Graphite drawing of a girl

Jenny Angeles: Jennie

4 part face

Hailey Rodden: 4 Aesthetics

Bright flowers and a hand with constellations.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Person with long hair, the left side of the face in green tones, the right in red tones

Esmeralda Avila-Marquez: Two Toned Portrait

Anonymous: Time is Fading


Meera: Untitled

Abstract ink pen drawing. Black lines cross different sections of the page which are each colored in different ways.

Anonymous: Suspect

Drawing of a butterfly with a cutout heart above it

Isabella Gamero: Love is Free!

Drawing of a yellow bee on a pink flower

Chloe Liow: Untitled

pencil work on portrait, full color portrait

Sophia Morris: Portraits

A digital drawing of a girl with a very colorful patterned background

Charlotte White: Raggedy Ann

People with masks

Tyler King: Sketch

Isabella Guzman: Amate

Anonymous: Untitled

Found images collaged with drawings

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

Drawing of a big table with lots of food on it, surrounded by chairs. The bottom of the drawing reads "I Love Soul Food."

Rune Fox: Thanksgiving at Tee Tee Tre’s

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

Drawing of a dinosaur

Anonymous: Diplodocus

A black and white drawing of ballerina feet on point

Anonymous: On Your Toes

Pencil sketch on notepad girl outline

Chrisette Armour: Untitled

Dana Fellows: Untitled

Drawing of a family

Anonymous: ShapeHeads

Drawing of someone cutting food.

Anonymous: Mother

Anonymous: Figure Study

Pencil drawing of a dragon's head

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: My Mind Map

Vibrant drawing of an object.

Anonymous: Eye’m Here

drawing of the top half of a dog's head

Anonymous: Doggy

On the left painting of building exterior, on the right b/w drawing of a staircase

Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective

Black and white drawing of a boy in front of a house

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Sofie Yang:#Stop Asian Hate

Edana Lynch: Introspection

Croc shoe with black and yellow background

Mikayla Glenn : Untitled

Gel pen on paper drawing

Adella Bernotas: Colors of People

person reclining

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 18, Pride

Colorful underwater scene

Anonymous: Trent’s henri rousseau aquatic

Drawing of a fork in noodles with animals

Anonymous: Power Animals

nude figure drawing from life

Anonymous: Medusa

Many black and white ink drawings of various subjects overlay each other.

Mayrav Bader: Inktober 2022

Colorful drawing of a girl and paper airplanes.

Hotaru Koziarski: Me

Portrait of person with wide eyes looking up

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

One point perspective of a city street.

Lelany Rayas: Untitled 1-Point Perspective Drawing

Black and white image of hills with black and white Japanese characters. There are many trees and a road and house.

Ronan Schnepff: Words in Context

Anonymous: Koi

Drawing of two hands hovering over a monarch butterfly with the words "a Inmigración" written below.

Nathalia Vazquez: La Inmigración

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

Mila Ruiz: Eye of the Dragon

Denise Hernandez: Untitled

Student wearing a mask made of paper that has been colored

Latrell Meeks: The Famous Portrait

A simpsons character with a purple shirt

Mia Lietz: Simpson Self-Portrait

abstract pencil drawing

Gad Qiang: Untitled

Roxana Perez: A Little Smile

An oil pastel and marker drawing of a hand holding a love letter from a secret admirer addressed to Pearl.

Anonymous: Unknown Love Letter

Anonymous: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Veronica Gipson, Jordan Allen, Vance Lira: Corpse 14

A drawing of a girl with curly hair.

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of person with face in red and purple, looking to the right

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Aaliyah Borges: Sun Child

Drawing of a human figure set in ancient times.

Anonymous: Golden

anime character

Bryce Wilson: Hidden beauty

black background with colorful silhouettes

Abram Ellis: Moving Things

Anonymous: Untitled

person with crown

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 3

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Digital drawing of a character with brown vest and staff.

Anonymous: Karlov Avenue The 55th

Anonymous: Snake

Drawing of sunflowers in vase.

Zaida Soumanou: Untitled

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Shelby Rodriguez-Zegarra: All Over the Place

Anonymous: Fruit Snail


Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat

Pastel drawing of kappa, a creature from Japanese folk tales.

