a lake with weeds

Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled

Anonymous: American Kestrel

Multimedia piece with mannequins and bright colors

Sylvia Peng: Bodies in Motion

A colorful piece with a girl in a pink dress looking up at a planet and star filled sky.

Sky Asamoah: Otherworldly

b/w line drawing of person wearing sunglasses, drinking from a can with a straw

Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill

black and white photo of a man

Alyssa Akbar: _MG_79381

Anonymous: Acadia National Park

A drawing of 4 fictional creatures

Anonymous: Untitled

Neon purple lights in a wave behind person looking at camera.

Edmond Abraham: Psychedelic Selfie

E with a rainbow

Ariana Junior: Untitled

Nathan Dixon: Arteaga Fall/Winter 2021 Prêt-á-Porter

Illustration of clothes in a fitting room exploring the idea of self esteem and body image.

Daisha Malone: Untitled

Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió

Paper mache avocado

Sofia Staudenmaier: Untitled

Victoria Mak: 12 Mile

Cardboard sculpture of rudolph

Michelle Guo: Rudolph

ninja star opened

Anonymous: Ninja Star Opened

A Raisin In The Sun By Gabriel Morgan - Beneatha Monologue

Gabriel Morgan: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

Digital design with a building and biplane coming towards the viewer. Bear, trees, & mountains in the background.

Robert Lee: Welcome to California

Black and white drawing of a boy in front of a house

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Heat Rings

Yellow sun flowers

Genesis Ramirez: Interpreting Van Gogh

drawing of mountains with a river and trees on the shoreline

Minahil Ahmed: Land of Peace

A metal necklace with a round shape

Anonymous: Parzenica Necklace

Acrylic painting of characters sitting on a surrealist style playground.

Anonymous: Playground from Hell

Sculpture of two women with lines standing on either side of a rainbow flag

Anonymous: Community

Digital drawing of a guy wearing a red sweatshirt and yellow pants

Saul Marin: Ballistic

pencil portrait

Nayan Sunilkumar: Megan Fox

Drawing of boy in red shirt

Solomon Brown: “Me”

Embroidery of 4 computer windows, 3 with landscapes and 1 that reads "Error! Art Not Found."

Jade Bradley: Error!

Jayla Pittman: The Skin that i’m Comfortable in

Abstract piece with small drawings scattered across the paper including a heart and the word "emo."

Anonymous: Emotional Graffiti

Digital drawing of a flower

Giovanni Robles: Untitled

Photo of a profile of girl in silhouette

Denise Heath: Untitled

Drawing of a boy standing on top of a brick wall with a ladder on a floating island

Cesar Garcia: Mind Of A Hero

Anonymous: Moxcina Eye of Midnight

Tarrance Turner: Solly Two Kings from Gem of the Ocean

Daniela Salgado: Al Mercado

The letters reading "love yourself" in white on a very colorful background

Jayleen Urquiza: Love Yourself

Black and white photograph of a man crossing the street. He walks under train tracks with cars waiting to cross the road next to him.

Lisa Patel: City Seeker

Anonymous: Untitled 2

Picture of a person wearing glasses with headphones in

Lauriana Nadjinger: Dear Letter

A drawing of Carl from the Walking Dead.

Anonymous: Untitled

Patrianna Scales: Rose from Fences

water hills pink horizon

Ava Brown: Sous le Bleu

Black and white drawing of a person with a bag on a background that evokes outer space

Nia Langley: Time Traveler

Painting of a spider coming down a tree with a moon with a blue gradient in the background

Piper Castaneda: The Spider

stairs going up to doors

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors

planets in space

Kelley Buestan : Space

Portrait of a man in a yellow hat holding sonic the hedgehog

Anonymous: Diary of Zack Villere

Anonymous: Chili snake

Henry Pyskacek: End It at Home

Overlapping shapes with colored pencil

Amaya Rice: Inner Dimensions

Circle cut in half with black seeds in the center, and a hot pink skin, with green leaves

Zaylah De La Torre: Speculative Vexillology

Photograph of ceramic sculpture of red guitar body with black features

Vivian T: Stuffed Duck

digital illustration

Anonymous: Comfy Cozy Place

Psychedelic painting of a pink person.

