Teacher Name: Todd baran
Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

The photos submitted in my portfolio are a representation of shared passions I have with my parents. The photo of my father reading a book in his bed is a representation of our shared passion for reading. Every time he reads a book, depending on if he enjoyed it or not, he would pass it on to me to read. The photo of my mother’s passion for birdhouses; she has 7 different birdhouses hung up on each tree surrounding our house. I gift have gifted her bird houses for her birthday each year for the last three years to help support her passion.
The photos I chose have the most meaning to me out of all of the ones I have taken and had the best outcome when I compared the results of different photo shoots when trying to decide which images I should submit. I believe that these photos reflect my skills as a photographer, editor, and artist very accurately.
I was inspired to make these photos by past experiences the the subjects. My Mom and Dad are to thank for planting the creativity into my mind while I was growing up which allowed me to have a more unique view on the world which lead to the creation of my photos.

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