Kurumi Koziarski: Kappa

figure in tan pants and brown sweatervest with blue sleeves stands against a city backdrop that is decaying

Mikyah McCray : Decaying City

Multi-colored marker drawing of creature in long blue robews and hat surrounded by szwirling colors and other monsters

Anonymous: Torrent of circumstance


Sujei Vasquez: Untitled

Drawing of plants and an animal with antlers with geometric shapes and patterns.

Neala Dunneback: Madhubani

Evelyn Martineau: Rainbow Quilt

Viviana Hernandez: Untitled (red)

still life of plant

Caroline Mpinganjira: Family Members

Marker on Drawing Paper Radial Name Design

Pearl Chen: Pearl C.

Pointillism drawing. A face stares. In her eyes, you can see the outline of another woman.

Anonymous: In Her Eyes

color scheme

Trevon Jones: Color Theory (pic 2)

Abigail Arellano: Untitled

Daniel Jones: Untitled

Black and white drawing with long curly hair. She wears a tank top and has her arms crossed.

Paloma Turner: Untitled

A drawing of a blue creature on the ground with a pink tree, green bush, and sun.

Anonymous: Creature

Purple, blue, yellow, and pink sunset over a beach. There is a palm tree on the white sand beach.

Margaret Heilman: Sunset

Colored pencil drawing of driver with rainbow and birds in the sky.

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing of polar bear with plastic covering face

Kibito Ariyoshi: Suffocated

Drawing of 3 women anatomy.

Melaya Thomas: Attack On Feminism

patterns of stripes

Savannah Thames : Straight Waves

Kelly Lynn: Untitled

Drawing of baby yoda holding a pink heart with multiple red hearts beside him. Diamonds are drawn above him.

Anonymous: Baby Yoda with Hearts and Diamonds

An illustration of a person, with space imagery and elements as part of the character as well as the background.

Maggie Mayra: Space Immortality

Graphite drawing of a person's face with short hair

Lilliane Shen: Sunshine in My Eyes

sketch and final drawing of person crouched in desk chair

Tyler King: Figure

sketch of face

Kamily Corral: Sketch

Anonymous: Four Seasons

Colorful drawing of person with long pink hair walking through flowers with purple and pink sky

Jeannie B: Celestial Tranquility

Drawing of rolling hills with greenery

Scarlett Milbury: Rolling Hills

Paper is split into 3 sections with detailed characters drawn in pen on each. Red and yellow marker accents.

Anonymous: The Three Sages

Drawing of a volleyball player wearing an orange jersey

Kayla Melesio: Rolling Thunder

woman in front of mirror

Auttum Thomas: Stalker


Uriel Salcedo: El AGUILA ES LIBRE

Gloria Abolade: Tranquil

Black and white drawing of a face with dark hair and eyes. A color version of the face is reflected on the bottom half of the drawing.

Ashley Barrios: Mask

David Nott: Creature Drawing

Drawing of Godzilla with a black background

Cielo Zavala: GODZILLA

pencil drawing of three people holding up large frame around them with bees on it

Saul H: Golden times

person holding a pig

Ashley Barrios: Halloween

A drawing of a black and white cat with smaller cats on top of its head and paw prints all around.

Anonymous: Russian cat nesting dolls

Black and white drawing of fish, mountains, and water

Yoel Lopez: Funky Fishies

Colorful abstract drawing.

Trent Landsberger: World of Colour

eye of the tiger

Cathy Rodriguez: Eye of the Tiger

person backlit with red and blues

Kaili Hill: Two Toned Portrait

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Isabel Wood: Frida

Kaya Song: Flower in Reverberating

two portraits, one person with glasses and one with horns

Kamily Corral: Portraits

Two blue lions on a yellow background with human figures behind them

Rein Phone: Fading Memory

An ink drawing of some bees lifting weights and working out

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

Abstract marker drawing. Page is split into geometric sections which are each colored in vibrant hues.

Anonymous: Self

Maleah Garcia: Courageous Mindset

Clare Krippner: Lighter

Person with short, dark hair holding their hand to their face.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Pencil airplanes and Lego people

Wendell Felton: The very awesome Lego revolution of the airport just west of here

b/w paper cut into shapes of building, tree, and moon

Anonymous: The Quiet

Drawing of a clown with a red balloon

Ariana Alpuche-Gutierrez: Untitled

Drawing of a playground with a pink slide

Anonymous: Taste Of Nostalgia

Drawing of soul food flowing through the African Baobab tree. A colorful blue, pink, and green background is behind.

Noah Demus: Universoul

sketch of person texting

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 4

Colorful abstract patterns.

