Teacher Name: Ms.Baruc
Grade: 12

Materials: Painting
Artist Statement: My work explores the obstacles of traditional art making with colorblindness. This unique obstacle presents a lot of challenges for people like me that other people don’t have to deal with. No matter how much work I put into learning about color I will never be able to see it correctly. The reason that I choose to make art about childhood is because as a child I was told I couldn’t be an artist because I was colorblind. Making my art about childhood serves as an attempt to regain the time I missed without art. My work is a vessel to revisit my past to get to the root of my childhood experience.
My work uses many different types of 2-D media, anything from graphite to acrylic paint. Most of my pieces rely on vibrant colors because I can’t see the subtleties. I have learned through the years of making art that I can replace the subtle colors with vibrant colors to make art that everyone can appreciate.
The goal behind my work is to spark feelings of nostalgia and to provide an outlet for others like me.My work pushes the boundaries of what is thought to be able to be made by someone who is colorblind. Not being able to see the total color range may limit my ability to make certain forms of art but with that challenge It pushed me to think creatively.


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