Bear with pencil and paper with word "Over" above

Alessandra Montero: Day 19, Over

person standing in front of images of various doors

Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors

dinosaur in tub

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur

b/w drawing of women dressed as provocative bunnies

Jordan Allen: Day 2, Bunnies

electric guitar

Itzel Saenz: Day 12, Rock

Eyes looking at a person

Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes

4 people falling

Veronica Timble: Day 14, Falling

sandwich with a person standing on it

Jordan Allen: Day 4, Sandwich

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

dragon with hat breathing fire

Veronica Timble: Weekend 3, Fire

blob monster with eyes

Henry De Luca: Day 9, Eyes

three doors labeled not scary at all, scary, and very scary with blood

Eliya Torres: Day 10, Doors

Bob Ross as a body builder

Donald Richard: Day 7, Accident

cat sleeping on a box

Vance Lira: Day 10, Doors


Alessandra Montero: Day 11, Wings

Fire sitting on a log in front of a bunch of marshmallows

Tyson Madison: Weekend 3, Fire

charlie brown's ghost halloween costume

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 12, Rock

bird in hood in front of skull

Henry De Luca: Day 6, Mask

person with long hair and fangs

Veronica Gipson: Day 5, Fangs

b/w drawing of dragon

Carielis Granera: Day 3, Dungeon

mountain landscape

Jordan Allen: Day 18, Pride

person with curly hair walking down a road of hearts

Jordan Allen: Weekend 4, Hollow

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

Line drawing of 2 people wearing winter coats.

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 1, Chill

"Chilly" in b/w block letters

Donald Richard: Day 1, Chill

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon

Person with fire above their fingertip

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire

Monster with horns and flower crown

Eliya Torres: Weekend 4, Hollow

Person holding lighter

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 1, Nature

Distraught person with fire on palms and above head

Henry De Luca: Weekend 4, Hollow

person with long hair and crystals

Alessandra Montero: Day 13, Oracle

b/w drawing of a person with long hair kneeling.

Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies

person with fangs and claws

Donald Richard: Day 5, Fangs

person with ears, long hair wearing a bow

Itzel Saenz: Day 5, Fangs

b/w line drawing of person in armor

Anyah Thompson: Day 2, Bunnies

Dragon walking over person hiding under bench

Tyson Madison: Day 19, Over

Line drawing of a person walking

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 2, Bunnies

bloody wolf head on a locket

Tyson Madison: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person holding dinosaur in front of them

Alexa Lopez: Day 15, Dinosaur

b/w line drawing of a fantasy person with long hair, ears, and surrounded by rabbits.

Alessandra Montero: Day 2, Bunnies

mushroom in a terrarium

Eliya Torres: Weekend 1, Nature

Hamburger, hoagie, and sandwich with a hand reaching for them.

Tyson Madison: Day 4, Sandwich

dinosaur in park while three kids look on

Tyson Madison: Day 15, Dinosaur

Klimt's Scream in an ice pillar. "The Ice Scream"

Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream

Line drawing of a person wearing a long coat

Jordan Allen: Day 1, Chill

person with eyes looking at them

Jordan Allen: Day 7, Accident

startled fox-like person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 16, Trap

sketches of faces

Jordan Allen: Day 9, Eyes

two people wearing a bird mask and a mardi gras mask

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 6, Mask

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

hooded figure with a plant behind it

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

person with mask coming off of their face

Alessandra Montero: Day 6, Mask

Person with red on their hands and face like blood

Eliya Torres: Day 7, Accident

jack 'o lantern

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 4, Hollow

shape falling in spotlight

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 14, Falling

Person wearing hat and and saying Happy Halloween!

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 4, Hollow

monster with mouth in its stomach eating its prey

Veronica Timble: Weekend 4, Hollow

angel with wings

Alexa Lopez: Day 11, Wings

person wearing skull on their head with a staff

Henry De Luca: Weekend 1, Nature

group of women in a grotto

Jordan Allen: Weekend 1, Nature

Pyramid wearing top hat and bow tie with an eye, and eyes around it.