Quinn Kemp: Untitled

hand coming out of fire

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 3, Fire

Valeria Lopez: Enjoyable Experiences

Drawing of a sun and moon

Sherlyn Rodriguez: Untitled

Drawing and pencil rubbing of Mother Theresa

Anonymous: Women of the World: Teresa

vertical wavy lines of different colors

Nikhil Bronsan: The Twisting Rainbow

Drawing of a green dragon

Daniel Song: Korean Dragon

black and white portrait and painted person sitting cross legged

Joanna Steven: Portraits

drawing paper mexico

Yaretzy Edith Marquez Marquez: Mexico Lindo y Querido

Pencil drawing of a girl with glasses and a hoodie

Abril Arreguin: Emerging

Edana Lynch: Kills

Pencil drawing of running shoes

Aarav Rajput: Untitled

trees in a large forest

Akira Dolinski: Sequoia National Park

Self portrait of Kimberly Quiahua done with crayon and color pencil.

Kimberly Quiahua: Self Portrait

Black and white ink drawing of many different characters layered over each other.

Armani Ortega: Madness

Figure of a face with neck except face has fruits and vegetables over top.

Diana Castillo: Surreal Portrait

An oil pastel drawing of a cow

Anonymous: Cow

Lola Vega: My Reflection

Maggie Bao: Sleeping Panda

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of people at the farm portion at the zoo

Matthew Chung: Thankful for Lincoln Park Zoo

Person's face with bright pink eyeshadow. Surrounded by stars and bursts of blue and red.

Anonymous: Trellas

b/w line drawing of person with short hair

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

person with sunflowers

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook

Portrait of a masked person.

Reggie Winn: Portrait of a Peer

two portraits, one in color.

Edana Lynch: Portraits

sketches of people in chairs

Tyler King: Sketch 2

Four drawings with a desert theme

Anonymous: Works in Series

Marcelo Guzman: Finally


Hailey Rodden: 4 caras

A very colorful background with repeating stripes and patterns and an a flower

Elizabeth Zhu: Blind Flower

animal name

Hailey Rodden: Animal Grafitti Name

Drawing of planets, faces, and all kinds of colorful things

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Anonymous: Portraits

Anonymous: Untitled

Chalk art on cement of an earth that is half blue and half brown

Angie Wyrwas: The Future

Drawing of person standing in front of a magenta "2020" spotlighted.

Anonymous: 2020

Peyton Warren: Concealed

Bright marker drawing of a person with colors inside the profile

Daniela Silvestre: Untitled

Lidia Vergara: Untitled

Drawing of a woman figure

Jacqueline Montanez: See right through me

Woman with spear in blue outfit stands in front of a red background.

Lola Dale: Fry

Camille Daley: Ghosting

Digital mosaic of fox on purple background

Anonymous: Fox

Anonymous: Sela Lara

Drawing of Homer Simpson with a donut and green tie

Anonymous: Homer Simpson

A bull charges an alligator.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person and a skeleton morphed into one.

Leila Ortiz: What Remains

Rebecca Leal: Alone

person with blue skin and closed eyes, dancing

Joanna Steven: Figure

Creature holding up another in a stick up

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 9, Eyes

A painting of Ariel from the Little Mermaid

Anonymous: Untitled


Alexander Ramirez: Untitled

still life of gum, cologne, and other objects

Jaime Serrano: My essentials as a High School Student


Asher Medrek-Mullaney: JOJO

drawing of ascending demon on left, collage of religious iconography on right

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

Hiliana Ramirez: The Eye of Illusion


Anonymous: Static Perception

Drawing of a girl with long hair, pursed, small lips, and large eyes. She wears a top with a collar.

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white drawing of a head with a city on top

Anonymous: Untitled

A portrait drawing with cosmic symbolism and elements on the right

Anonymous: Untitled

nightmare of eyeball, birds eye, bear, and bunny

Estrella Hernandez : Beware of Faded Dreams

pencil drawing of face

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

A girl and her brother play together

Nyailah Burnette : Me and My Brother

A line drawing of a girl with short hair under some clouds

AubrieAnna Talbott: Untitled

Intersecting red and green lines, kind of looks like pipes

Matthew Greco: Life’s Intersections

portrait with a body where the person's brain would be

Anonymous: Internal

Brian Chavez: Untitled

A 3v person collaborative drawing.

