Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

Bear with pencil and paper with word "Over" above

Alessandra Montero: Day 19, Over

Rainbow with "Over the" above

Anyah Thompson: Day 19, Over

Person with pink hair with "Missing" posters

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 19, Over

Girl with horns saying "I'm Over it."

Itzel Saenz: Day 19, Over

skull with sword through it

Henry De Luca: Day 19, Over

Person crying while texting

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 19, Over

rabbit jumping on eagle

Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over

grim reaper saying "sorry dude."

Eliya Torres: Day 19, Over

Dragon walking over person hiding under bench

Tyson Madison: Day 19, Over

train speeding towards hole with a person sitting on top

Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over

person looking up at crown saying "It's okay... it's over."

Jordan Allen: Day 19, Over

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