CPS All-City Visual Arts Exhibitions
Escuela Secundaria
Escuela Primaria
Cartera Senior
Apoyar Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Apoyo Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Escuela Secundaria
Escuela Primaria
Cartera Senior
Apoyar Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Apoyo Artes Visuales de Toda la Ciudad
Advanced Arts Program Showcase
Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon
Alissandra Delgadillo: Still Life
Anyah Thompson: Beneath Me
Micheal Owoyemi: Antonio and Charles
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 5, Fangs
Alondra Morales: Sliding into Silence
Joanna Steven: Sketchbook Doodles #2
Joanna Steven: Forest Area
Sara Gitner: Plane
Charlesa Thompson: Lost innocence
Simon Jose, Gingerbread Cookies
Victoria Mak: 12 Mile
Sara Gitner: Renaissance
Luis Martinez: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: Collage and Reframe
Sofia Dimas: I Wouldn’t Mind (He is We Cover)
Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes
Virtual Kitchen: Ava Zajczenko
Veronica Timble: My Cozy Comfy Place
Eliya Torres: Day 1, Chill
Yenedith Sanchez: Two Toned Portrait
Itzel Saenz: Weekend 1, Nature
Vance Lira: Day 2, Bunnies
Yenedith Sanchez: Godspeed
Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 2
Taliah Thompson: Technical
Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill
Ayanna Reeves-Woodson: Mac and Cheese
Alison Vargas: Antonio + Asim
Joanna Steven: Figure 2
Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies
Evelyn Ramirez: Perspective
Krystal Hernandez: Storyboard
Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night
Briana Hargrove: Process of Self-Development
Donald Richard: Day 4, Sandwich
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap
Tyler King: Collage/Reframe
Fernanda Lemus: Still Life
Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes
Gael Zamudio: Found Environment, Coladera
Samantha Franco: Manon Road
Brianna Hargrove: Minds Concentrate
Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask
Ramik Spencer: Image & Sound
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 5, Fangs
Leyi Wu: Hana + Miyu
Jaidyn Barnes: Marquette Richards
Sharon Braemer: Image & Sound
Theatre Arts: By The Way Meet Vera Stark Scene 2
Joanna Steven: Figure
Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature
Armani Ray: Between the Lines
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 15, Dinosaur
Beriel Moore: Ashland Huron
Zitaly Zuniga Mena: Perfectly Pink Finds
Vance Lira: Day 13, Oracle
Emily Steffen, Anyah Thompson, Tyson Madison: Corpse 16
Deja Reaves: 4 Part Composition
Tyson Madison: Day 8, Ice Scream
Itzel Saenz: Rowan Campbell
Edana Lynch: Halloween 1
Amesyah Flowers: Perspective
Anyah Thompson: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Carielis Granera: Weekend 4, Hollow
Ashley Barrios: Halloween
Kenna Threatt: Figure
Vance Lira: Day 6, Mask
Victoria Mak: Scorpion
Jessica Horne: Portraits
Alissandra Delgadillo: Halloween
Veronica Timble: Day 6, Mask
Donald Pieters: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue
Zain Arnold: Oh What A Feeling
Itzel Saenz: Never Met
Abby Moon-Sarudi, Henry De Luca, Carielis Granera: Corpse 6
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 3
Itzel Saenz: Day 9, Eyes
Ocieann Davis: Wrap
Melanie Avila, Sheltered
Donald Richard: Weekend 3, Fire
Laylah Freeman: The Little Things
Ocieann Davis: Study 2
Daniela Salgado: Temporada
Tyson Madison : Day 2, Bunnies
Alissandra Delgadillo: Looking Up
Sara Gitner: Crumbling Skyscraper
Eliya Torres: Day 18, Pride
Anonymous: Seeking AnswersOli Fuentes:
Modern Rock Band: Fix You
Alessandra Montero: Day 4, Sandwich
Alejandro Giron: Rattled
Kenna Threatt: Still Life
Ocieann Davis: Patchwork