Veronica Timble, Abby Moon-Sarudi, Alessandra Montero: Corpse 10

Drawing of a rainbow

Claeon Shajan: Rainbow

A drawing of a girl doing her makeup and her reflection in the mirror

Anonymous: Morning Ritual

Tall figure curing with city.

Katie Kaukialo: Solitude Creates Peace of Mind

Anonymous: Lonely Temptation

Christopher Van Dyken Jr: The Shedd Aquarium

Blue based drawing of shapes similar to a shooting star with highlights of orange yellow and white

Cilia C: Memories

Graphite drawing of tomatoes with decorative circles around them

Anonymous: Tomato Vibes

Anonymous: Soulen

Drawing of a girl with black hair with a heart next to her

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Fractured Skull

Drawing of a brown vessel with black and white pattern on the exterior

Yingqi Jiang: Boba

Graphite line drawing of a building

Anonymous: Adobe Landscape

Anonymous: Landscape Study

A colorful drawing of a brain with a lot of different characters on top of it

Isaac Danielson: Only One

Radial Name Design marker on drawing paper

Olivia Bronkema: Olivia B.

Andrew Cox: Red Dragon


Leonel Martinez: F.U.N(Freaky Unsafe Nonsense)

person eating with a spoon

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 8, Ice Scream

Postcard-like drawing of Ancient Greece.

Anonymous: Ancient Greece

Grid style drawing with each square of the grid containing a different drawing. Many grids show two characters interacting with eachother in various ways.

Amy Le: Myself

Drawing of a red own with stars and a moon

Farhan Rahim: Untitled

Alma Vega: Portrait of a Teen

Rasheed Brakes: Replica of Assembly2

A drawing of shops on a street, with a person figure lying on the ground with a red circle on their chest.

Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards

Digital mosaic of landscape with lake and mountain

Joseantonio Magdaleno: Landscape

Painting of a river and forest

Sofia Stevanovic: The Feeling River

Collage of found images with ripped image of nudes on top

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

Drawing of buildings

Ana Pedroza: Buildings

Mandala of blue and red triangles and circles

Alexis Ariza: Mandala

Matthias Duncan: Watermelon and Slices

Large deep ocean creature approaching a small fish in front of a stark white background.

August Santoro: Prey

in my brain

Joaquin De Leon: In my Brain

Clare Krippner: Hand

Anonymous: Unicorn and Rainbow

watercolor drawing natural nature

Elsie Conwell: Untitled

Foot that reads "Happiness is not by chance but by choice - Jim Rohn" with colorful abstract pattern around the foot.

Ainsley Waguespack: Happiness is a Choice

Vertical text in pencil, in Arabic and two other scripts.

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of person with long hair wearing bracelet

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

drawing of girl

Anonymous: Untitled

Myah Farrow: Un Selfie

abstract drawing

Isabela Torres: Untitled (Make Remake)

drawing faces green blue

Peyton Warren: Untitled

A woman in a tank top is drawn looking over her shoulder. She wears hoop earrings and has butterflies in her hair.

Kennedy Beckon: Merit

Drawing of a woman with blue hair wearing a yellow dress with her hands on her hips.

Akiya Killins: Untitled

Feline humanoid gazing into the distance at sunset.

Alessandra Montero: Sunset

Anonymous: Cat and Mouse

Drawing of a flower with paint drops on it

Kassandra Cervantes: Kassandra’s Flower

Character study, 360 view of a character in a long black jacket.

Anonymous: Kairo Muller Reference

Ink drawing of a boy smiling

Anonymous: Miles Morales

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Anonymous: Frida

A painting of a boy wearing a mask surrounded by among us characters

Bradley Horn: The Boy Around the Among Us

Drawing of 3 people with party hats wearing masks.

Lea Vu: Playdate with Covid-19

Drawing of multiple, colorful shapes

Gihon Williams: Gihon Kandinsky

variety of lines to create optical illusion

Maurice Causey: Swirls

A colorful rendering of two faces meant to represent two perspectives of one person.

Nashaley Aragones: Untitled

An acrylic marker and and colored pencil drawing of the Chicago Theatre. The Chicago signage is replaced with the name Emma.

Emma De Leeuw van Weenen: Chicago

Pencil drawing of people in boxes

Anonymous: Claustrophobia

Black and white drawing of leaves.

LaJuan Williams: Evolution of Nature

Colored pencil drawing of the front of a store with sign above door reading Valery's Resale with money flying out the door.

