Teacher Name: Denise Barba
Grade: 12

Materials: Ink
Dimensions: 22cm x 25cm
Description: mwen/yo is my personal exploration of my Haitian and Mexican heritage using ink. With meticulous attention to depth and perspective, I’ve crafted an artwork that delves into the complex interplay of my cultural identities by highlighting the layout of both of my households. Not only does mwen/yo highlight my cultural identities, but discusses my struggle to find balance between living in two different households in a single-parent space leaving me with this void of not feeling completely whole.

Artist Statement: A theme that can be identified in my work is “Life,” “Hardships,” or even “Experiences.” Some things that have influenced my work are things that I have experienced throughout my life. Something that I am hoping to achieve by presenting this body of work is to share bits & pieces of information about myself that I want the viewer to know. I do so by implementing little designs & features that may tie into my personal life. The impact this body of work will have on my audience is that they will be able to see things from my perspective & all the things I’ve done or have had a personal connection to throughout my life.

es_MXEspañol de México