Henry De Luca: Weekend 1, Nature
Jessenia Guzman: The Long Take
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Donald Richard: Tales from the Time of Covid
Beriel Moore: Untitled
Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 5
Anonymous: Collage and Reframe
Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies
Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream
Brianna Hargrove: Milestone in Stability
Taliah Thompson: Pose
Carielis Granera: Weekend 2, Night
Darion Fenner: My Love Won’t Let You Down (Cover)
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 4, Hollow
Victoria Mak: Works in Series
Alexis Thomas: Oh What A Feeling
Ramik Spencer: Talk the Talk
Fernanda Lemus: Works in Series
Eliya Torres: Day 9, Eyes
Liza Pena: About Me
Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon
Jessenia Guzman: Storyboard
Victoria Mak: Portraits
Kamily Corral: Still Life
Jessica Horne: Tear
Alison Vargas: Kenmore Waveland
Ronald David: Yellow on Purple
Brianna Kokoszka: Perceptual Vision
Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan
Dania Qazi: Artist Sketchbook
Alejandro Giron: Tired
Taylor Ward: Untitled
Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over
Robbie Austin: Foggy
Fernanda Lemus: Office Plant
Christian Whitehead – Noble/DRW HS
Itzel Saenz: Day 2, Bunnies
Noel Harlan: My Mom’s Favorite Lemon Pound Cake
Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask
Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature
America Valencia Alverez: Perspective
Alondra Morales: The Painting
Taliah Thompson: A Cold Morning
Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait
Kevin Camacho: Sliding Out Of Silence
Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 1
Jayla Pittman: The Roots of the Generation
Fernanda Lemus: Sketch
Robbie Austin: Two Perspective
Melanie Avila Martinez: Artist Sketchbook
Alessandra Montero: Day 12, Rock
Veronica Timble, Abby Moon-Sarudi, Alessandra Montero: Corpse 10
Vance Lira: Day 10, Doors
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 8, Ice Scream
Brianna Kokoszka: Contentment
Jessica Horne: Works in Series
Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 2, Night
Donald Pieters: Behind the Curtain
Tamyah Scott: Collage and Reframe
Taylor Ward: Richards Marquette
Eliya Torres: Day 14, Falling
Jessica Horne: Family
Good Time
Donald Richard: Weekend 1, Nature
Sara Gitner: Cage
Ashley Barrios: Young with Bunnies
Amesyah Flowers: Charcoal Portrait
Henry De Luca: Day 11, Wings
Jordyn Washington: Sisters
Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes
Alexis Thomas: The Long Take
Fernanda Lemus: Portraits
Gabriel Morgan, Jansel Perez, Patrianna Scales, and Lashae Wilson: Sketch 2
Jordan Allen: Day 3, Dungeon
Vance Lira: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Jennifer Lopez: Home
Angela Dong: Madonna Lombard
Navaeh Evans: Untitled
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 9, Eyes
Veronica Gipson: Day 7, Accident
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook
Veronica Timble: Day 12, Rock
Zain Arnold: The Long Take
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 15, Dinosaur
Zhiaea Mitchell: About Me
Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait
Breanna Shaw: Charcoal Portrait
Danielle Mitchell: Untitled
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon
Anonymous: Sketch
Samantha Franco: Works in Series
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 3, Fire
Alejandro Giron: Too Many Horizons
DJ Murray: Reeks of Youth
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 1, Nature
Donald Pieters: Floyd Barton From Seven Guitars
Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich
Tarrance Turner: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 3, Dungeon
