Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: 12

Description: I wanted to capture how i have struggled with my mental health in the past as I’ve been through depression as well as self-deprecation. I wanted to show how in my own mind this is how I felt, a dark shadow just being on earth every day instead of living. I wanted to show that I was drowning in my own thoughts and I have shown that through the use of dark colors. You see the mix of colors being my inner self trying to overcome the darkness that surrounds me.

Artist Statement: I made my pieces to capture self-expression. Most of my pieces capture how I have felt in different situations and incorporate colors to show emotion. My process of making my pieces is I make sketches and try out different perspectives first and choose which one I prefer then I start to make the final sketch, and finalize with line work then coloring. The materials I use are digital as well as penwork. I originally was interested in using a pen then in the past time I have used digital work so I evolved into using digital, the program Procreate, as my main material for work. As my work is a combination of this years work as well as this year.

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