Teacher Name: Adrienne Lessard
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: I made these art pieces to express myself by drawing something I love and creating collages with materials around me. Essentially, I would scroll through Pinterest to find inspiration and found that creating art does not need to look a certain way, nor does it need expensive materials to be created. So, I gathered my newspapers, stickers, and pens to create these pieces. When it comes to creating my artwork, I begin with an idea already in store from Pinterest or designs I like. For example, I love stars and swirls, so I decided to combine the two. In the end, I kept the piece simple, but I was able to express myself through it. After using the materials I had at home and seeing the simplicity of other people’s artwork, I realized I did not need much to express myself. The newspapers I have collected through the years are the main materials I use for my collage pieces and bring a sense of creativity as I figure out how I can cut them up or utilize them in my pieces. Referring back to my collage with the woman on it, I used newspaper cutouts for all of the snippets laid across the piece- even the woman herself! I cut them into circles or triangles to add a twist to the final artwork. Ultimately, these pieces have been created through inspiration from my everyday life and designs I love to express myself. I hope to continue to create meaningful artwork to express who I am.

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