Dance: Harmony
America Valencia-Alvarez: Two Toned Portrait
Edgar Frutos: Talk the Talk
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 4, Hollow
Emaneyah Walker: Haiku
Itzel Saenz: Untitled
Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle
Alexa Lopez: Day 18, Pride
Carielis Granera: Day 18, Pride
Samantha Franco: Still Life
Vanessa Garcia: Family Comic Album
Joanna Steven: Works in Series
Kamily Corral: Collage/Reframe
Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling
Edana Lynch: Green Metal
Robin Lockhart: Hero Macaroonya And Villain Cherrie Py
Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió
Daniel Koval: Minor Progression
Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock
Nevaeh Evans: Clouded
Ashley Barrios: Works in Series
Victoria Mak: Sketchbook
Francesca Jolly: Two Toned Portrait
Alyssa Jones: Artist Sketchbook
Leslie Illescas: Faith in Panic
Vance Lira: Nobody
Esmeralda Avila-Marquez: Two Toned Portrait
Modern Rock Band: I Want You Back
Alejandro Giron: My brother, Manny
Anonymous: Collage and Reframe
Tyson Madison: Day 15, Dinosaur
Veronica Gipson: Rhogar Myastan
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 2, Night
Alessandra Montero: Day 5, Fangs
Jessica Horne: Figure
Leslie Illescas: Ethereal View
Veronica Timble: Day 3, Dungeon
Clare Krippner: Portraits
Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Edana Lynch: Birthday
Diamond White: Untitled
Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 2, Bunnies
Leslie Illescas: Anxiety of Death
Lauriana Nadjinger: Dear Letter
Brianna Kokoszka: Angel Takes a Falling
Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure
Armani Ray: Gloom
Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)
Javier Hernandez, Sugar Cookie
Ashley Barrios: Collage/Reframe
Laylah Freeman: Avery from The Piano Lesson
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: In the Style
Jansel Perez: My Dream America
Jennifer Lopez: Anonymous
L’ihltah (Emaneyah) Walker: Kendra Monologue
Priscila Mercado: What Do You See?
Alissandra Delgadillo: Jello Stripe
Tyson Madison: Tales from the Time of Covid
Vance Lira: Estelle
Rebecca Leal: Together
Brianna Kokoszka: Reality Versus Illusion
Melanie Avila Martinez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Donald Richard: Thundercat
Ariana Winters: Ostracizing Time
Jordyn Washington: Collage/Reframe
Nevaeh Evans: Busy Mother
Jala Dowd: A Kid Raising A Kid
Alissandra Delgadillo: Faces
Tyler King: Sketch
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 4, Hollow
Gael Zamudio: 02
Tyson Madison: Rhogar Myastan
Fernanda Lemus: Figure
Kenna Threatt: Sketchbook
Micheal Owoyemi: Justine Asher
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 8, Ice Scream
Kaitlyn Huante: Portraits
Henry De Luca, Veronica Gipson, Veronica Timble: Corpse 2
Liza Pena: Image And Sound
Anyah Thompson: Day 9, Eyes
Veronica Gipson, Jordan Allen, Vance Lira: Corpse 14
Eliya Torres: Weekend 4, Hollow
Vance Lira: Day 4, Sandwich
Jayla Pittman: The Stem of the Generation
Walk and Run Cycles
Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers
Noel Harlan, Peppermint Chocolate Loft Cookies
Selah Payne: Collage/Reframe
Alessandra Montero, Emily Steffen, Donald Richard: Corpse 17
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 6, Mask
Donald Richard: Day 11, Wings
Donald Richard: Day 3, Dungeon
Henry De Luca: Weekend 2, Night
Yenedith Sanchez: Still Life
Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 3
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 1, Chill
Vance Lira: Tales from the Time of Covid
Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 2
Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur
Veronica Timble: Day 11, Wings
