Teacher Name: Linda Wojtowicz
Grade: 12

Materials: 3D-cardboard
Dimensions: 8” × 12”

Artist Statement: My artwork is more towards the feminine side. It looks like a woman because of the shape and the size of the lips. The hair does also make it look more like a woman because the hair is long. The materials I used to create my artwork were: cardboard, a hot glue gun, beads, and scissors. What inspired me to create this was our class lesson about some of Picasso’s work and his phases. The emotion my art is expressing is indifferent; she’s just there neither happy nor sad. I did not have a specific goal while creating this I just did it intuitively. After creating this it did turn out mostly how I imagined it, I learned that I enjoyed working with stuff at home that we all see as “useless.” Another thing I learned from this project was to put some of my emotions into it so I can create something that I can relate to and not try so hard to think about what it is I want to create.

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