Anonymous: Valery’s Resale

Alissandra Delgadillo: Smirk

Keith Haring figures

Santino Cantore: Untitled

Graphite self-portrait drawing of a boy with a striped shirt

Steven Jiang: Self-Portrait


Sean Cunningham: Untitled

Emma Gonnissen: Untitled 1

Samantha Franco: Portraits

Red flowers and two kittens.

Auren Boynton: Under Red Peonies

Brody Cox: Blue Dragon

Anonymous: Surreal Eye

two portraits, one in profile

Amesyah Flowers: Portraits

Abstract drawing

Anonymous: Untitled (Make Remake)

Mabry Rapp: Texture Turtle

Drawing of a white chicken wearing a space helmet. The chicken is surrounded by a space background including many planets and stars.

Emmanuel Rivera: Space Chicken

Victoria Mak: Pen Still Life

stairs going up to doors

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors

Drawing of a bag of Jamaican Jerk Seasoning against a wall

Anonymous: Jerk

A pencil drawing of stair cases going nowhere

Solome Abebe: Stairs

colored pencil, pen, marker on paper bright

Felix Gael Acevedo: Bright

Naileyah Moran: Untitled

Overlapping circles in a color wheel

Lilly Myers: Color Wheel Rock

Owl puppet with googley eyes and fuzz balls

Anonymous: Owl in Disguise

Digital drawing of building with "LIV" on it in a dark sky

Marcus Daniel: LIV

A drawing of a grey creature with ears and a tail

Charlie Vagnieres: Stolem

Drawn portrait and painting

Jordyn Washington: Portraits

Paper is divided into many small shapes which are colored black or bright colors.

Anonymous: Freddy’s

Graphite drawing of The Bean in Chicago

Gabby Hill: Untitled

big A

Hailey Rodden: Big A

Joanna Steven: Frustration

Gray stone monster punching.

Donovin Stepney: Creature

pencil geometric drawing of kitchen with cabinets fridge and oven

Hana W: Home

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

Michaela Marino: Untitled

Digital drawing of a flower

Giovanni Robles: Untitled

Colorful "Viv"

Anonymous: Pop-Art by Viv

Anonymous: JB8UCW FAMU Cohort Shirt Design

Anonymous: Nathalie

b/w portrait and a face with paint drips

Maria Byers: Portraits

Colorful drawing of four beautiful people on top of one another

Anonymous: A Court of Beautiful Bodies

Drawing of shop interior with 3 shoppers and a store cat.

Max Mikunas: Downtown Market

A picture of the inside of someones house and a person sitting at a computer

Bellson Mei: Untitled

Drawing of a tree with green leaves next to a flower with a yellow center and purple petals.

Anonymous: Flowers and Trees

Black and white drawing of folded paper.

Daniel Salgado: Untitled

Anonymous: Acadia National Park

pencil drawing supreme portrait

Kaled Wilson: Untitled

White background with letters and shapes

Nariyah Chambers: Abstract with Letters & Numbers & Shapes

Portrait of a boy in black and white with a colorful background in the style of Basquiat.

Noemi Gonzalez: Untitled

Anderson Morales: House

Sharpie is used to black out parts of a book page. A figure crouches at the bottom of the drawing. "Screams" is written in yellow at the top of the drawing.

Emanuel Macias: SCREAMS

Drawing of a girl with her hands on her face and butterflies around her hair.

Polina Zvereva: Bella Poarch

Drawing of a boy holding a sword with orange hair

Anonymous: Untitled

painting of white building

Anonymous: Perspective

Overlapping shapes with colored pencil

Amaya Rice: Inner Dimensions

Charcoal drawing of origami.

Crystal Villalobos: Lotus flower

Drawing of trophy with #1 mom, with teddy bears, mom and daughter, and heart around it.

