Teacher Name: Patricia Guizzetti
Additional Teacher: Devan Picard
Grade: 12

Materials: Gouache on cardboard
Dimensions: 7.5 x 8 inches
Description: Change happens inevitably- you can’t stop it. You change, sometimes for the better, usually for the worst. You are evolving into something much more deadly.

Artist Statement: Veronica Timble is a Chicago-based illustrator, screenprinter, and a proud advocate for zine-making and art accessibility. Through the illustrative medium, she materializes feelings of self-loathing, dread, and uncertainty for the future. In the current internet age, where both one’s time and attention are monetized and fought over: personal information is – in itself – a commodity. She hopes to communicate the sense of futility felt by the new generation, who exist in a world made not for them, but the power structures beneath.

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