Jacquelyn Murillo: Our Love Is Not Forgiven
Maria Byers: Study 3
Samantha Franco: Sleeping Cat with Teeth
Alondra Morales: My Dream America
Jaden Williams: Bouquet
Henry De Luca: Day 18, Pride
Jessica Horne: Collage/Reframe
Charlesa Thompson: Toph
Veronica Timble: Sawyer Altgeld
Alexa Lopez: Day 6, Mask
Amesyah Flowers: Perspective 2
Gael Zamudio: Auditory Isolation in Room
Clare Krippner: Works in Series
Carielis Granera: Skip’s Journey
Stepheny Jade: Nostalgic Noise from my Grandmother’s House
Christiana Blount, Clalinda Davis, Laylah Freeman, Tarrance Turner: Sketch 1
Tyson Madison: Day 11, Wings
Clare Krippner: Halloween
Annika Alfaro: Sliding Out Of Silence
Chole Kelly: Non-Chord Tones
Sunny Wong, Mochi Cookies
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle
Rebecca Leal: Portraits
Donald Richard: Day 6, Mask
Krystal Hernandez: About Me
Kaitlyn Huante: Still Life
Alissandra Delgadillo: Yellow Jello
Gael Zamudio: Self in Reflection
Tzitlali Gonzalez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Alexa Lopez: Day 1, Chill
Patrianna Scales: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue
Brianna Hargrove: FATHERHOOD
Yudeski De Leon Garibo: Pambazos
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 18, Pride
Maria Byers: In the Style of
Anonymous: Minor Progression
Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3
Ashley Barrios: Dog with Flowers
Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective
Melanie Avila: Moldable Identity
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 11, Wings
Kaili Hill: Perspective
Veronica Timble: Weekend 2, Night
Veronica Timble: Rhogar Myastan
Eliya Torres: Weekend 2, Night
Vance Lira: Day 14, Falling
Terrence Kendrick: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Alessandra Montero: The Moss
Alexa Lopez: Day 5, Fangs
Jaidyn Barnes: Rhogar Myastan
Joanna Steven: Portraits
Yenedith Sanchez: Collage/Reframe
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Anonymous: Collage and Reframe
Rebecca Leal: Alone
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Edana Lynch: Collage/Reframe
Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream
Jennifer Lopez: Homagee
Donald Richard: Day 10, Doors
Alessandra Montero: Day 1, Chill
Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1
Dance: Urban Air
Itzel Saenz: Day 16, Trap
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Clare Krippner: Hand
Edana Lynch: Pen Still Life
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 1, Nature
America Valencia-Alvarez: Charcoal Portrait
Ashley Barrios: Idol
Clare Krippner: Collage/Reframe
Alessandra Montero: Rhogar Myastan
Emily Forrest, Donald Richard: Corpse 8
Rashid Perry: 4 Part Composition
Veronica Timble: Tales from the Time of Covid
Natalie Garcia: About Me
Terrence Kendricks: SCP 084
Samantha Franco: Pen Still Life
Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream
Veronica Gipson: Day 15, Dinosaur
Clalinda Davis: Sliding Out Of Silence
Veronica Gipson: Van Buren of Sacramento
Veronica Gipson: Day 1, Chill
Daniela Salgado: Serendipity
Genesis Hale: Image And Sound
Krystal Hernandez: Image & Sound
Ronald David: Red_Black
Robbie Austin: Lifetime Fan
Nevaeh Evans: Winter Home
Christiana Blount: The Loop
Henry De Luca: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Eliya Torres: Tales from the Time of Covid
Anonymous: Almond Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookie with Toffee
Donald Richard: Icho
Christiana Blount: A Raisin In The Sun – Walter Monologue
Krystal Hernandez: Oh What A Feeling
Anonymous: Collage and Reframe
Veronica Timble: Day 7, Accident
Sophia Morris: Halloween, In the Style of
Itzel Saenz, Eliya Torres, Jaidyn Barnes: Corpse 9
Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors
Anonymous: In the Style Of…
