Teacher Name: Amy Diamond
Grade: 12

Materials: Camera and plants
Dimensions: 56 x 42 inches
Artist Statement: Ever since I was little I loved listening to the stories of those around me and I became so excited when I realized there were so many ways to tell a story. Whether that was through art, music, writing, or my personal favorite – photography. Taking photos gave me the ability to capture a single moment in time and be the one to tell a story based off of pictures. Much of the audience may be left to come up with their own stories based off an image, however, often the context behind a photo is what gives it a more special meaning.

Currently, the only camera I have access to is on my phone, but I make the most of it because it is easy to carry around and pull out whenever I need it. Although I often enjoy telling stories of those around me with my work, during the pandemic I found myself having to tell my own story. My portfolio showcases a series of images taken at the spur of a moment or simply when I felt my creativity take over. Going into early October, my parents decided to bring plants into our kitchen with a small light bulb placed in the middle meant to help them grow. The light definitely brightened up the room, but it didn’t reach far enough to cast its light over all the plants. Through my photo “Hidden Growth” I wanted to demonstrate my amazement by how these plants continued to flourish despite being in the dark. I realized how powerful the brightness of a single light can be even when its placed in the darkest places. 

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