Teacher Name: Sarah Wain
Grade: 12

Materials: Gouache

Artist Statement: I believe we capture existence through photographs and words, but essence is experienced through the textures and visuals created by hand. I grew up infatuated with drawing to recreate my surroundings and interests with a dedication to capturing detail. My copious replications of the squirrel from the movie Ice Age, eventually evolved into applied realism, capturing sculpture and my personal surroundings with the same perfectionism for line work and texture. Collectively, my art throughout high school has depicted the essence of my teenage experience, through realistic textures and depictions of forms, to more surreal playfulness with illustrations and color.
Throughout the past four years I have not limited myself to any particular style or medium, my portfolio exemplifies my experimentation with materials to achieve the textures and values that represent the essence of my experiences and interests. I like the idea that the art I’ve produced has such drastic contrasts among my pieces as it represents the greater journey of figuring myself out in adolescence. It is so normal to go through the phases, and it’s so important to actually embrace the changes happening in this extremely short time instead of acting like you have it all figured out. If a viewer stops and is remotely reminded of their teenage experience by a piece that I have created, whether it’s their ex boyfriend, best friend, or music taste, then my work has served its purpose.

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