Eliya Torres: Day 9, Eyes

person with "Pride" in their hair

Eliya Torres: Day 18, Pride

dinosaur with flippers flying

Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur

person looking at candle

Anyah Thompson: Day 13, Oracle

b/w drawing of rabbit with evil shadow

Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies

person wearing a fox-like mask

Eliya Torres: Day 6, Mask

Distraught person with fire on palms and above head

Henry De Luca: Weekend 3, Fire

deer in front of doors in forest

Carielis Granera: Day 10, Doors

portrait of person with small rabbit-like ears.

Vance Lira: Day 2, Bunnies

b/w drawing of hand tied to rock.

Henry De Luca: Day 1, Chill

3 people with weapons

Jordan Allen: Day 12, Rock

Broken racecar

Tyson Madison: Day 7, Accident

Person with pink hair with "Missing" posters

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 19, Over


Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire

three people in party clothes eating ice cream cones

Anyah Thompson: Day 8, Ice Scream

triangular shape with sphere at the top

Vance Lira: Day 13, Oracle

hand with bee written on the palm

Alexa Lopez: Day 12, Rock

person with hat, cape, and knives wearing anonymous mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask

Person with a sword

Henry De Luca: Day 18, Pride

Person with glasses crying

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 4, Hollow

rat wearing mask

Alexa Lopez: Day 6, Mask

wolf-like creature

Alexa Lopez: Day 5, Fangs

person jumping through portal holes

Henry De Luca: Day 10, Doors

Black and white line drawing of the torso of a person wearing a hat.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 1, Chill

person with plant sprout on their head looking panicked

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 7, Accident

B/w line drawing of person wearing a crown.

Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill

person with a claw hand with levitating rocks

Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock

Creature with large mouth with fangs

Veronica Timble: Day 5, Fangs

person with short hair, earrings, and a cigarette

Donald Richard: Day 13, Oracle

snake with human face and body of rocks

Donald Richard: Day 12, Rock

bleeding person looking at a dragon

Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap

flames with face

Vance Lira: Weekend 3, Fire

fighter with eyeball for a head

Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes

animal in cage

Tyson Madison: Day 16, Trap

animal behind a spooky tree

Carielis Granera: Weekend 4, Hollow

pumpkin with a tail and legs

Tyson Madison: Weekend 1, Nature

person with scarf

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 13, Oracle

Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters

Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night

person with wings near their head

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 11, Wings

drawing of skeleton warrior

Eliya Torres: Day 3, Dungeon

person with braids and fangs

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 5, Fangs

Person wearing a large hat with a ? in their speech bubble.

Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident

drawing of person in a dress shackled to the wall

Anyah Thompson: Day 3, Dungeon

hand coming out of fire

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 3, Fire

person sleeping wrapped in wings

Eliya Torres: Day 11, Wings

box trap with gold under a tree

Eliya Torres: Day 16, Trap

Nightmare Before Christmas scene

Eliya Torres: Weekend 2, Night

Person looking up at night

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 2, Night

b/w line drawing of rabbits

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 2, Bunnies

photograph of a drawing of 3 people and 2 plastic wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride

sketches of eyes

Donald Richard: Day 9, Eyes

b/w drawing of dragon looking down on people

Alessandra Montero: Day 3, Dungeon

Dinosaurs in suits

Alessandra Montero: Day 15, Dinosaur

Witch in hat with dangling charms

Vance Lira: Day 17, Spooky Locket

woman with knife behind her back

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap

Person seeing an ice cream cone with a small head on top.

Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream

person with fangs and claws

Alessandra Montero: Day 5, Fangs


Veronica Timble: Day 15, Dinosaur


Donald Richard: Day 10, Doors

person with eyes looking at them

Veronica Gipson: Day 9, Eyes

key locket with "spooky locket" written underneath

Donald Richard: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

two people holding hands walking towards heaven with a locket on the ground behind them

Jordan Allen: Day 17, Spooky Locket


Carielis Granera: Weekend 2, Night

person looking up at crown saying "It's okay... it's over."

Jordan Allen: Day 19, Over

person who spilled coffee on the front of their shirt.

Anyah Thompson: Day 7, Accident

Ice cream cone with face and knife

Eliya Torres: Day 8, Ice Scream

person standing in front of images of various doors

Jordan Allen: Day 10, Doors

person reading a laptop with a teddy bear

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 2, Night

angel with wings

Veronica Timble: Day 11, Wings

Comic with two people talking about sandwiches

Veronica Timble: Day 4, Sandwich

stairs going up to doors

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors

Face in a bubble with hands below

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich

b/w line drawing of person with beard wearing a helmet

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 3, Dungeon

ball with wings

Vance Lira: Day 11, Wings

fox in a cage

Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap

Melting ice cube

Henry De Luca: Day 8, Ice Scream

person underwater eating a sandwich

Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich

b/w drawing of person with large rabbit ears walking into a cemetery.

