Artist Statement:

My submissions are both photos. The first photo is of a Ukrainian flag, which is important to me because I am Ukrainian. Many people have Ukrainian flags hung up in order to represent their support of Ukraine right now, during their war with Russia. Seeing Ukrainian flags around my neighborhood makes me feel like I am supported in my individuality of my background. This photo was taken to capture motion, as shown by the blur in the flag. I chose this shot because I liked how you could still see the whole flag, even while it was blowing in the wind.

My second photo is of a sculpture on the Case Western campus. This photo was taken to show perspective, which is why it is taken angled up. One of my favorite things is the sky, so I like how this photo captures the clouds and the sunlight.

I feel like these 2 pictures represent my personality and individuality. Both photos show an aspect of my life that is important to me, along with showing different styles of photography that I think are interesting.

es_MXEspañol de México