Teacher Name: Todd Baran
Additional Teacher: Melissa McBride
Grade: 12

Materials: A Camera, man and a painting

Artist Statement: This is my first year taking Photography and I chose to take it because I really enjoyed taking photos at a very young age up until now, once I found out my school offered it I took advantage and gave it a shot. I chose to shoot these shots to express my creativity using different angles, apertures and modes. Most of my shots were taken outdoors which I try to capture the beauty of nature. Going out to take photos takes me an hour or two to do because I walk around to shoot these shots and also allows me to go on a walk and get some fresh air at the same time. One of my family portrait shots expresses my dad’s artistic side. He has a bachelors in art and i thought this would be a perfect way to express my father. The purpose of the shot was to capture something important your family member enjoys. I also chose to shoot it at a lower angle which made it even a cooler and much more creative shot.

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