Veronica Timble: Day 13, Oracle
Sofia Dimas: Orbit
London Johnson: “I’d Give Anything” by Mandy Moore
Anonymous: Sharingan Sugar Cookie
Charlesa Thompson: Absence
Esmeralda Avila-Marquez: Collage and Reframe
Deja Wooten, Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Charlesa Thompson: Reserved Moment in Time
Zitlaly Zuniga Mena: Blurred Beauty
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 11, Wings
Stepheny Jade: As the World Spins the Pages Turn
Tarrance Turner: Solly Two Kings from Gem of the Ocean
Carlos Alanis Savila: Image And Sound
Brianna Kokoszka: Openness of Self Reflection
Patrianna Scales: Behind the Curtain
Alyssa Jones: Child Like Wonder
Donald Richard: Day 9, Eyes
Ocieann Davis: Works in Series
Jordan Allen: My Cozy Comfy Place
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 3, Fire
Maria Byers: Portraits
Alessandra Montero: Lupin
Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan
Nyssa Bridges: Untitled
Liliana Nash: Study
Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs
Clare Krippner: Eye
Ocieann Davis: Smile
Yenedith Sanchez: Looking Through
Tyson Madison : Day 1, Chill
Jordan Allen: Weekend 1, Nature
Annika Alfaro: Mame from Radio Golf
Selah Payne: Portraits
Patrianna Scales: Sliding Into Silence
Edana Lynch: Lysol
Armani Ray: Insecurities
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: Interior
Tyson Madison: Weekend 3, Fire
Amesyah Flowers: Portraits
Alexa Lopez, Veronica Timble, Henry De Luca: Corpse 13
Micheal Owoyemi: Untitled
Jordan Allen, Jaidyn Barnes, Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Corpse 1
Maia Penn, Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
Stepheny Jade: Vivid Lonesome
Gael Zamudio: Self as a RodeoGoer
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 12, Rock
Anyah Thompson: Day 11, Wings
Jocelyn Delgado: Study
Vance Lira: Day 3, Dungeon
Taliah Thompson: Night Lights
Silva (Daniel) Flores: Two Toned Portrait
Jaidyn Barnes: Tales from the Time of Covid
Armani Ray: Conflicting Eyes
Robbie Austin: Ripples
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Daniela Salgado: Child Zine
Brianna Hargrove: Microscopic Vision
Anonymous: In the Style Of…
Amesyah Flowers: Still Life
Anyah Thompson: Day 14, Falling
Veronica Gipson: Day 2, Bunnies
Anonymous: Collage/Reframe
Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich
Gabriel Morgan: Sliding Out Of Silence
Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Tales from the Time of Covid
Sunny Wong: Bibimbap!
Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream
Amesyah Flowers: Two Toned Portrait
Laylah Freeman: Behind the Curtain
Amesyah Flowers: Collage/Reframe
Brianna Hargrove: Transatlantic Trade
Gael Zamudio: Flea Market Dreams
Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 4, Sandwich
Veronica Timble: Day 2, Bunnies
Carielis Granera: Untitled
Robbie Austin: Drowning in Emotion
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire
Amesyah Flowers: Still Life
Ocieann Davis: Collage/Reframe
10 Choreographers/5 Dancers/1 Dance
Guadalupe Pulido: 4 Part Composition
Evelyn Ramirez: Two Toned Portrait
Nevaeh Evans: The Darkroom
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Alexa Lopez: Day 13, Oracle
Veronica Timble: Weekend 3, Fire
Alejandro Giron: Family Portrait After Death
Henry De Luca: Day 5, Fangs
Kimberly Aguilera: The story behind social media
Antonio Borobia Casanova: Rhogar Myastan
Victoria Mak: Collage/Reframe
Anyah Thompson: Day 5, Fangs
Natalie Garcia: The Long Take
Alejandro Giron: Coming of Age Zine
Carlos Alanis Savila: About Me
Tyler King: Still Life (Unfinished)
Donald Richard: Day 15, Dinosaur
Itzel Saenz: Day 7, Accident
Henry De Luca: Eddy Lawndale
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