Teacher Name: Sabrina Resnick
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 16” x 20”
Artist Statement: I’m a self-taught artist who strives to display the ineffable ideas and emotions of individuals through the fine arts. My passion for creating is influenced heavily by an advocacy for self-expression and a broader sense of diversity and inclusivity in art. My process involves initial sketches, reference searches, and experimentation with different aesthetics. Growing up watching Qubo cartoons and anime shows, I began falling in love with artistry and designing characters. I’d spend hours practicing anatomy, perspective, and color theory, creating scenarios to match each character and craft. Eventually, I began focusing more on manga and portraits, broadening my materials. I use various media such as pencils, watercolor, acrylic paint, charcoal, oil, and soft pastels. Having rough sketches before starting an artwork is fundamental in my art process, allowing space for gathering accurate proportions, adding value, and having an outline. In my most recent works, I’ve chosen a more personal route, painting and sketching internal thoughts and challenges rather than solely observing others. I use acrylic paint to combine contrasting colors and layer color theory techniques to form portraits. I take much of my skin painting techniques and inspiration from oil painting pieces, actively aiming to replicate the effect using acrylic with refined strokes. While my preferred media are pencil sketching and acrylic paint, I also expand beyond those mediums using video editing and the YouTube platform to create animated content. I prefer fabricating different media into my digital and traditional creations to have a variety of potentialities when creating. Intrinsically, my goal is to exhibit in art galleries and enhance my skills in the fine arts department, aiming to become a professional artist and designer, expand connections, and engage in exhibitions. To create art capable of unearthing suppressed emotions and uniqueness is to fashion impact across forums and grow dimensionally as an artist.

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