Briana Thomas: Introduct my strange world

Alice Manipakorn: Untitled

Drawing split into quadrants forming one figure.

Reagan Herron: Modern Renaissance

open locket with bones inside

Eliya Torres: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Guillotine underwater with a Chesire-esque cat on the front. Coral and seaweed are clumped in the foreground

Stephanie Mei: Untitled

photograph of a drawing of 3 people and 2 plastic wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride

Drawing of a girl looking up at the stars.

Lauren Brogan: Girl and the Stars

fire angel sculpture

Claudia Crespo-Pecunia: Fire Angel

Amesyah Flowers: Distance

Abisai Luis: Artist Sketchbook

Collage of newspaper articles with eyes painted on top

Anonymous: Stop Asian Hate

startled fox-like person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 16, Trap

Rebecca Leal: Get Out Bye

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Blue Puffin

Amesyah Flowers: Rose

Lola Vega: Portrait of a Young Woman

Eleanor Miranda: Hidden in the Stars

Anonymous: A Spring Landscape

Veda Mathur: Chameleon Sunset

A drawing of an animal with bunny ears on a flowery background

Lexi Smith: Rainbow Bunny

Drawing of a girl with red skin and blue hair

Sophie Yanny-Tillar: Thoughts

brightly colored abtract feild

Jorai Harris: Feeling of Emotions

A digital painting of two peoples faces towards one another. The background has numbers and words that say what makes you human.

Anonymous: Untitled

line drawing of four girls in different colors

Anonymous: Emotions

Jellyfish line pattern stitched in a swatch of blue cloth.

Natalia Penalbert: Tingling Water

Black and white pencil drawing of a service dog

Edana Lynch: Service Dog

A blue sky with black silhouette of trees and a moon.

Ines Vinsel: Moonlight

Drawing of building with smoke stack behind it

Anonymous: The Old Days

Lake Michigan at shore with Planetarium

Anonymous: Lake Michigan

Image of an offrenda with many skulls, marigolds, and candles surrounding larger skull image.

Angela Casas: I Love You Beyond Death

Anonymous: Calm

Anonymous: Champloo

A juxtaposition of different words and imagery relating to the police in black, white, and red.

Askia Bullie: Who do we call?

Frida Mejia: The Last Fragments

Anonymous: Let Us Pray

Taryn Landsberger: Critical Low

Calvin Kumler: Tornado

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

angel with wings

Veronica Timble: Day 11, Wings

Anonymous: thing

Photo of two young women with illustrated faces

Adele Weiss: Dripping Imagination

Emaneyah Walker: Ma Rainey from Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

Thadeo Portillo: Bloom

Anonymous: Dwight White

Dinosaurs in suits

Alessandra Montero: Day 15, Dinosaur

Drawing of a girl with red pigtails and green eyes

Chrisette Armour: Shine

Brianna Kokoszka: Natural Softness

person with hat, cape, and knives wearing anonymous mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask

Painting of three skulls in a body of water surrounded by pink flowers and green stems

Anonymous: Afternoon Skull

Taliah Thompson: Shimmer

a bridge brown hills night sky

Christian Diaz: Fantasy Landscape

Anonymous: Wild Flower

Hands playing a piano from the top down

Beata Semeniuk: Untitled

ice cream sundae

Vance Lira: Day 8, Ice Scream

person with long hair and a monocle

Alessandra Montero: Day 14, Falling

digital drawing of lips with a gold tooth and a rainbow background

Imani Ward: Fiercely Passionate

Anonymous: Rotting Woods

digitally manipulated photo

Faith Craig: Untitled

Collage of a cherry tree and a garden with a butterfly.

Anonymous: Sunny Day

Painting of many logs stacked on top of each other, their rings clear. A sparrow looks down from atop one of the logs at the others.

Kiana Pan: My Forest, My Home

An abstract flow painting of different shades of blue

Keevionte Mohomes: SEA OF BLUE

Anonymous: Untitled

2 digital characters in black and white to be made into a vinyl sticker

Anonymous: Vinyl Sticker design

Fernanda Lemus: House Plant

Drawing of a suspension bridge entering into a mountain.

