Teacher Name: Liana Faletto
Grade: 12

Materials: Linocut on paper
Dimensions: 15” x 11”
Description: Finding themselves in overcrowded, dirty, and dark cages, many domesticated birds suffer at the hands of ignorance.

Artist Statement: Homes are everywhere, not just for humanity, but for those who bring life to the natural world. Chicago is my home, but it was once home to a diverse ecosystem of natural flora and fauna. If art is a vessel for communicating, showing, and thinking, then eventually I shall use it to tell of a future where humans and nature are able to create a home as one. I hope to pull prints from a world where we may peacefully coexist, blending our windy city with its natural life. I wish to draw landscapes undisturbed by smog; I wish to carve cities with greenery in every nook and cranny; and I wish to etch rivers as fresh and clear as they deserve to be. I hope to see a humanity that reaches out and caresses plants, trees, and animals; a humanity that looks and ensures that its heavy shoes do not crush even the smallest of beetles in its path. It may be a long hike, but through art, we may reach the mountain peak and view our home as it should be—together with nature.

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