Aarvi Vakharia: Happy Mother’s Day

Pencil drawing of a man grabbing his face

Gabriela Jacome-Quinteros: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Comic style drawing of people in their homes

Margaret Williams: Me and my friends in Ms. Kanellopoulos’s class

black figures surrounding a person drawn in black and white

Anonymous: Candle Night

horse with rider fallen on its back

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 7, Accident

Layla Ihmoud

Drawing of a colorful pair of socks

Miguel Garcia: Untitled

Portrait of Jesus

Antonio Watts: Jesus

marker drawing of an alebrije

Anonymous: Alebrije

Abstract image made from handprints

Rachel (Karl) Sick: Colorful Hands

America Valencia-Alvarez: Charcoal Portrait

Pencil drawing of sunglasses, pencil, flask, keychain

Dylan Henke: Let’s Go For A Ride

Artwork with blue and tan background done in pastels with back of body in center adorned with flowers in black ink

Anonymous: Fragile

Drawing of a girl with mouths all around her

Anonymous: Smile

Sebastian Arias Montoya: Chevinie

perspective landscape on brown paper

Anonymous: Perspective

self portrait in blue overlaid by red spinal cord

Sophie Yanny-Tillar : Scoliosis

Multicolored drawing of back of person looking towards body of water with sunset. Within the watr there is multiple items on islands such as the planet earth, graduation cap, money, and a building.

Paulina A: Island of Dreams

Art piece of American flag with a bird.

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: God Shed His Grace on Thee

Anonymous: My imaginary and magical elephant!

Pumpkin drawn with oil pastel in a Van Gogh style.

Anonymous: Vangogh Pumpkin

Colorful drawing of animals and patterns

Lindsay Johnson: Untitled

Charcoal drawing of person with bun and flowered headband.

Mia Alvarez: Untitled

Victoria Mak: Aquarium

Calvin Farr: Untitled

Evigan Marcos: Identity

Drawing of a forest with mushrooms

Ruby Drexler: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Jordan Allen, Jaidyn Barnes, Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Corpse 1

A drawing of Martin Luther King Jr giving a speach with an american flag

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing is split into a grid of squares. Each one contains a different drawing, symbol, and background. There is a square with a taco, a square with the state farm logo, and more.

Jake Botensten: Jake Short

A drawing of 4 fictional creatures

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of person with short hair, red light coming from the person's right.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

drawing of mountains with a river and trees on the shoreline

Minahil Ahmed: Land of Peace

Drawing in red ink of a hibiscus flower, an arm crushing a pomegranate in its wrist, and a anatomical heart.

Karen Aleman: Nectar of the Gods

Drawing of a hamster.

Anonymous: LoLa

Oil Pastel and Colored Pencil Collage of a cat in a garden

Nixon Larson: Cat in the Garden

Character in the dark surrounded by neon shapes

Alexandra Buckingham: Lexi

Adam Zapata: Meliodas is King.3

Joanna Steven: Sketchbook Doodles #3

Drawing of a bridge entering into a desert area

Anahi Alcala: Ersilia

Digital drawing of a room with pink carpet. There is a wooden desk and chair, pictures on the wall, and a skateboard and guitar next to the desk.

Anonymous: Quarantine

Colorful drawing of character.

Anonymous: Boys Dont Cry

Crayon drawing of a mountain with a US flag on top

Clament Shajan: The Mountain Climber

Drawing of two people with yellow background

Giovanny Reyes: The Brothers That Fight and The Brother That is a High Schooler

Jessica Maartens: Field of Calm

Josiah Beckon: Squid Life

Drawing of a girl with big ears and words and pictures in the background

Eleni Murray: Millie Bobby Brown

Drawing of a suspension bridge entering into a mountain.

Saul Ambriz: Untitled

A drawing of two Harry Potter characters

Gianna McBride: Harry and Cho

Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook

Chalk drawing of city skyline with fireworks in the sky.

Matthew Chung: Land, Sea, Sky and Critters

perspective line drawing of building

Anonymous: Building in 2 point perspective

Green and black illustration

Jax DelAngel: Now watching, Now Listening, Now Playing

Anonymous: Dreamscape

closeup of hazel eye with brown/red eyeshadow

Anonymous: The look into my future

Realistic heart with purple flowers and leaves growing out of it.

Antara Warltier: Growth

anime stuff

Kahlee Tomlin: Untitled

marker drawing of cats and trees with sun

Aishah Abbasi : I Love Cats

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

Pink yellow and green skateboard design

Anonymous: Floral Night

Abstract drawing with a girl depicted on the top right with various shapes (butterfly, spider) drawn in the surrounding.

Rayah Saleh: Underwater Mishap

Anonymous: Untitled

Natalia Rojas-Duran: Inner Peace

Bright drawing of a tiger with leaves around it

Roberto Perez: The fierce tiger

Madison Rozwat: Obscured Sunrise

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

portrait of person with long hair looking to their left.

