Teacher Name: Denise Barba
Grade: 12

Materials: Pastel Chalk
Dimensions: 35cm x 28cm
Description: Inspired by Anna P. Murphy’s works, I commemorate my deceased dad, whom I haven’t fully grieved, and engrave his face into art as his presence becomes scarce. The lion symbolizes his zodiac sign, Leo, and its stature, his fatherly role. Meanwhile, the cub is reminiscent of nostalgia, reverting to a childlike state. The color palette serves as a reminder that the color blue can hold a gentleness that has the power to heal loss and depression.

Artist Statement: Each artwork opens a window into different moments of my life’s narrative, capturing inner wounds alongside childhood nostalgia. Sharing this personal journey allows me to delve deeper into understanding myself beyond my flaws while reminiscing about my childhood’s joys. I’ve chosen eight pieces for this exhibition, with six delving into the suppressed internal struggles I am healing from and two celebrating the joys of my childhood, as these memories have shaped my identity. These artworks explore different art forms, including oil pastel chalk, digital art, and Photoshop. I chose these mediums; traditional pastel chalk allows for practical use, while digital and Photoshop utilize my proficient skills and offer versatility in expression. They are all presented in different art styles to reflect my identity crisis, echoing the struggle with change and growing older. This difficulty in distinguishing my true identity amidst negative influences leaves me feeling uncertain about who I am at my core. Without a clear understanding in these changing times, I’m left questioning my place in the world and struggling to find a sense of purpose.

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