Saul Ambriz: Untitled

Israel Ordas: What’s Love?

Donovan Chan: The Endless Now Duology

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Mixed media of a man getting fed a pomegranate in front of a buffet of food

Angela Blanco: Untitled

abstract pencil drawing

Gad Qiang: Untitled

2 people blowing out candle

Alfonso Blas Simon: Happiness in the dark

Painted still life with a My Little Pony

Anonymous: Still Life

Painting of soccer players in a stadium

Miguel Arellano: CR7

A layout of small drawings of godzilla on top and kong on the bottom

Antonio Olvera: Godzilla vs Kong

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

Cardboard lion sculpture

Anonymous: Untitled

Design with flowers

Meredith Joncha: Color Study

Naomi Hernandez: Zebra

Ocieann Davis: Distorted

Elise McCarthy: Bend Back the Moon

Mixed Media of Muhammad Ali's face with tan and white background

Silverio Cervantes: Muhammad Ali

Anonymous: Untitled

Pink illuminated hazy image of a room.

Grace Woodson: Haze

Anonymous: Steph Curry Turkey

Angry birds inspired artwork.

Kevin Zhang: Colored Pencil Drawing

Jazmin Unzueta: Tacos de Nopales

Emma Chung: White Noise

Sonia Urbina: Stolen Innocence

person with fangs and cut on cheek on red circle

Eliya Torres: Day 5, Fangs

Split photograph of a book on the left and a man with his hands in the praying sign on the right

Anonymous: Untitled, from Still Life Series


Uriel Salcedo: El AGUILA ES LIBRE

Jaelin Williams-Presley: Life Through a Cage

Portrait of person with curly hair wearing headphones

Breanna Shaw: Charcoal Portrait

Drawing of a rainbow

Claeon Shajan: Rainbow

Painting of underwater creatures.

Natalia Perales: Its a water life

b/w line drawing with scared people and a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill

Digital drawing of a person in gray curled into a ball falling through a gray sky.

Anastacia Torres: Anxiety

Javier Rojas: Untitled

Anonymous: In Plain Sight

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Annika Alfaro: Sliding into Silence

Child in teal shirt wearing a hat of white paper with fronds and cut strips covering their face

Atul Shiwakoti: Crazy Jester Hat

Yudeski De Leon Garibo: Pambazos

Anonymous: Grandma

Nadia Walker: Dream Perspective

color drawing of a fox in a triangle in a black and white landscape.

Allison Martineau: Moon Walk

Bright marker drawing of emoji with flowers hearts and a rainbow

Jennifer Diaz: Untitled

Painting of a house with snow surrounding it

Maya Ladwig: Snowy Night

A digital illustration of a woman with her face painted like a Dia del los Muertos skull

Yoselin Mata: Day of the Dead

Person in sweater on a charter bus reading a book with her feet up on the seat in front of her.

Victoria Mak: Molt

painting of two young children in blue dresses sitting on ground in front of brown background, one crying

Anonymous: Tata & Nana

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon

An illustration of a person, with space imagery and elements as part of the character as well as the background.

Maggie Mayra: Space Immortality

Man with red headphones

Simone Peña: Untitled

Clay sculptures on a salad plate

Deniana Clemente: Playful & Plated

Digital artpiece with many characters and objects like a ukulele and a melting pizza layered over each other in bright colors.

Anonymous: Stuck

Animal Farm-Sliding Out Of Silence

Christiana Blount: Sliding Out Of Silence

A drawing of a person with dark hair and a necklace on.

Derayah Brown: My Mom

Joanna Steven: Into the Abyss

abtraction of name Max bright colors black lines

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract colored pencil portrait

Beatrix Wunar: Untitled

Valeria Rios: Possibilities

Cartoon with three main sections containing people helping each other.

Anonymous: Helping Hands

Anonymous: A New City

Sheet music

Katherine Thompson: Half Cadence

drawing paper mexico

Yaretzy Edith Marquez Marquez: Mexico Lindo y Querido

black and white drawing of squiggly lines with the lines in the upper right and lower left corners colored in rainbow colors

Angelo Velazquez: Mind Wandering

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

es_MXEspañol de México