Veronica Timble: Day 2, Bunnies

Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

Eyes looking at a person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 9, Eyes

person with horns and claws holding a squid tentacle

Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person with camo mask

Veronica Gipson: Day 6, Mask

hand with a charm with a bee on a heart in the palm

Alexa Lopez: Day 17, Spooky Locket

View of dungeon through a hole.

Veronica Timble: Day 3, Dungeon

dinosaur skull

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur 2

drawing of person with long pigtails

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 3, Dungeon

heart charm with an angel on it

Henry De Luca: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Humanoid with a piece out of their face

Tyson Madison: Weekend 4, Hollow

skull with sword through it

Henry De Luca: Day 19, Over

rocks with moss stacked on each other

Donald Richard: Weekend 1, Nature

person with wings holding someone with flowers in their hair

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 4, Hollow

turtle like character with mushrooms

Alessandra Montero: Day 12, Rock

two rocks with shadows

Veronica Gipson: Day 12, Rock

Black and white line drawing of person in a sheet in front of a house.

Alexa Lopez: Day 1, Chill

Dungeon door

Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon

train speeding towards hole with a person sitting on top

Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over

B/w line drawing of a skeleton

Eliya Torres: Day 1, Chill

Rocks playing instruments and singing

Eliya Torres: Day 12, Rock

Person wearing a crop top at night

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 2, Night

person in dinosaur costume

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 15, Dinosaur

Person in mask, says Viva Mexico

Alexa Lopez: Day 18, Pride

a weeping rock

Vance Lira: Day 12, Rock

person with long hair and a monocle

Alessandra Montero: Day 14, Falling

person looking in mirror. On their face is written "Isn't Bright"

Veronica Timble: Day 13, Oracle

drawing of knight with bat, rock, and key

Donald Richard: Day 3, Dungeon

messy closet

Veronica Timble: Day 7, Accident

box decorated with a halloween-like face

Vance Lira: Day 16, Trap

grim reaper saying "sorry dude."

Eliya Torres: Day 19, Over

Eye crying

Vance Lira: Weekend 4, Hollow

Melting ice cream cone that looks like a skull

Tyson Madison: Day 8, Ice Scream

people popping out of floating doors

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 10, Doors

b/w line drawing of person wearing rabbit ears thinking of a sword

Itzel Saenz: Day 2, Bunnies

heart with keyhole and skull above it

Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person with a stick fighting a man-eating plant

