Teacher Name: Amy Hanks
Grade: 12

Statement: I made my heart inspired by the universe because I like the idea to know that we are surrounded by planets and that there is a huge and beautiful universe outside. To make this heart, first I molded the clay into a kind of heart shape and I added a few pieces of clay to form the arteries, then I cut the heart into two pieces and removed all the clay that was inside after that I joined the two pieces of the heart with glue again. Then with more clay I molded two little stars and a small planet and placed them with wire, after it came out of the oven I painted the stars, the planet and the heart, finally I painted the base to look like a universe and glued to the heart. I used these materials because they are the ones that my teacher provided me in the classroom. This heart expresses the admiration I have for the universe. For example the stars express the different choices we have in our life and Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side and therefore represent something unique and special.
I made my marionette inspired by my heart because it’s an astronaut and astronauts spend a lot of time in the universe and because astronauts are cute and pretty. The backpack represents that we always have to be prepared for everything.


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