Teacher Name: Liana Faletto
Grade: 12

Materials: Drypoint etching on paper, sand, glue
Dimensions: 10″ x 14”
Description: Humanity doesn’t hesitate to crush what it once cradled.

Artist Statement: Printmaking is truly a representative medium, gouging out a blank space to highlight the darkness. Carving away the linoleum piece by piece, chipping away as the homes in forests, mountains, and chasms are eroded away by floods of human influence. Shaping it into pictures of neglected animals and brutal scapes; showing flying feathers indicative of years of ignorant captivity. Images printed over and over again, the art of the multiple, carrying a message to as many as possible. Finding, sketching, and etching the crushing grip on the helpless—the birds flying through their airborne homes, snatched into the clutches of human greed.

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