Grade: 12

Material: black micron pens and mixed media paper

Description: This piece was the result of a spontaneous drawing session when I was feeling bored and creative. I wanted to practice semi-realistic/stylized portrait drawing, and added some fun lettering that I cut out from white paper.

Artist Statement:

As an artist, I pride myself on my ability to experiment with countless styles while maintaining a feel that is true to me. Two of the works included in my portfolio (BORED and Tarot Cards of Fear) are black and white pieces, which demonstrate my signature style that I’ve always been comfortable with. However, the other three works in my portfolio (Call Me, Beep Me; Stars; and RED!) expand on that signature feel and are part of a collection of pieces dedicated to the exploration of character design and alternative fashion. Fashion, especially, was something I have a growing interest in, but something I had not yet brought out in my art until this series. My eye for detail was useful in these pieces and really helped bring out the uniqueness of each character and fashion style. This is especially evident in Call Me, Beep Me, which explores Decora fashion, a style known for its cluttered, playful, chaotic look. In all three fashion pieces, I rose to the challenge of rendering and using color, which has never been a strength of mine. But, I am incredibly glad I did, because these pieces pushed me out further into the worlds of color and fashion, and opened my mind to everything I can do with my art starting now, and in the future.

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