Teacher Name: Venise Keys
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: I am a Mexican American artist, whose artwork is mainly based on my religion. The reason why I make a lot of artwork based on my religion is because in my culture of religion is a huge part of it, also because when seeing artwork of religious meaning attachment to it, I love how it looks, and it truly inspires me to want to make my own. Another reason why most of my artwork is based on my religion is because for me religion has helped me during tough times and has helped me in situations where I did not want to be here. I struggled with mental health, art has helped me escape from certain feelings art has truly been a form of therapy for me, helped me express my feelings in a healthy way. I am a growing artist who loves to paint and draw, and in the process of making art I get to create something meaningful for me.


es_MXEspañol de México