Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: I made it as the assignment is about home but with a twist where we find deep within ourselves of what we see home as. I made it like in the 1920s bedroom to bring the nostalgic feeling especially during that time where there were no phones and every kid used to play outside. The 1920s inspired me how being a kid was fun with no technology, just running around freely, playing games with your and go to the corner store is what I brought that feeling with the room feeling monotone from the pictures of the 1920s being monotone like colors. Throughout my artistic process I visualize what a room used to look like back in the 1920s from movies and TV shows I grew up watching and piece them together to create the room. I used a copic marker and I didn’t get used to using it until later projects and I used a micro pen to outline the bedroom with the white gel pen to highlight the items. I enjoy using the micro pens with the copic markers because it helps to give an outline towards the character. These experiences contributed to the making of my work on how time can actually make you feel at home, so everybody can feel home even if it was a long time ago, our childhood will always be our home. The work means to me as a way to show no matter what time period you lived in through your childhood is what makes you feel like home.

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