Teacher Name: Elizabeth Osborne
Additional Teacher: Matthew Milkowski
Grade: 12

Materials: Photography
Dimensions: 13 x19 inches
Description: This work is a direct perspective of my experiences living in the city, observing, and catching the fine details in a chaotic world.

Artist Statement: I love working with photography as a medium as you allow yourself to take in your surroundings as you train your ability to notice. Living in Chicago greatly contributes to my work as it allows me to see the constant change in a metropolitan setting. I primarily do street photography because I believe it creates an instant narrative, especially in black and white. As you reduce an image, it takes away the complexities of an image and focuses on the subject of the photograph. The way light and shadow paint the picture captivates me as a tool to tell my stories. Following the light is the biggest part of my process as it allows me to see spaces in a newer form. I find myself finding interesting shapes that the light creates and waiting for the perfect moment to click the shutter.

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