Kaitlyn Huante: Charcoal Portrait

Samantha Franco: Sleeping Cat with Teeth

A drawing of a faceless woman in a military uniform with the flag behind her

Anonymous: My Leader

Drawing of flowers and bees

Diaz Emily: Dance to survive

Still life illustrated with colored pencil.

Anonymous: Pop Art Still Life

Drawing of a flower. The inner petals are pink and purple and the other petals are a greyish green. Each petal is textured with horizontal or vertical lines.

Charlotte Preusser: The Flower of Colors

Drawing of flags with the world in the middle

Anonymous: Our Differences

Person with their eyes closed, holding their face in their hands

Yenedith Sanchez: Two Toned Portrait

Foot with quote "out of a mountain of dispair there is a stone of hope" Martin Luther King Jr. B/w abstract illustrations around foot.

Anonymous: Stone of Hope

Drawing of a sail boat on a colorful sea

Marianna Valdez: The Mystery Sea

Painting of building exterior at dusk

Evelyn Ramirez: Perspective

Surreal drawing of girl with flag, pencil, and other objects in front of green background.

Ximena Cardenas: Myself and My Icons

A succulent sits in a purple and pink pot on a brown surface in front of a coral background.

Anonymous: Untitled

A person listening to music through earbuds facing the night sky.

Sarai Salinas: Home

Colored pencil drawing of a shark head coming out of the water.

Anonymous: Jaws the Mighty

Pencil drawing of person wearing a face mask with teeth

Jayden Sims: Self-Portrait

Collage on right, line drawing on left of room with person with head in garbage can

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

Colored pencil drawing of underwater scene.

Anonymous: Party Under the Sea

Kamily Corral: Cool Baby

Self-portrait with lots of eyes, noses, and mouths

Yessenia Martinez: Trinity

Hudson Goodrich: The Grat Oshin

A series of objects appear to be orbiting around a small cute animal. Objects orbiting include the Mexican flag, a volleyball, and a computer.

Elise Espinoza: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a person crouched with a dark background

Anonymous: Untitled

A ferret in a tutu dances down an ornate set of stairs.

Sheia Ang: Ferret Does Ballet

A pencil drawing of a hibiscus flower

Jovanni Carteno: Hibiscus

Drawing of a girl with words surrounding her

Anonymous: Sofia’s Identity Portrait

Digital drawing of person with long hair and glasses, in blue.

Anonymous: Blue Portrait

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

Anahi Alcala: Wake Up

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova, Tyson Madison, Itzel Saenz: Corpse 11

Luella Osborn: Bluey under the Rainbow

Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook

Anonymous: Molly Costello Dreams

Anonymous: Black is Beautiful

6 panels of portrait

Diana Najera: Self Still

Circles, triangles, and squares colored in multiple colors

Anonymous: Shaped Freedom

sketch of faces

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 3

Melani Aranda: Woman & Chickens

Grid drawing with each square showing a different image drawn including a frappecino and the BRATZ doll logo.

Aya Mansouri: Aya’s Life in Art

Drawing of a child with a shirt on that says "Baby."

Blake Egwele: Untitled

Pastel drawing of an owl

Reba Kabore: Goochie the Spy Owl

A folded paper with writings and small symbolic drawings

Arturo Garcia: BLM Zine

Anonymous: Untitled (red)

person in white on a red background with ink patterning.

Anonymous: Keith with Ermine

Drawing of shapes, lines, and colors

Anonymous: Patterns

Instagram drawing of a girl

Andrea Barcenas: Untitled

Antoaneda Antchev: Boss Up

cross street

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

photography collage on left, drawing of person in a green shirt laying down on the right

Yenedith Sanchez: Collage and Reframe

Drawing of a girl in a checkered turtleneck sweater standing in her room

Jazmin Gamez: Self-Portrait 2021

I'm on ur side

Kyla Jones: I’m always on ur side

Anonymous: Champloo


Camille Buren: My Grandmother’s Couch

A drawing of orange yellow tulips with green leaves

Cameron Diaz: Spring Tulips

Black and white still life that looks like stained glass

Anonymous: Church of Fruit

A drawing of a girl with hearts next to her

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a woman with pink curly hair surrounded by flowers.

Anonymous: What is Beauty?

Drawing of figures and clothing.

Anonymous: Untitled

Graphite still-life of a succulent in a pot, a bluetooth speaker, and several drawing implements scattered around.

