Sonogram of a teenage figure as if still in the womb.

Christina Johnson: The Rebirth

Anonymous: Nuclear Fear of Communists


Donald Richard: Day 15, Dinosaur

digital illustration

Yisel Vicuna: Bella’s 16th Birthday Party

Citalli Rico: Avant que je ne meure

Blue tones of a bedroom with toys

Miryam Garcia: Untitled

hooded figure with a plant behind it

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle

Kimberly Aguilera: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Ball with tongue out illustration

Nicole Jeter: Dotty McMansion

Alya Brice: My Teachers

Pink milkweed flower with Monarch butterflies surrounding it. On the image, it says that the population of Monarchs decreased 90% from 1997 to 2023

Noemi Perez: Milkweed Flowers: the Solution to the Monarch Butterfly population crisis

aligator orange sun

Abram Ellis: The Swamp of Death

Illustration of 4 Symbiosis Characters

Aidan Bell: Symbiosis Civilians

two people holding hands walking towards heaven with a locket on the ground behind them

Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Red drawing of a girl with a blue drawing of a girl upside down above her

Maria Mancero: Hot and Cold

Image of a man looking straight ahead with one pink eye

Amber Scott: Pink Eye

Haily Roman: End Human Trafficking

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of person in zebra costume leaning against the wall of a pasta restaurant at night.

Metzli Castellanos: Palm Tree, Zebra, Pasta

person with plant sprout on their head looking panicked

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 7, Accident

Map of Chicago made out of words and letters

Anonymous: Untitled

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

Anonymous: Self-portrait

person looking nervous wearing headdress

Veronica Timble: Day 9, Eyes

Anonymous: Untitled

angel with wings

Alexa Lopez: Day 11, Wings

Snake labeled with don't be afraid on its body. Multicolored circles in a dark brown background with a white organic border

Kelly Anderson: Don’t Be Afraid

Pencil dawing with text.

Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter

Alyssa Jones: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

skull with sword through it

Henry De Luca: Day 19, Over

Cartoon of a wolf sitting on a cliff looking at a sunset

Sophia Sherline: Routine

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling

girl crying green some falling paper

Itzel Seledon-Garcia: Untitled

Maja Nagi: Untitled

Pricilla Mercado: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Scratchboard drawing of a cat laying on its side.

Anonymous: In Focus

Nia Langley: State of the World; Fighting Mask, At Home, Distancing

Black and white drawing of person with dark hair, dark shirt, and large black glasses

Ivette Ramirez: Untitled

3 people with weapons

Jordan Allen: Day 12, Rock

Two-tone portrait of Kevin Cole with paint splatter and squiggles in the background

Juliana Tong: Kevin Cole

Person wearing helmet with twig horns

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 1, Nature

Dania Qazi: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Anonymous: Untitled

b/w drawing of a person with long hair kneeling.

Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies

fox-like person falling

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 14, Falling

Yueling Qian: Path to Sweetness

Anonymous: Dwight White

3 seperate figure drawings

Jo’Quan Keys: Dudes, Representation

Anonymous: My Old Room

person with fangs and cut on cheek on red circle

Eliya Torres: Day 5, Fangs

Drawing of a two-horned, firebreathing creature jumping through the air on a white background.

Tyson Madison: Rhogar Myastan

Illustration of man with winged headband, blonde hair, red scarf, blue shirt

Gema Rodriguez: Character Study

Colorful pastel drawing of pink flower on blue background

Avni Arora: Untitled

Daniela Marroquin: Modern Scream

Front view of a colored nude life figure drawing

Emmia Gearon: Seated Blue Nude

6 BIPOC faces with "period." at the bottom

Donald Richard: Day 18, Pride

Digital illustration of 2 figures in motion

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of yellow sunflowers in a pot

Aadian Davis-Pollard: Still Life Flowers

3 mountain peaks

Anonymous: Untitled

A black and white drawing of a creature

Demarcel Davenport: What Can They Say?

eye and nose

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 4, Hollow

Zenon Ostrowski: computer heart

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Tales from the Times of Covid

older person wearing pillbox hat and sunglasses

Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle

Anonymous: Untitled

Francesca Kang: Alvin Ailey

b/w drawing of one rabbit kicking another

Tyson Madison : Day 2, Bunnies

Rainbow with "Over the" above

Anyah Thompson: Day 19, Over

Henry De Luca: Tales from the Time of Covid

Colored life drawing of a woman's backside sitting in a chair with a cloth draped behind her

Elizabeth Curry: Seated Blue Nude

Person wearing hat and and saying Happy Halloween!

