Teacher Name: Deidra Grimm
Grade: 10

Materials: Watercolor, Watercolor Pencils, Gel pens
Dimensions: 12” x 8”

Artist Statement: My goal was to create a piece that used constellations to explore space and time. My question was, “How can I use constellations to explore space and time in my painting using watercolor?,” so I wanted to find the oldest known constellation, and I chose to paint the Milky Way. I also chose three constellations, Taurus the Bull, Capricornus, and Sagittarius, Capricornus because it represents most of January, while Sagittarius represents most of December. Then I chose Taurus the Bull because it is the oldest named constellation. So my piece depicts the Milky Way with the constellations overlaying the top going across the middle, Capricornus is first to represent the start of the year, Taurus the Bull is right at the center because it is the oldest constellation, and Sagittarius represents the end of the year.

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