Romina Greco: Self Object Portrait

Emmett O’Donoghue: One Snowyday at Christmas

drawing of jewelry on white sheet

Yessenia Martinez: Adorn

Travis Marshall: Pot of Gold

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of city block from afar

Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective

A brown owl with really big eyes on a blue night sky background

Leonardo Da Costa Aguiar: Night Sky Owl

Anonymous: Nail Fashion

Drawing of table, skeletons around an oven, and decaying face

Samantha Franco: Works in Series

b/w line drawing of person in a hoodie

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

Ballpoint pen drawing of a girl looking over her shoulder

Anonymous: Me, Myself, and I

person crouching on the ground and their face is a black oval.

Kamily Corral: Halloween

Drawing of a human figure atop of a collage of smaller sketches

Giselle Raigosa: King’s Domain

Pencil drawing of abstract rose

Anonymous: Abstract Value Exploration

Nivian Ellison: We are all beautiful

Ximena Cardenas: Untitled

Person with long hair and bangs, wearing large necklaces and a septum piercing

Kaitlyn Huante: Two Toned Portrait


Celia Rivera: Untitled-Artichoke

A green tree frog on an orange flower

Gabriel Conneely: Tree Frog

A self-portrait graphite drawing of a person with short hair wearing a boys scout uniform.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

A drawing including depictions of a bat, a dragon, a sky, a cat, and a shark, all colored with blue

Bennett Pangan : Blue Everywhere and in Anything

Overlapping circles arranged in a color wheel

Hailey Messina: Color Wheel

Anonymous: My Mom and Me

Julie Cosajay: Rapid Feelings

Drawing with a young man in the center. There is a tall Christmas tree, a TV with the Netflix logo, and a giant animal eating pizza.

Jakub Jamroz: Jakub’s Dream

Anonymous: Inverted

abstract ink drawing featuring many shapes and marks

Anonymous: Untitled

Kijah Woods: Untitled

Person with dark hair, a high ponytail and a blue and red dress holding a heart.

Riley Root: Self Portrait

A drawing of two crabs and a sunset

Anonymous: Courageous Crabs

two portraits, one with a laughing flame

Jessica Horne: Portraits

A drawing of a woman with a yellow head wrap

Senade Sodji: My African Grandma

two portraits of person with a topknot

Kenna Threatt: Portraits

Drawing of buildings and hearts

Bruno Salinas: The City of Faces

Anonymous: let’s sleep until the world is normal

Drawing of wizard in front of castle

Nova Hong: Untitled

Drawing of someone running their friend's head

Anonymous: Friendship

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

Drawing of 2 yellow tigers under a tree. In the sky, written "Save tigers" with a red heart.

Anonymous: Untitled

Five potrait panels in color.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

An abstracted drawing of a face with blue cracks coming from it

Anonymous: Unlimited Beauty

Anonymous: Untitled

Spider lily flowers illuminated by a white glow

Israel Smith: Untitled

Drawing of a bright orange and red mountain with a yellow sky and a cactus.

Jorge Baez: Untitled

Pencil drawing of person leaning on something.

Anonymous: Tiny Sasuke

Drawing of boy with hands over his ears, with abstract tv images in the background

Anonymous: Allodoxaphobia

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Drawing of girl sitting on a beach in front of blue water with a dark blue sky and clouds above

Wisdom Boyden: The Woman Watching Over Me

Self portrait with hand over face, a lightbulb above head, and text framing the drawing

Ibrahim Rsuh: Self Portrait (Copy of IB#2)

Julissa Acevedo: Self-Portrait

Ocieann Davis: Smile

Sasha Preuss: Where Did Her Childhood Go?

Drawing split into four section and four different elements

Auva Sharegh: Untitled

Sadie Schulz: Stressed

black and white drawing of light house and sail boat

Luke Berana: Acadia National Park

A portrait of a boy in a blue shirt and durag

Dashawn Garner: Durag Boy

Still life

Anonymous: Still Life

Lucas Gazdziak: African Animals

A colored pencil drawing of a sunset in a valley.

Anonymous: Mystical Valley

Oil pastel drawing of 3 figures in blue, green and pink. There is tulip flower on top of the blue figure.

Anonymous: But Which One is You?Aneliz Cuji:

An orange lion with a long tail stands next to a gold first place cup.

Elizabeth Ho: Lion Monkey’s Win

Drawing of a vibrant city street.

Christina Nasios: Untitled

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