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 4, Hollow

Jessica Diaz: Still Life with Roses

Anonymous: Black History Through Music

person with ice cream cone on sidewalk in front of her

Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream

Drawing of red dragon

Daniel Song: Dragon-ex

Anonymous: Driving in Chicago winter

Analia Madrigal: Starlight

Room with piano, records, and comfy chairs

Veronica Timble: My Cozy Comfy Place

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Alessanda Montero: She Was Like

Drawing of the back of a person with a long pink braid and animal on her shoulder

Flora Greene: Untitled

Digital painting of a face, person is holding left hand up to left cheek.

Ashanti Hicks: Challxn

Drawing of a woman with wings standing next to a child

Anonymous: Untitled

person with staff sitting on celestial backgroun

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night

Drawing of outdoor skateboarding scene

Anonymous: Untitled

Donald Trump holding a cage with a child inside

Fatima Tlatilpa: Stand Up For Immigrant Children

Feline humanoid gazing into the distance at sunset.

Alessandra Montero: Sunset

chalk pastel leaves

Anonymous: Fall Leaves

Brayden Yang: Chicago City

person with wings holding someone with flowers in their hair

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 4, Hollow

Melting ice cube

Henry De Luca: Day 8, Ice Scream

A seven-panel vertical comic strip depicting a mother and child bringing laundry to a laundromat

Schantelle Alonzo: Laundry Day Snippet

person with long hair and crystals

Alessandra Montero: Day 13, Oracle

Protrait of a face with shoulder length hair that is black with streaks of red, yellow, blue and green. Painted in the background are cherries and lemons.

Charlotte Bidstrup: MARINA

desert landscape

Anyah Thompson: Day 12, Rock

Bear with pencil and paper with word "Over" above

Alessandra Montero: Day 19, Over

Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

Kayla Beltran: Surreal landscape 1

Anonymous: Family Portrait

A drawing of purple and blue hearts

Kokomi DeLoney: Untitled

Animation of Mario walking and going into a tube

Niko Hristoforatos: Mario Challenge

A digital drawing of a blue cat

Iliana Hernandez: Cat

Illustration of a skyline

Anonymous: Untitled

digital illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

house design illustration

Anonymous: House Design

Anonymous: Todoro Rainbow

pencil on paper illustration

Enrique Sanchez: Untitled

thing with axe that has chopped another thing in half.

Tyson Madison : Day 3, Dungeon

pencil illustration

Jazmin Valle: Self Portrait

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

Abstract colorful drawing

Berenice Capetillo: Falling Out of Love

Taryn Landsberger: Pheasant’s Eye

3 panel comic b&w 2 kids in 3rd panel

John Shalinath: Magical Adventure

dinosaur in tub

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur

Leianne Obligado: Untitled

digital illustration

Alessandra Montero: Comfy Cozy Place

open locket with bones inside

Eliya Torres: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person with sandwich head

Carielis Granera: Day 4, Sandwich

Closeup self portrait in orange color with sunglasses

Ralph Lasalle: Self Portrait

Patricia Underwood: Sunshine

Melanie Silva: Untiled Self Portrait

Anonymous: Ruth, the Flowering Justice

Abstract drawing of a hand reaching toward the sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white silhouette with shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

person standing in front of images of various doors

Anyah Thompson: Day 10, Doors

The design of red and blue letters that spell out the name "Marcel"

Demarcel Davenport: Who Am I?

Multimedia illustration of Robin Williams.

Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams

red dragon in baseball hat

Leonard Pochel: What?!?

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