A blue abstract form made from fabric and stuffing

Dashiell Hamalainen: Untitled

Three dogs left is brown and laying down middle is laying down and has a splotchy black and white coat right is sitting up and has completely white fur

Eve Oppenheim: Felted Dogs

The sarcophagus of King Tut painted onto a canvas with an embroidered yellow and orange border. Orange and copper embroider stars surround the portrait

Teagan Fleming: King Tut Dedication

Anonymous: Untitled

Embroidery of the word "Empowered" on a pink background.

Lia Andrikopoulos: Empowered

Crochet vinyl with Black woman on the cover


Fabric textile resembling a sunset.

Mia Schlessinger: Untitled

Embroidery of a hummingbird

Anonymous: A Mother’s Passion

Jellyfish line pattern stitched in a swatch of blue cloth.

Natalia Penalbert: Tingling Water

Mixed Media of Muhammad Ali's face with tan and white background

Silverio Cervantes: Muhammad Ali

Girl braiding her own hair

Cilia Conley: Knots

Woven piece created with cotton yarn.

Shanelly Ridley: Weaving

Black embroidery of two people with swimsuits leaping.

Sasha Spain: one

A gray rat plushie with purple I and purple 9 stitched to its body

Anonymous: I-9


Ava Shirley: Bouquet

Kenya Barnes: For My Uncle

Anonymous: Journey

Anonymous: Warmth

Embroidery of a walking trail with flowers on the sides

Anonymous: The 606 Trail

2 portraits, one in blue felt, one in purple felt.

Alyssa Argent: They Felt

Megan Trinh: Tapestry

Pink felt toy doll photographed with graphic design of doll.

Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Plushie

Plastic bag weaving with brown, white, gray, and black

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

Photo of round yarn earrings

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

Plastic bag weaving of white, gray, and black horizontal stripes

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

Grey skyline, Christmas tree with elf.

Camila Penaranda: My First Christmas

Anonymous: Living in the Pandemic

fiber art image of buildings in Chinatown, Chicago.

Izumi Phuah: Chinatown

Embroidery of a doorway with tree, reflected vertically on quilt.

Lynn Tran: The Colors of Emotions

clothing top with cats on it

Anonymous: Cat Hug

coin necklace

Angélica Albárran Romo: Ripening

Allison Martineau: Untitled

Scene from Venice embroidered on blue fabric. Orange and red buildings line a blue canal on either side with a boat in the center.

Mayrav Bader: Trip in Venice

Anonymous: Zaidan+Anwar+3

A yarn weaving with little lego heads beaded onto the yarn

Anonymous: Lego Wall

Joaquin Gonzalez: Weaving

A blue woven piece with green leaves woven into the fiber. There is a red rectangle on the upper left corner.

Anonymous: Outwards

A necktie with the word "me" written all over it

Eva Roman: Untitled (Dad)

Natural colored canvas over the shoulder totebag with embroidery of person holding a jar on a blue background. Interior had "I'm adorable" painted in blue.

Gracey Niedzielak: I’m Adorable

Embroidery of two hands touching

Anonymous: Unraveled progression

Embroidered black thread on white fabric of face and shoulders. Figure has embroidered blue eyes.

Angela Guillen: Xavier

hand sewn denim jeans

Juan Gasca: Jeans

Female wearing a red scrunched up dress standing in a body of water

Charlotte Ochstein: Reef Bleaching Garment

Plastic bag weaving with red, white, browns, and grays

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

Blue embroidery of flowers

Anonymous: Flower Mesh

A hand sewn plushie of a figure wearing an upside down ice cream cone on their head

Andrea Diaz: The One and Only Patrick

Photograph of person standing with back turned to camera, wearing a shawl made by artist

Aniyah Harris: Yusef’s shawl

The waist of one pairs of jeans attached to another

Ian Blair: Untitled

A black dress on a dress figure.

Jack Kenney: DRESS

weaving of plastic bags with black and white stripes

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

Embroidery of 4 computer windows, 3 with landscapes and 1 that reads "Error! Art Not Found."

Jade Bradley: Error!

A colorful soft sculpture made of yarn

Anonymous: Sllug

Embroidered fabric

Catherine Gallegos: Untitled

felt pokemon character

Jack Oetter: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

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