Teacher Name: Mr. Baran
Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

These photos were made with the intention to represent the bittersweet and sad feelings when becoming an adult. Losing the familiarity and home feeling that we may have felt all of high school, and getting to senior year and truly growing up. I used materials such as birthday cake and lit candles to relay the 18th birthday message. I was interested in using face makeup to highlight certain emotions that applied to this feeling. Such as using glitter as face makeup to represent falling tears in a situation where I should be happy, yet still sad (hence the glitter). I edited this photo in monochrome to add to the tone and feeling of the photos. I believe the black and white brought out the glitter and detail of the lit candles, emphasizing the feelings I wanted the audience to gain. This work to me represents what I believe a lot of kids my age may be feeling. The idea that we have always wanted to grow up and now that it is here, it is a mix of sadness and excitement. Becoming an “adult” has come so soon and now we must accept it.

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