Teacher Name: Elizabeth Drake
Grade: 12

Materials: Pencil
Artist Statement: As part of an assignment, our job was to bring in a piece of memorabilia to draw. I chose a duck plushy that I got as a gift from my best friend in second grade; we were a little trio so we each had our own matching one in different colors, all with the same name ‘momo’. The reason behind why I chose the duck specifically was because it became an item that I would take with me everywhere I went. When I look back to my artistic process I like visualizing before I commit to anything, I remember thinking about the duck sitting up and leaning against the wall behind my practically empty desk. Only using tools like a pencil, blending stick, and eraser I began drawing. As I finished my piece I thought about what it means to me, and I felt fulfilled and nostalgic of my childhood. It offered me peace remembering how life wasn’t full of stress and worry during that period in my life.


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