Henry De Luca: Day 16, Trap


Veronica Gipson: Day 15, Dinosaur

person with a locket with a black colored ghost leaving it

Itzel Saenz: Day 17, Spooky Locket

b/w line drawing of anthropomorphized frosting

Tyson Madison : Day 1, Chill

ice cream cone held by hand with long nails

Alexa Lopez: Day 8, Ice Scream

Person crying while texting

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 19, Over


Itzel Saenz: Weekend 1, Nature

b/w line drawing of person wearing sunglasses, drinking from a can with a straw

Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill

group of women in a grotto

Jordan Allen: Weekend 2, Night

king with a spear

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 18, Pride

person standing in front of images of various doors

Anyah Thompson: Day 10, Doors

Person dressed in rabbit ears

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 2, Bunnies

creature with large eyes and fangs

Henry De Luca: Day 5, Fangs

snake with wings zooming down

Vance Lira: Day 14, Falling

chair and table with spiderwebs

Alexa Lopez: Day 4, Sandwich

person with fangs and cut on cheek on red circle

Eliya Torres: Day 5, Fangs

Person with a sprout growing out of their hand and head

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 1, Nature

person with a 3/4 face mask

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 6, Mask

Person with fire in their hands

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 3, Fire

person with horns and sword in fire

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 3, Fire

Alien with its mouth on top of its head

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 4, Hollow

shark and whale with wings

Tyson Madison: Day 11, Wings

person in dinosaur cloak

Jordan Allen: Day 15, Dinosaur

person eating with a spoon

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 8, Ice Scream

fox-like person falling

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 14, Falling

cat in a bubble helmet

Alessandra Montero: Day 16, Trap


Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 15, Dinosaur

person with sandwich head

Carielis Granera: Day 4, Sandwich

drawing of rabbits holding guns

Carielis Granera: Day 2, Bunnies

3 birds

Anyah Thompson: Day 11, Wings

broken coffee cup

Veronica Gipson: Day 7, Accident

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

person with wings raising their hand in the dark

Alexa Lopez: Day 14, Falling


Donald Richard: Day 16, Trap

Frog at campfire roasting marshmallow

Henry De Luca: Weekend 2, Night


Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs

person looking nervous wearing headdress

Veronica Timble: Day 9, Eyes

Happy campfire

Eliya Torres: Weekend 3, Fire

person in dinosaur costume

Itzel Saenz: Day 15, Dinosaur


Donald Richard: Day 6, Mask


Veronica Gipson: Day 4, Sandwich

camel following robot

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 16, Trap

waitress falling with trays

Anyah Thompson: Day 14, Falling

desert landscape

Anyah Thompson: Day 12, Rock

sandwiches with chips, drinks, and condiments

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 4, Sandwich

image of house on a door

Veronica Gipson: Day 10, Doors

person dressing in samurai armor

Anyah Thompson: Day 18, Pride

Line drawing of box with planks and shovel

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 3, Dungeon

sketches of different eyes

Itzel Saenz: Day 9, Eyes

wolf with sheep on its back

Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask

person balancing on one hand while another reclines on the ground

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 12, Rock

Orb on a street between buildings

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 2, Night

radiating lines over shapes

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 2, Night

person wearing a door dash teeshirt

Alessandra Montero: Day 10, Doors

Body with fire around it and on it.

Jordan Allen: Weekend 3, Fire

snake around a spear

Veronica Timble: Day 18, Pride

oracle with firery orb and hood

Itzel Saenz: Day 13, Oracle

Ice cream sundae

Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream

Person with long black hair wearing a key necklace saying "looking for this?"

Alexa Lopez: Day 3, Dungeon

2 people with fangs and a person in a bunny mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 5, Fangs

person wearing dress falling into large hands

Jordan Allen: Day 14, Falling

rabbit jumping on eagle

Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over

creature with fangs in front of broken fence and tree.

Tyson Madison: Day 5, Fangs

person with long hair, wearing a blindfold, with blood coming out from underneath

Eliya Torres: Day 13, Oracle

person in coat with "quieres?"

Alessandra Montero: Day 4, Sandwich

the sword in the stone

Henry De Luca: Day 12, Rock

person with spider on their hand

Henry De Luca: Day 7, Accident

B/W line drawing of a person's face and their long hair.

Alessandra Montero: Day 1, Chill

drawing of bird with eyes around it

Alexa Lopez: Day 13, Oracle

Eyes looking at a person

Alessandra Montero: Day 9, Eyes

Sandwich eating a sandwich

Eliya Torres: Day 4, Sandwich

eye and nose

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 4, Hollow

b/w drawing of one rabbit kicking another

Tyson Madison : Day 2, Bunnies

person and dog with tall sandwich

Donald Richard: Day 4, Sandwich

firery halo with wings falling

Henry De Luca: Day 14, Falling

fox-like person making "rock on" hands

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 12, Rock

sad person with wings

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 11, Wings

b/w drawing of people watching Netflix.

Veronica Gipson: Day 1, Chill

person in a mask

Itzel Saenz: Day 6, Mask

person in a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature

dinosaur with feathers and long tail

Carielis Granera: Day 15, Dinosaur

person in skirt and tube top

Jordan Allen: Day 13, Oracle

two people talking about a necklace

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 17, Spooky Locket

infinite doors

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 10, Doors

sketches of eyes

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 9, Eyes

2 people with wings in love

Itzel Saenz: Day 11, Wings

humanoid with pointy teeth and an eye in its mouth

Henry De Luca: Day 13, Oracle

three ice cream bars with different facial expressions

Carielis Granera: Day 8, Ice Scream

bird on cloud in front of earth

Vance Lira: Weekend 2, Night

spooky tree

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 1, Nature

sad angel with wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 11, Wings

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling


Anyah Thompson: Weekend 3, Fire

person with staff sitting on celestial backgroun

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night

monster face and hands

Donald Richard: Weekend 4, Hollow

person wearing dragon mask

Carielis Granera: Day 18, Pride

person holding skull ice cream cone with bats around their legs

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 8, Ice Scream

person punching

Veronica Timble: Weekend 2, Night

two people eating sandwiches

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 4, Sandwich

dinosaur with mace for tail

Vance Lira: Day 15, Dinosaur


Itzel Saenz: Day 16, Trap

Eye with fire pupil

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 3, Fire

Girl with horns saying "I'm Over it."

