Teacher Name: Alexandra Coffee
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic Paint on Wood Panel
Dimensions: 12″ x 12″

Artist Statement: When making art I’ve always felt some sort of completion. Throughout my life, art has always been something that I can rely on to make myself feel whole. It’s always felt relaxing when I have a stressful day and makes me excited when I complete a work I like. To me my work has always meant accomplishment, the feeling of winning. It has always feel like I’ve won something when I finish a piece, like I’ve won a race or competition. It’s a very big feeling that makes me want to keep making art and to “win” more.
When I make art I am usually using regular supplies people can find anywhere. Most of the time I’m using crayons to color my work or even cheap pens for a pop of color. For the piece I’m submitting, I used paints from a set I’ve owned for about 2-3 years. I’ve never believed you needed expensive supplies to do well in art, it all depends on your skills.

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