Itzel Saenz: Day 19, Over

person staring at phone while flying

Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap

animals eating sandwiches

Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich

warrior person with long hair

Jordan Allen: Day 5, Fangs

two people embracing

Eliya Torres: Day 14, Falling

thing with axe that has chopped another thing in half.

Tyson Madison : Day 3, Dungeon

b/w drawing of a cat-like person wearing heart shorts with a bat.

Donald Richard: Day 2, Bunnies

person in messy kitchen

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident

Creature holding up another in a stick up

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 9, Eyes

stairs leading down to a dungeon

Jordan Allen: Day 3, Dungeon

angry monster making fists

Tyson Madison: Day 12, Rock

b/w line drawing with scared people and a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill

person reclining

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 18, Pride

two strong people with wings

Donald Richard: Day 11, Wings


Veronica Gipson: Day 11, Wings


Donald Richard: Day 15, Dinosaur


Itzel Saenz: Day 4, Sandwich

older person wearing pillbox hat and sunglasses

Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle

Person with sword in dungeon

Henry De Luca: Day 3, Dungeon

crying face

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 4, Hollow

many sandwiches with a hand above

Vance Lira: Day 4, Sandwich

smiling crescent moon

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 2, Night

b/w line drawing of two rabbits, one from the side, one from the front

Veronica Gipson: Day 2, Bunnies

ice cream sundae

Vance Lira: Day 8, Ice Scream

two people, says "Yeah, we gay Keep scrolling"

Alessandra Montero: Day 18, Pride

person with ghosts around their head

Alessandra Montero: Day 8, Ice Scream

person with ice cream cone on sidewalk in front of her

Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream

open locket with bones inside

Eliya Torres: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Ice cream cone with angry face

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 8, Ice Scream

6 BIPOC faces with "period." at the bottom

Donald Richard: Day 18, Pride

Ice cream cone that doesn't want to be eaten being handed to a person

Itzel Saenz: Day 8, Ice Scream

two people with plants sprouting from them

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 13, Oracle

person with guitar holding a singing bird

Henry De Luca: Day 11, Wings

astronaut falling into a crater

Tyson Madison: Day 14, Falling

3 ghosts and an open locket

Anyah Thompson: Day 17, Spooky Locket

snake with knives in its back

Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes

Dragon over a cave with a witch.

Vance Lira: Day 3, Dungeon

evil rabbit with fangs

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 5, Fangs

clown with knife

Vance Lira: Day 6, Mask

bear on a unicycle

Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap

b/w line drawing of person sitting in lawn chair drinking from a can.

Carielis Granera: Day 1, Chill

Person wearing helmet with twig horns

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 1, Nature

eyes looking through a crack in the door

Alexa Lopez: Day 10, Doors


Alessandra Montero: Weekend 1, Nature

horse with rider fallen on its back

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 7, Accident

two people labeled black and white

Veronica Timble: Day 6, Mask


Anyah Thompson: Day 9, Eyes

Rainbow with "Over the" above

Anyah Thompson: Day 19, Over

wet floor sign

Itzel Saenz: Day 7, Accident

b/w line drawing of person meditating.

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 1, Chill


Donald Richard: Weekend 3, Fire

3 knights and person wearing classes and hat

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 6, Mask

child with dinosaur on shirt

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur

3 faces next to a rock

Veronica Timble: Day 12, Rock

nurse with wings

Jordan Allen: Day 11, Wings

Blue line drawing of person with crystals behind their head.

Vance Lira: Day 1, Chill

two doors going into a door store

Tyson Madison: Day 10, Doors

mountain landscape

Vance Lira: Weekend 1, Nature

es_MXEspañol de México